Photoshop Image of Bin Laden, Allegedly Killed In Abbottabad

[Thanks to Ryan Dawson at Anti-Neocons, for pointing-out this obvious photoshop fake.]

Fake Fucking photograph of dead Osama

Image FAKED!

The media is faking this death photo image and the other is just the same picture only mirrored and it’s been on the web for 5 months!

And they are now saying he was buried at sea… So he would have no final resting place. AKA no body to ever be found.

How stupid do they think the public is? They used fake Bin Laden tapes for years. They even tried footage with no sound. And then followed that by fake Audio with no picture. Bin Laden died December of 2001. The attempts at faking his video tapes were so bad any one with a computer and two braincell to rub together could figure them out. It doesn’t take the CIA to see a right handed black guy playing Bin Laden, or the Jewish guys in their momma’s basement. They don’t care though. Most of Team-America-fuck-yeah is not going to think critically about this. They just accept whatever is psychologically gratifying.
Image FAKED from another dead man!
This announcement is so timely comes on the heels on the US’s precision missiles murdering Gaddafi’s 29 year old son and three of his grand children. Why isn’t that terrorism? Because it’s not terrorism when WE do it. It’s humanitarianism.

It’s disgusting. They are using this death show as a PR stunt. They are lying on this magnitude to people for political pole points. They don’t care. Every thing about 9/11 is a lie. They have lied about far more than Osama Bin Laden. It all a lie. This is what really happened.

One thought on “Photoshop Image of Bin Laden, Allegedly Killed In Abbottabad

  1. Yeah…after WMD porn, alone, I am inclined to believe that our government is lying to us. Thanks for being one, of a growing number, of folk who simply won’t buy the bullsh*t, anymore.

    “Transparency”, my black ass!

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