Colombia’s Demobilization Complicated By Drug-Runners and Gangs


Exparas como ‘HH’ , ‘el Alemán’ y ‘el Tuso’ Sierra aseguraron en diferentes audiencias que en desmovilizaciones como las del Bloque Pacífico, el Cacique Nutibara y el Héroes de Tolová se inflaron las cifras y se reclutó gente únicamente para desmovilizar.
Exparas as ‘HH’, ‘the German’ and ‘Tuso’ Sierra secured at different audiences in demobilization and the Pacific Bloc, the Cacique Nutibara and Tolová Heroes figures were inflated and were recruited only to demobilize people.

CONFLICT The statements of several former heads paramilitaries and drug traffickers have revived the debate over how ‘inflated’ was the collective demobilization of the paramilitaries, but should not jeopardize the process of reintegration of 32,000 ex-combatants.

Saturday March 12, 2011

In a snowball has become exparamilitares versions and cast on suspected drug dealers and lying on the demobilization of the paramilitaries. Officials have put the government of Alvaro Uribe, as the former Minister of the Interior Sabas Pretelt and excomisionado Luis Carlos Restrepo, to explain to the authorities.

The excomisionado had no respite since the prosecutor was quoted on Friday, March 11, to explain the alleged inconsistencies in the demobilization of the hitherto unknown company Cacica The Gaitana FARC in 2006. Several paramilitary leaders have prisoners have complained how “inflated” the number of members of AUC units at the time of demobilization agreed with the government of Alvaro Uribe. This was the subject of much debate at the time, but now revived by the mouth of the players.

Freddy Rendón, alias ‘the German’ he said at a hearing in Bogota that the demobilization of the Bloque Cacique Nutibara, Diego Murillo, alias Don Berna, in December 2003, “was staged to give political benefits managers the Office of Envigado and lower rates of violence in Medellin. ” Another paramilitary prisoner Éver Veloza, alias ‘HH’, said how they could ‘inflated’ blocks as the Pacific, he said, a group of about twenty members, and the Cacique Nutibara, ‘Don Berna’. Juan Carlos ‘the Tuso’ Sierra also said: “In the demobilization of the Bloque Héroes de Tolová was presented as paramilitaries to mototaxistas of Valencia, Córdoba, and even domestic servants.”

To this was added to The Spectator published an WikiLeaks cable with a report from the U.S. Embassy in Colombia from June 28, 2006, whereby the director of the Mission of the OAS, Sergio Caramagna, said “the minister Pretelt Restrepo blamed for having put a 12,000 paramilitary require more than the government estimated, and Restrepo Pretelt blamed for promising to stop things the government could not meet. ”

All this has revived a few years ago doubts about how ‘inflated’ was the demobilization of the AUC.This sheltered some 36,000 men from a force estimated at 20,000, many of which middle managers were passed to the ‘gangs’, which grew from 2007.

However, should not forget that many of those demobilized combatants were now undergoing the process of reintegration into civilian life is critical to preserve, beyond the trouble collective demobilization. Exparamilitares addition, there are 16,000 former combatants, most of the FARC and the ELN, who demobilized individually. In this type of process, known as DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration), are common problems in the initial stages, but the decisive is the latest. Of reintegration depends on young people whose only profession that have been the weapons back to their old ways.

In this he is emphatic in charge of that program, Alejandro Eder, senior adviser for Reintegration, who feared that the alleged irregularities endanger a program that, according to him, is working to 4,800 demobilized, 10,000 and 300 receiving technology training in college. While accepting that there may be ‘cast’, Eder says: “All persons who are now in reintegration were duly certified and during demobilization had to go through a rigorous process that looked at very closely, involving state agencies with the mission Support the Peace Process of the OAS. ”

Reintegration is a difficult process. It is estimated that it takes five years to finish it. This year, the department shall certify to the first 1,000 demobilized ‘graduate’ to civilian life. Each costs the state 7.5 million pesos. Despite a long experience in demobilization, Colombia has faced quite a few messes. The program was initially implemented by the Ministry of Interior, but problems of all kinds was decided to establish the High Council for Reintegration, Frank Pearl, who led between 2007 and 2010.

Of the 52,000 demobilized certificates that the program has received to date, nearly 23,000 are missing. In 2007, nearly 11,000 who came from the Interior Ministry’s program never entered the new program. And from that year, another 12,000 have left the High Council. Slightly more than 1,700 were killed and 6,400 were captured for various crimes, while others stopped attending the activities.Today the Ministry is responsible for 32,000 demobilized more than 1,500 or 2,000 who annually abandon the ranks of the guerrillas, the military said.

Eder asked not relate to all demobilized with ‘gangs’, as only 11 percent of those arrested for belonging to them are veterans (but more than half of the 63 heads of captured BACRIM comes from the paramilitaries) . In some regions of demobilized talks take their allowance of 450,000 pesos once a month, but continue to commit crimes. Eder argues that the recidivism rate of ex-combatants of the program is much lower than that of prisoners of INPEC.

Concerned about the stigma that these debates generated: “This is a state policy that is helping to build peace. The demobilized are young and will be with us for at least the next fifty years. Continue to engage with the BACRIM is to great damage to the reintegration process. And do not forget that thousands are to be demobilized. ”

You’re right. One thing is that justice-research-and penalizes any irregularities committed during the demobilization of the AUC (and, if necessary, to debug any ‘cast’ in rehabilitation) and one is public pillory as a reintegration program importance to the future is evident.