Post of the Day–1/2/14, Ziad Takieddine

[My workload for piecing the great puzzle together has become so great the past couple of days or weeks, that I find myself neglecting the day-to-day tasks of running No Sunglasses. 

Continually breaking stories (which may lead to breakthroughs into an accurate understanding of the great conspiracy to dominate the spirit of mankind), primarily concerning gambits within Lebanon that the American/Saudi/Israeli/British/French conspiracy has in play to enable the Saudis to annex Syria and Lebanon and to dominate the Middle East.  Two stories are bigger than the rest of the line-up, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and the arrest and deportation of reputed Lebanese arms merchant, Ziad Takieddine.  Both reports are connected through the Saudis, who created the Azzam Brigades, as well as the French, who hatched the plan using Takieddine to set-up Bashar al-Assad and Muammar Gadaffi, while giving French oil major Total, nearly total control over Libya’s oil and gas and dominance of Syria’s newly discovered Levant gas bonanza.  Sarkozy intended to revive the French dominance over Lebanon by naming the next prime minister of Lebanon.


I am having a real problem with language issues in this particular search, all of the documents from Ziad’s case are in French Adobe pdfs, no copy and paste.  My solution has been to transfer the French pdfs into Word documents, which must then be translated via Google trans.  The end result is kinda messed-up.  I have included a scan of one of Takieddine’s documents relating to his serving as Sarkozy’s intermediary with Assad and Gadaffi.]

[I’ll get back to the puzzle now.]

Takieddine wants to make respectable Syria


The demitres dtclarations out instaurd a situation suggesting a t ambigultd on the position of France , notably through t rtpdtdes interventions Etrangtres Affairs Minister , who would be subject t interprttations of questioning all dtmarches with Syria.

It should confirm the essential tltment adoptd by the power at the haul level reprtsentt by Claude Gudant , ð As long as necessary to play an important r6le Ins across regional and international solution , including t from Lebanon .

The ntcessaires and indispensable for the new dtmarche 6l6ments .

Confidence in the d6marche Need 1’accord CG on disurzte .

Agreement franyaises guarantees.

The new dtmarche :

It is ultimate .

It involves the agreement of France t make a strong and rapid response at the haul level with the United States to obtain their agreement on this and more .

The outline of the rtgionale Ie return policy involving Syria and the international rdgionale sc6ne .

The action plans :

The Golan : Resumption of ntgociations with Israt1 , t from agreements GENEVA
(90%) non sign6s under 1’6gide France, U.S. ?

Lebanon : Work with confidence Ie new pr6sident strong support franμais t rtaliser with Syria , Hezbollah’s transformation into a political party and thus d6militariser without war, according to an agreement guaranteed by the Syrian on the exit of U.S. troops Iraq, according to the plan agreed with the Syrian under 6gide France.

Agreement with Iran ttroite cooperation with Syria, and not the contrary.

Agreement with France on the proposal by France for the provision of civil 6nergie nucl6aire / AREVA.

Syria by agreement with France would commit t go to Hamas in the negotiations with Isratl at cold Mahmoud Abbas, giving substance ndgociations these t , with the aim of rtaliser advancement and a positive outcome this t d6marche .

It is obvious that the current environment does not facilitate dtmarches .