Israel Is America’s Hands

Israel Is America’s Hands

By: Peter Chamberlin

It has been reported that the alternative media is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for news for a majority of people. Internet news is filling the role of government watchdog that the corporate press has given-up. Our job as defenders of the First Amendment is to blow holes in the wall of news censorship that has been erected around this country by the mainstream media, in their subservience to government/corporate domination. It is time for the alternative press to gain legitimacy by breaking the greatest story ever suppressed and as a result, force an end to the war of terror.

It is the responsibility of the alternative press to enlighten the American people about who is behind all of these interminable little “piss-ant” wars that drive us towards a global conflagration.All of these little wars begin with “terrorist” attacks, which we then rush to defend against.All of these vicious terror attacks can be traced back to American/British/Israeli intelligence agencies.Repeated revelations being made in foreign media about CIA/Mossad connections with terror kingpins like Dawood Ibrahim, Sheikh Omar, Ayman al Zawahiri (Kosovo Liberation Army), Turkish “deep state” elements, etc., and terrorist attacks carried-out in places like Yemen, Syria and Kosovo are providing hard proof of our charges of American/Israeli state terrorism.

We can create a powerful image of the terror creating machinery by blending knowledge of the American sponsorship of terror with vivid images of the actual state terrorism taking place on a daily basis. This is the way to prove that the terror war is our creation, something our leaders wanted and carefully manufactured over many years. This is the story of the century. It is the responsibility of the alternative press to make it common knowledge and thereby gain legitimacy over the “mainstream media.”

Their plans require that we be brought to a boil slowly, like the frog in the beaker, until the ripeness of forces is achieved, meaning that all elements of their strategy of tension have to be increased to their optimum levels, before civilization is given that one push that takes us over the edge. Our only hope is to ramp-up the resistance beyond their expectations and ability to control events according to plan, outmaneuvering their gatekeepers and agents of control.

Consider the anti-Israeli protests which are now building throughout the world; how can we increase the focus on Israeli criminality, to expose the tentacles of money/control which have been woven into the fabric of American government and life in general?We have to increase American awareness of the fact that Israeli aggression is American aggression.US actions, whether they be military or intelligence agency related, and Israeli actions fight for the same causes, pushing forward to the same objectives.We must own the guilt associated with the Palestinian slaughter.We are killing the children and old people to advance our dark agenda.

It takes a severely psychopathic mind to fire missiles into crowds of unarmed civilians.Such an act is indistinguishable from a car bomb attack. The truth warriors of the alternative press must focus all available light on the cold brutality of national leaders who are fully prepared to literally exterminate thousands, even millions of innocent souls, in order to preserve their superior positions and to validate their thoughts of American “exceptionalism” and other ideas of national and racial superiority.The evidence of the evil natures of these men who lead us is apparent in their plans and in the actions they support.

This war is based on the widely accepted belief that our civilized world is under assault by Muslim “savages.” As their natural “superiors,” the West has a divine duty to keep the uncivilized world under control, by using our intellectually superior technology to violently suppress primitive violence. The basic idiocy of this line of “reasoning” should be apparent to any thinking moral human being. The problem is, that the apparent absurdity of branding one group of humans as inferior and the group that oppresses them as superior is obscured by the barbaric bigotry which has been summoned-up and amplified to sell this war. This lethal combination of absurdity and bigotry stands ready to prevail once again.

The idea that we are “superior” and our cause “just” undergirds barbaric concepts of “targeted assassinations” with car bombs and guided missiles, dismissing humanitarian concerns for the victims’ rights, since they are not fully evolved, some sort of “sub-humans.” The supremacist thinking behind this tactic, like most of the inhuman tactics and strategies employed in the terror war, were patterned on the failed inhuman policies developed by Israel. We can readily see from the murderous campaign now underway in Gaza that our mentor’s “solution” is not only to use terrorism yourself, but to multiply it exponentially.

All traitorous politicians blindly support every Israeli action, even those that are inhuman and obviously detrimental to America.Bush is not the only national leader providing cover by silencing outrage for Israeli campaigns of murder, as he did for two months in Lebanon.American politicians spreading their poisonous venom through the controlled media paralyze millions into inaction, buying time for the slaughter, so that the Zionist killers can claim as many innocent Arab lives as possible.

The world cannot endure the ongoing level of carnage taking place within sight of available cameras for very long.

The building outrage will soon reach a point where the demands for actions to restrain IDF massacres will become irresistible.Even a majority of Israeli citizens were screaming for an end to the war on Lebanon, after two months of on air genocide.When this tipping point is reached, where the shared guilt of immorality outweighs the mixture of national pride and mortal fear, a majority of Americans will be looking for a way out.

Before this point is reached another secondary military action will be launched. This second front opening in the next phase of the war will be a major escalation (in Pakistan), which will serve to divert awareness of the Palestinian slaughter and create conditions threatening enough to usher in martial law and the elimination of the free press.

The key to overturning their plans is for us to outthink them, anticipating their next steps and taking steps of our own to make them impossible.We have to find ways to alter their timetable, to increase the revulsion to their cold-blooded slaughter to the point where people become motivated to demand action before the anticipated arrival of utopia on January 20, when Obama opens the Pakistani front.It would be good for us if the building European resistance took an even uglier turn (especially the militant protesters in Greece and France) and started torching Israeli embassies.

It should be a simple matter to fold the economic protests against the international bankers’ cartel into the anti-Israeli protests.We should organize blockades around every Israeli embassy and make it impossible to conduct business there normally.

The next two weeks will be marked by blood, military attacks and counter-attacks in the Middle East, and a general ramping-up of hostilities throughout the region. Protestors should be prepared to visually document the government confrontations that will surely multiply, as the police state begins to rear its ugly head. Each of us has to decide how we will react to upcoming events, searching our souls to understand what we are really made of and what actual beliefs we hold dear. Will I be willing to lay my life down to stop the violence, or will I surrender to my own violent urges and become one of the killers myself, in a misguided attempt to establish world peace through violence?

Will you stand-up for the rights of humanity, or will you cower in the corner while the parade of death marches across your TV screen and into your own home?

2 thoughts on “Israel Is America’s Hands

  1. I think you’ve got the issue back the front.

    Israel is the great puppet master, and has America under complete control:
    the great sluggish US caterpillar does what the zionist virus infecting
    the polity of its social nervous system tells it to!

    And where has all those trillions of US$ ripped out
    of the pockets of ordinary American citizens by the Oligarchs
    of the financial stock markets, Big Banks gone??

    best regards,

  2. I agree with your article wholeheartedly! May I suggest an act I have been practicing for 8 years now (since 911… also known as 9-11, the Mossad masterpiece): I will never buy anything produced, grown or recommended from Israel as well as products from firms that deal with Israel. It takes a bit of research but there are many possibilities to boycott that country and make it known. Everytime I spott an article made in Israel I will pretend to buy it , than at the cash register loudly clam:”… oh this was made in Israel, I don´t buy stuff from a country that murders innocent people, occupies territories belonging to other nations and blackmails other countries through financial and moral manipulations.You be surprised how many people start thinking and acting accordingly.It becomes a hobby that makes you feel you can do your small part to open eyes and discussions. Just to top it off I let them know that I am 1/2 jewish ( my mom was Jewish) !
    It worked in the 80s with animal tested cosmetic, with furs etc. The fact that it will be called ” Anti Semitism” is good, the louder the scream the more people start thinking.Just consider how much attention the book ” The Israel Lobby” got.
    Thanks for the article…
    Best regards,
    Gabrielle Ch.

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