Nasrallah Warns Against Allowing US, Israel and Takfiris (Wahhabis) Warfare Into Lebanon

Nasrallah Says Will Win Battle against U.S., Israel and Takfiris: We Won’t Allow Breaking Resistance’s Backbone


إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية


Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stated Saturday that the resistance will win the battle against the “United States, Israel and the Takfiris just like it emerged victorious in previous wars,” assuring that he will not allow the “breaking of its backbone.”

“I say to all the honourable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes: I have always promised you a victory and now I pledge to you a new one in Syria,” he said in a speech he gave at a ceremony marking the 13th anniversary of Israel’s military withdrawal from southern Lebanon.

Nasrallah considered that what is happening in the neighboring country is very crucial for Lebanon, explaining that through the stand his party is taking, it is defending Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.

The Shiite leader warned against the implementation of an American-lead project in the region through the war in Syria.

“The events in the last couple of years have proved that there is an axis lead by the United States while the rest are working under its orders. Everyone knows this axis is supported by Israel while al-Qaida and other Takfiri organizations from around the world were paid to take part in it,” he detailed.

Nasrallah remarked: “The Takfiris are the most prevailing group in the Syrian opposition.”

“If Syria falls in the hands of the Takfiris and the U.S., the resistance will become under a siege and Israel will enter Lebanon. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost.”

The Hizbullah chief announced that many efforts were made to draw an end to Syria’s war: “Several suggestions and settlements that were accepted by the Syrian regime were rejected by regional countries because they do not want (Syrian President Bashar) Assad’s regime to stay in power.”

He pointed out: “Since the beginning of Syria’s war we have said Assad’s regime has its positives and negatives. Reform is required and the only way to reach this is through political dialogue.”

Nasrallah revealed getting in contact with both Assad and members of the opposition to reach a settlement.

“But I swear Assad said yes, whereas the opposition rejected the suggestion,” he stated. “Part of the Syrian opposition abroad has a vision and is ready for dialogue whereas others work under the Pentagon’s orders.”

On his party’s involvement in the battles alongside Assad’s forces, he said: “A political and economic world war was launched against Syria and thousands of fighters were sent without anyone complaining.”

“Meanwhile, Hizbullah’s involvement was considered a foreign interference,” he noted.

Nasrallah explained that Syria is the resistance’s backbone: “We cannot stand still and let them break the resistance’s main supporter.”

He said Hizbullah fighters joining the war in Syria “go willingly and aspire to take part in the resistance.”

“You will find tens of thousands of fighters that are ready to take all fronts and participate in the battles. No one is forced into the war,” he assured.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights announced on Thursday that 104 Hizbullah members had been killed in Syria since last autumn.

Hizbullah combatants have become increasingly involved in Syria’s conflict, fighting alongside President Assad’s forces.

Initially Hizbullah said it wanted only to defend 13 Syrian villages along the border where Lebanese Shiites live, and the Sayyeda Zeinab shrine, revered by Shiites around the world.

However its elite fighters later encircled the rebel-held central town of Qusayr with regime troops before the launch on Sunday of a withering assault on the strategic border town that is home to 25,000 people.

Hizbullah denied its involvement in Syria for some time, quietly burying fighters killed in the fighting there.

But the movement stopped hiding its dead when its leader Sayyed Nasrallah on April 30 paid homage to fighters killed across the border.

“Syria has true friends in the region who will not allow Syria to fall into the hands of the United States, Israel and Takfiri groups,” he said in a televised address.

Before tackling the Syrian matter, Nasrallah began Saturday’s speech by criticizing the Lebanese state’s stance towards arming and strengthening the army to face Israel, saying that everything done in Lebanon to confront Israeli threats and attacks was established by the resistance.

“By the resistance, I do not mean Hizbullah only, but everyone who made an effort,” he clarified.

Nasrallah elaborated: “Since July 2006, Israel has been preparing and setting plans for wars. They realized their weaknesses and say they are ready for war.”

“Israel threatens Lebanon on a daily basis and has been mobilizing its forces on the border for months. It is bombing Syria and threatening it. Israel is ready for war,” he added.

He asked, however: “What did the Lebanese state do regarding being prepared to face what happens in the region?”

“We do not have shelters or safe accommodations in Lebanon. Is it also required from the resistance to take care of matters of civil aspects?”

“If directions, political cover and armaments were granted to the army, it could fight against Israel similarly to the resistance,” he pointed out.

“Israel fears the resistance whereas many in Lebanon are wondering how to get rid of it.”

Commenting on the clashes in Tripoli, Nasrallah urged the end of the “absurd battle.”

“Those rooting for the victory of the Syrian regime or the opposition’s rebels must go fight in Syria instead. Leave Tripoli neutral from Syria’s conflict,” he stressed.

“We must agree that the only guarantee for civil peace and for our coexistence is the army and the state.”

The Hizbullah chief explained that his party submitted its nominations for the parliamentary elections, even before the March 14 alliance, because it rejects vacuum.

“We are in front of two options that are either an elections based on the 1960’s law or extending the parliament’s term, or a miracle that would lead to reaching consensus over a new law,” he elaborated.

“But we are against vacuum.”

Several officials submitted on Friday their candidacies to the upcoming parliamentary polls, including the Free Patriotic Movement, the AMAL movement, the March 14 Independent MPs, the Lebanese Forces and Hizbullah, despite strong objections over the adoption of the 1960 electoral law at the polls to avoid uncontested victories.

In its eighth round of talks, the parliamentary electoral subcommittee failed again on Monday to reach an agreement over a new electoral law as Speaker Nabih Berri did not set a date for a new session.

This failure has raised fears of a political vacuum in Lebanon or that the parliamentary elections will be held according to the 1960 law or that the term of the current parliament will be extended.

Monday is the deadline for candidates to file their requests to run for the elections according to the 1960 law.