
American Resistance To Empire

Will the Sheep Take-Up Arms?

Will Jade Helm 15 Lead to Civil War?

by Dave Hodges

sheep attacking

This article will attempt to answer the question: Will Jade Helm 15 lead to Civil War II in this country? And if so, what form will it take? Today’s article deals with the prerequisite conditions needed to launch a meaningful civil war effort and an analysis of where America is presently is at with regard to this question.

Many Americans brag that our citizens have an estimated 300 million guns and nobody, not even the government, would ever dare to try and subjugate America. I have bad news for these “wishful thinkers”, America has already been conquered and the occupation forces are implementing a police state surveillance grid like the world has never seen. More importantly, when the bad guys come for you, it will be at 3AM and your gun will be on the rack and you and your family will be asleep.

The face of the 2015 America Revolution.

Throughout the South, our cities are being invaded and all we have seen is a little whining in the Independent Media. Have any of you Texans, the most independent Americans among us, removed your County Commissioners from office for accepting the $150,000 bribe paid to the Counties by the representatives of the occupation force known as Jade Helm 15? If you cannot even remove county officials who have sold out their people for 30 pieces of silver, then how in the world do you think that Jade Helm 15 will lead to a revolution? In pre-Revolutionary War America, these County Commissioners would have been tarred and feathered as were the Stamp Act Tax collectors. Americans are fat, happy and lazy. Nobody is going to rebel against anything in the present climate.

The bravado of gun owners might help them sleep better at night, until they understand what they are up against. These same naive people often put their faith in the Red Dawn scenario in which average American people, armed to the teeth, mount a defense against an invading army or even a tyrannical government. And these hopelessly naive Americans actually think they can win. And even if a successful confrontation of the globalists was possible, the prerequisite conditions needed to ferment a successful civil war are not yet in place.

The purpose of this article is to not take a position against revolution. It is to point out what prerequisite conditions that must be met prior to the commencement of a revolution.

Most Americans Fail To Recognize Their Current Place In History

The very small percentage of Americans who are awake enough and who actually think that they are preparing to fight to preserve the Republic are self-deluded. They remind me of Japanese soldiers found on Pacific Islands years after WWII was over who thought they were still defending the Empire of Japan. These Japanese soldiers had already lost the war and so have we lost our war to the globalists. An economic coup d’état has subjugated the country, in 2008, which has also been followed by a political takeover. Also the use of the word “revolution” is a misnomer. The present talk of rebellion should accurately be labeled as a counter-revolutionary movement which seeks to restore the rule of law to our country through the re-establishment of the supremacy of the Constitution which has been systematically hijacked over the past several decades.

conquered americaThe United States is both a conquered and an occupied nation. Our presidency, our Congress and most of our statehouses are beyond the reach of the people because the globalists have already hijacked these political institutions as evidenced by the fact that Agenda 21 policies are everywhere.

The globalist controlled judiciary in this country has declared that they can steal your bank accounts any time they want. The theft of America’s resources moved out into the open in 2008 with the commencement of the bail outs and the brazenness of the NWO occupation forces  got right up into our faces when MF Global stole billions of dollars from already secured investor funds. Your police departments have been federalized, meaning that they are under the control of the globalist occupation forces. You are forced to eat GMO’s through control of the food labeling process. You are powerless in stopping the poisoning of our water through fluoridation. You live in a country that pays more for health care than any other nation, yet we only have the 51st longest lifespan. On more days than not, the gangsters who run this planet tag our skies with poisonous chemicals as a seeming reminder that they own the hood. The small percentage of you who even know what a chemtrail is, are powerless to stop the  decimation of our atmosphere. The people are not preparing to defend anything. Subsequent talk of a revolution represents childlike fantasy thinking.

Sadly, most Americans do not even know that they have already been conquered because CNN has not told them so.

"Just in case you have not been told, your country has been conquered America. Now we are working on wiping out the pockets of possible resistance".


Could this new era of minor citizen discontent mushroom into a high level of civil disobedience which is always a precondition to revolution? However, events are not moving in that direction. But just in case, this is why Jade Helm 15 is necessary, the globalists have already thought of this and have planned accordingly. If you do not like bank bail-ins, you can always take up residence at a FEMA Death Dome.

Are these people on the way to withdraw their money from their corrupt bank (e.g. Wells Fargo, Bank of America), or are they on their way to their new homes?

The requisite conditions needed to set off a civil war have not yet been met. And, for a civil war to be effective, a significant portion of the military must join the fight on the side of the people. For that to happen, we need to realize that there is not going to be an Eight Days in May scenario where military planners secretly plot to overthrow our globalist hijacked government. The NDAA and the Patriot Act and other assorted tyrannical acts of usurpation of the Constitution have made that impossible because ALL military leaders are under 24/7 surveillance.

The Elements of a Civil War

In the previous two revolutions, specifically, the American Revolution and the Civil War, each side of the conflict had equivalent technology and as a result, similar weaponry. Superior weaponry does not always guarantee victory, however, the odds obviously shift dramatically to the side with the deadliest weapons. American gun owners, at this point in time, are only capable of bringing a butter knife to a gun fight. Therefore, a conventional civil war is out of the question.

Revolutions Require the Development of a Collective Consciousness

The British Parliament literally did all the work in unifying a significant number of colonists against the Crown. The passage of the hated Stamp Act which taxed all legal documents and even went so far as to even tax playing cards, made the King the most hated person in the colonies.  For the first time, a large number of colonists began to see the government of their mother country to be a detriment to their way of life.

For years, I said the Obama administration would never make a serious play on gun confiscation or seizure of the Internet, or there would be a revolution. Although the effects will not be felt for a couple of years, Net Neutrality just stole the Internet and nobody is protesting in the street.

America has no rallying cry, because Americans are fat, dumb and happy.

A Revolution Requires Acts of Civil Disobedience

Tcivil disobediencehe federal government has correctly anticipated, through the purchase of massive amounts of ammunition and acquiring shooting target sheets depicting average Americans as the targets, that as more Americans awaken to the reality of our situation, we will witness dramatic acts of civil disobedience. A series of Boston Tea Party “events” could serve as a rallying point and brand the developing conflict into a clear cut “us vs. them” scenario. The globalist controlled government knows this as well. Why do you think that Homeland Security (DHS), through the MIAC Report, has branded returning veterans (the 21st Century equivalent of the colonial “Minute Men”), Ron Paul supporters, Constitutionalists and pro-Second Amendment supporters as the new terrorists?

Revolutionary Movements Require Symbols of Martyrdom

kent state massacreThe Boston Massacre did more to push the colonists toward revolution. In the same fashion, the Kent State Massacre did more to end the Vietnam War than any other act of protest. The authoritarian globalists will make mistakes. Theew will, no doubt, be future innocent Americans turned into martyrs as the globalists continue to impose their tyranny upon our occupied country. Symbols of martyrdom will clearly add to the collective consciousness of the growing group of Patriots which will eventually oppose the globalists.

Revolutionary Movements Require Charismatic Leadership

Americans lost a real opportunity with the retirement of Ron Paul as he was the lone national symbol of resistance against the globalists.

founding fathers 2One of the major reasons that a revolution movement cannot be pushed forward in the present environment is that there is a decided leadership void. Leaders of the new revolution will undoubtedly emerge in ways that we cannot predict. Who is going to be the leader of your revolution, Ted Cruz? Ted Cruz, with his Goldman Sachs employed wife? Is that who you are “banking on”? Why not call in Dr. Kevorkian to administer CPR to the dying United States of America?

However, we should be careful to not blindly follow one charismatic leader because there is infiltration in the Patriot movement by globalist operatives. Rather, like our forefathers, the colonists put their faith in a number of the Founding Fathers instead of blindly following one charismatic leader. The problem is, America does not have a “group” of leaders who will defend the Constitution unless you count Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, et al.

All Revolutions Require a Trigger Event

jfk 2nd amendmentHistory clearly demonstrates that trigger events which lead to wars and revolutions just don’t spontaneously happen.

Trigger events are the result of a series of events which makes the coming conflict inevitable and the coming conflict is simply looking for the right spark. For example, nobody could have accurately predicted that the assassination of an obscure political figure, such as the Archduke Ferdinand, could have resulted in World War I. This is why Jade Helm 15 extractions take place at 3AM, where nobody sees anything. Jade Helm 15: No apparent victims, no witness, no martyrs and certainly no revolution!


Once the trigger event occurs, the manner in which Patriots approach rebellion will be critical. The last thing that Americans should want to do is to confront the globalists on the battlefield or even in the streets. This is a prescription for American genocide should battle lines ever be drawn. If a civil war ever comes to America, the conflict will not likely be conventional. In fact, Jade Helm 15 is based on asymmetrical warfare and this will be the topic of a future article.

For now, there will not even be any civil disobedience, much less a civil war.

sheep attacking

What Was The True Mission In Iraq, To Create Chaos Or To Contain It?

Accusations Emerge That the U.S. Is Aiding ISIS – The Latest “Conspiracy Theory” Circulating in Iraq

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My belief is, we will, in fact be greeted as liberators.

– Dick Cheney on NBC’s Meet the Press, March 16, 2003

But that enmity for the United States circulates beyond the militias that once fought U.S. soldiers, surfacing also in parliamentary debates and Iraqi media reports and even at the highest ranks of the national armed forces that the United States is aiding.

“Everybody knows that the Americans are dropping supplies to Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Abed al-Maliki, a senior Iraqi army commander based in the city of Samarra, about 80 miles north of Baghdad, using another term for the Islamic State.

What’s more, he said, during some of the fiercest fighting around Samarra last year, U.S. Special Operations forces dropped behind enemy lines to assist Islamic State militants.

“They came in with parachutes, and they were helping to bomb the city,” he said.

U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic State, he contended, are probably just a cover for efforts to support the group.

“It’s just a show,” he said, sitting in the city’s army command headquarters. “If the Americans want to finish something, they will finish it. If they wanted to liberate Iraq, they could.”

– From the Washington Post article, In Fight for Tikrit, U.S. Finds Enemies on Both Sides of the Battle Lines, March 27, 2015

How do you know your foreign policy is a complete and total destructive nightmare? When the country you supposedly “liberated” not only turns into a horrific war zone, but all sides fighting accuse you of helping the enemy. This seems to be precisely what is happening in Iraq at the moment.

Just last week, I was shocked to read in the Wall Street Journal that the U.S. military was preparing to coordinate action against ISIS in Tikrit, alongside Iranian backed militias. I highlighted this in the post, Can’t Make This Up – U.S. Providing Aid in Fight Against ISIS in Iraq Alongside Iranian Troops. Here’s the key excerpt:

The U.S. has started providing Iraq with aerial intelligence in the stalled battle to oust Islamic State from Tikrit, drawing the American military into closer coordination with Iranian-backed militias spearheading the offensive. 

Military officials said they aren’t working directly with Iran. But the intelligence will be used to help some 20,000 Iranian-backed Shiite militia fighters who make up the bulk of the force that has been struggling for weeks to retake the strategic city.

Incredibly, only a few days later, we learn from the Washington Post that one of the most popular “conspiracy theories” circulating in Iraq at the moment is that the U.S. is directly supplying and aiding ISIS in Iraq. Significantly, these accusations aren’t just emerging from random corners of the internet, but from senior military figures within the Iraqi army. Can’t make this up indeed.

From the Washington Post:

 As American forces open another front of battle in Iraq, they find themselves on the same side as an array of armed groups that not only consider the United States an enemy but also accuse it of actively supporting Islamic State militants.

Since the U.S.-led coalition planes launched their first airstrikes in the Islamic State-held city of Tikrit on Wednesday night, threats and accusations from ­Shiite militias who were leading the battle there have grown. Several of the Iranian-backed groups accused coalition aircraft of bombing a headquarters for pro-government fighters in the city on Friday, promising retribution.

The claim was the latest in a long string of accusations leveled at the United States since its first airstrikes against the Islamic State in August. Rumors of coalition planes dropping weapons supplies to Islamic State militants and attacking pro-government fighters are now widely held beliefs in a country where conspiracy theories are rife.

But that enmity for the United States circulates beyond the militias that once fought U.S. soldiers, surfacing also in parliamentary debates and Iraqi media reports and even at the highest ranks of the national armed forces that the United States is aiding.

“Everybody knows that the Americans are dropping supplies to Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Abed al-Maliki, a senior Iraqi army commander based in the city of Samarra, about 80 miles north of Baghdad, using another term for the Islamic State. 

What’s more, he said, during some of the fiercest fighting around Samarra last year, U.S. Special Operations forces dropped behind enemy lines to assist Islamic State militants.

“They came in with parachutes, and they were helping to bomb the city,” he said.

U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic State, he contended, are probably just a cover for efforts to support the group.

“It’s just a show,” he said, sitting in the city’s army command headquarters. “If the Americans want to finish something, they will finish it. If they wanted to liberate Iraq, they could.”

When such accusations appear in the Iraqi media, they are normally accompanied by an image from an Islamic State video from Kobane in Syria last year, showing the militants displaying a load of weapons accidently dropped from a U.S. plane — an incident the United States acknowledged.

Whoops, sorry, our mistake! At this point, who doesn’t have access to hundreds of millions of U.S. weaponry?

Visiting U.S. officials are left to fend off questions about whether they support the group. The topic was the first to be broached in questions when Gen. John Allen, special envoy for the coalition to counter the Islamic State, met with Iraqi journalists in January.

The theories are stoked by U.S. involvement in the wider region, where Sunni states such as Saudi Arabia are battling for influence against Shiite Iran. While the United States has backed the same side as Saudi Arabia in conflicts in Syria and Yemen, in Iraq it finds itself on the other side of the battle.

A wildly popular trailer for an Iraqi TV program launched last year that mocked the Islamic State played off that speculation. It showed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi hatching out of an egg after a marriage between characters representing Israel and America.

If this is how Iraqis greet their liberators, I don’t want to be invited to the party they throw for enemies.

Seriously though, it doesn’t even matter if these accusations are true or not. What matter is that Iraq is a total disaster zone, and everyone suffering from the chaos knows full well the U.S. government is responsible. Over the past decade, the clowns running American foreign policy have gone from promising the world that the Iraqis would greet U.S. soldiers as liberators, to all sides accusing the USA of aiding the enemy; whether that enemy be the Iraqi army, Iranian backed militias, or ISIS.

This is not a recipe for success. Unless of course, success is determined by the ability to create as much chaos and death overseas as possible via a divide and conquer strategy in which all combatants attempt to slay each other using weapons purchased from American defense companies. In that case, the Iraq war can be defined as a resounding success.

America’s Complicated Pro-Wahhabi, Iran Friendly, Mideast Policy

Layout 1A look at America’s complicated collage of a Mideast policy

new zealand herald


WASHINGTON (AP) ” The United States’ engagement in the volatile and unpredictable Middle East got more complicated this week, as American and Iranian negotiators sought a historic nuclear agreement while the U.S. provided intelligence for a Saudi-led air campaign against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen.

The two efforts, diplomatic and military, underscore the sometimes conflicting and oftentimes country-by-country alliances that are guiding U.S. policy in the region. The collage is largely framed by America’s difficult relationship with Iran.

Despite severing diplomatic ties 36 years ago, the adversaries recently have found some means of direct and indirect cooperation. Beyond the nuclear talks, they are both helping Iraq’s government fight Islamic State extremists.

At the same time Washington and Tehran are locked in a proxy war in Syria, where the U.S. is arming insurgents battling the Iran-backed government. A reverse conflict could be emerging in Yemen, where Washington is assisting the military intervention by Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia against Iran-supported Shiite rebels.

A look at several crises in the Middle East and how the Obama administration is approaching matters:

President Barack Obama’s biggest national security goal is reaching a diplomatic agreement that would prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. But achieving such a goal through negotiation, and not through military or economic pressure, means it requires cooperation from the Islamic Republic.

Secretary of State John Kerry is leading the U.S. in talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, hoping to reach an outline of a deal over the next several days that would curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for relief from crippling economic sanctions.

But Obama has said a deal could lead to a “better path” that includes greater trade ties, foreign investment, cultural exchange, scientific partnerships and jobs for young Iranians. The prospect of a nuclear accord and even the tiniest steps toward U.S.-Iranian rapprochement are prompting deep concern and even opposition among America’s traditional allies in the neighborhood.

Israel has lobbied aggressively against the deal in the United States, claiming it would pave the way for an Iranian nuclear arsenal. Saudi Arabia has threatened to explore greater nuclear technology of its own. Other Sunni governments want greater U.S. commitment to their defense. And all have spoken gravely of the implications of what they see as Washington cozying up to Tehran.

Hoping to ease their concerns, the U.S. has emphasized repeatedly it isn’t shifting alliances.


In Iraq, the U.S. and Iran actively support a common ally.

American airstrikes started this week to help Iraqi troops retake the northern city of Tikrit from Islamic State extremists. Until recently, the Iraqis there were fighting side-by-side with Shiite militias and Iranian special forces. But they withdrew as a condition of the U.S. air intervention, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin told a congressional panel Thursday.

Although the Americans and Iranians share the common goal of defeating Islamic State extremists, they differ on tactics. Washington has cited reports of human rights abuses by Iranian-backed militias and criticized the Iranian-led operation in Tikrit for lacking precision firepower, proper command from the Iraqi government and a coherent plan for maneuvering ground forces against a dug-in enemy.

Both sides deny that they are actively coordinating military strategy, though U.S. officials have spoken of working with the Iraqis as a go-between to “deconflict” operations. The dynamic has unsettled Sunni Arab states likes Saudi Arabia.



In Syria, the U.S. and Iran are on a clearer collision course. While each again speaks of combating the Islamic State group, they clash on their views of the Syrian government and the country’s four-year rebellion.

The U.S. is arming and training a primarily Sunni force described as moderate, working with Sunni states such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan. The rebels have the double objective of defeating the terrorists and ousting President Bashar Assad from power.

On the other side, the Iranians are providing military assistance to Assad’s army and Hezbollah forces fighting the rebellion, and have deployed special forces of their own to help out.



The picture is similarly complicated in Yemen.

The U.S. is providing intelligence and logistical help for the Saudi-led airstrikes against the Houthi rebels who’ve seized the capital and much of the country, driving out the president. The Saudis and their Arab partners may now be planning a ground invasion.

But the Iranians are unhappy, and the threat of another wider war is clear. Despite the U.S’s auxiliary role, Tehran is blaming Washington for the attacks. And it is calling the intervention a “dangerous step” that will fuel terrorism. The Iranians only acknowledge giving the Houthi rebels humanitarian support, not the advanced weaponry that the Saudis and others claim is being provided.

The U.S. is in an uncomfortable position, tied by its alliances to Sunni Arab states and conviction that Yemen’s rightful government should be restored. But it doesn’t want a protracted war that draws Iran in deeper, takes attention away from Yemen’s highly active al-Qaida branch and other threats to the United States, or becomes a factor in U.S.-Iranian nuclear discussions.

Although Kerry “commended” Saudi Arabia’s action in a telephone call with Arab foreign ministers Thursday, he then discussed the situation with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on the sidelines of the nuclear talks. Details of that conversation were kept private.