Phoenix Men Identified As Shooters In Texas

Garland Shooting Suspect Elton Simpson’s Father: ‘My Son Made a Bad Choice’

PHOTO: Elton Simpson is shown here in a photo he appears to have taken of himself.

The father of one of the suspected gunman in the Garland, Texas shooting told ABC News today that his son “made a bad choice.”

“We are Americans and we believe in America,” Dunston Simpson said. “What my son did reflects very badly on my family.”

Simpson’s son, Elton, was identified earlier today to ABC News by a senior FBI official as one of the suspects in Sunday’s failed attack on a Texas community center that was hosting an event displaying cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. Elton Simpson and another man were killed by a police officer after they opened fire on the officer and a security guard, local police said.

PHOTO: An armed police officer stands guard at a parking lot near the Curtis Culwell Center, May 3, 2015, in Garland, Texas.

LM Otero/AP Photo
PHOTO: An armed police officer stands guard at a parking lot near the Curtis Culwell Center, May 3, 2015, in Garland, Texas.

Today FBI agents and a bomb squad were at Simpson’s home in an apartment complex in north Phoenix conducting searches of the apartment. Officials believe Simpson is the person who sent out several Twitter messages prior to the attack on Sunday, in the last one using the hashtag #TexasAttack about half an hour before the shooting. Prior to that, the Twitter account holder had published messages sympathetic to Islamic terror groups such as ISIS.

Dunston Simpson said his son worked at a dentist’s office but was “on vacation” for the last few weeks and that the two last spoke three weeks ago. But they “had not much to talk about, because we had some very serious differences.”

Still, the elder Simpson said that while he was a strict father, Elton was “always a good kid.”

John Iannarelli, Assistant Special Agent in Charge FBI’s Phoenix office, said authorities in Texas traced both suspects to the Phoenix apartment and that the two appear to have been roommates.

Followers of ISIS had been sending messages about the event in Texas for more than a week, calling for attacks. One referenced January’s Charlie Hebdo massacre in France and said it was time for “brothers” in the United States to do their part.

Simpson was well known to the FBI. Five years ago he was convicted for lying to federal agents about his plans to travel to Africa where investigators alleged he planned to join a terror group.

The investigation into Simpson reached back to July 2007, when he was recorded saying of fighting with Islamists, “I know we can do it, man. But you got to find the right people that… Gotta have connects.”

Despite that and other recordings, a judge ruled the government did not adequately prove Simpson was going to join a terror group and Simpson was sentenced to three years’ probation for lying to investigators.

Kristina Sitton, who represented Simpson in the 2010 trial, said her former client had been on a no-fly list and that the FBI had attempted to get Simpson to cooperate with them, even after his conviction. She saw him, she said, as “harmless.” “He grew up the most normal guy. Just a normal high school guy… Converting to Islam seemed like a good thing for him. He had been going down a bad path and then he found Islam,” Sitton told ABC News. “He never struck me as someone who would do this sort of thing. I’m not a bleeding heart, I’m a Republican. I’ve seen some pretty bad guys and he seemed pretty normal.”

ABC News’ James Gordon Meek, Lee Ferran, Alexander Hosenball and Cho Park contributed to this report.

2 MQM Suspects Charged As Agents of India’s RAW

Hussain rebutted SSP charges for over an hour, HERE, at one point, he pleads for help from India’s RAW agency

Altaf Hussain Pleading Indian Raw to Help MQM in Pakistan 1st May 2015

He is singing a different tune today.

“RAW is conspiring to destabilize Pakistan: MQM”

SSP Malir Rao Anwar. - DawnNews screengrab

Arrested suspects affiliated with MQM, trained by RAW: SSP


Speaking to the media on Thursday, he made the startling claim that the suspects – Tahir alias Lamba and Mama Junaid – also belonged to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and had been sent to India for training in the past.

“MQM is a terrorist organisation and it should be banned,” SSP Anwar argued, while narrating that members of MQM went to India through Indian-held Kashmir, were trained there by India’s intelligence agency— RAW— and then came back to Pakistan to spread terror.

“We have solid evidence to prove these allegations. The two people we arrested have confessed all of this and they are ashamed of their activities. We recovered a large amount of explosives, hand grenades, 9mm pistols from these suspects. We will investigate further during the remand,” he said.

“MQM is spreading terror in the guise of a political party, and all the senior leaders of MQM including its chief Altaf Hussain are involved in spreading terror in the country,” he added.

The SSP alleged that Zulfiqar Haider and Nadeem Nusrat, the deputy convener of MQM, have been funding these terrorist activities from London.

Speaking about how these terrorists operated, Anwar said “They are in contact with Zulfiqar Haider, Nadeem Nusrat and Muhammad Anwar. The suspects got in touch with Waqas, who arranged money and visas in Bangkok from where they then go to Delhi airport. Javed Langra, Naveed, his brother, Tariq Zaidi and Sunny received them and took them to a farmhouse in Delhi and trained them in Dheradun. An Indian Army official named Ram trained them. After training, they are brought back by way of Kashmir and then they entered illegally through the Lahore border.”

Arrested terror suspect produced today – DawnNews screengrab

Anwar said the MQM should be banned the way the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other militant outfits are on the basis of their terrorist activities.

The arrested suspects will be kept in custody for 90 days and a JIT will be formed to investigate the matter, said the SSP. “We have a lot of evidence. People who are enemies of the state are at the forefront of this political party.”

He went on to say that, these terrorist elements are provided jobs, in return for which they have to carry out terrorist activities. “There is evidence that they have passports and other things, they have confessed all of this on their own, and they [the arrested criminals] are ashamed of what they have done.”

Texas Shooting Another Successful Zionist Provocation–nothing more

Garland shooting: Who is Pamela Geller and the American Freedom Defence Initiative?

the telegraph

Leader of organisation hosting competition to draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammed attacked by gunmen is banned from Britain for setting up “anti-Muslim hate group”


The woman who organised the “Muhammad Art Exhibit” attacked by two gunmen in Texas last night has a long history of generating anti-Islam controversy.

Pamela Geller, whose American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group, declared on Sunday that “the war is here” after two heavily armed suspects were killed outside the Curtis Culwell Centre in Garland, north of Dallas.

The centre was hosting an art show of drawings of the Prophet – the latest in a series of inflammatory events and campaigns organised by the group.

Leader of organisation hosting competition to draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammed attacked by gunmen is banned from Britain for setting up "anti-Muslim hate group"Garland Police block a street after two men drove up and started shooting in Garland, Texas  Photo: EPA/LARRY W. SMITH

Geller is banned from entering the United Kingdom, following a ruling by Theresa May in 2013 preventing her from speaking at a rally for the far-Right English Defence League rally in London.

The Home Office said Geller had been told not to travel to Britain because she had set up organisations “described as anti-Muslim hate groups”.

The AFDI has sponsored anti-Islamic advertising campaigns in transit systems across the US.

Last year, the AFDI took out a series of Islamophobic posters on New York buses and subway trains, including one containing the phrase “Hamas Killing Jews”.

The posters showed a man in Middle Eastern attire with the headline “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah” – a quote attributed to “Hamas MTV” – and concluded with the provocative tag-line: “That’s His Jihad. What’s yours?”

Leader of organisation hosting competition to draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammed attacked by gunmen is banned from Britain for setting up "anti-Muslim hate group"Garland Police officer Joe Harn speaks to media  Photo: EPA/LARRY W. SMITH

New York’s transport authority (MTA) told the group it would not run the advert because the message would incite violence.

After a judge ruled in April that the AFDI should be allowed to display its advertisement under First Amendment freedom of speech rights, the MTA last week voted to ban all political advertising.

In 2010, advertisements on New York buses offering help to Muslims who wish to leave Islam paid for by conservative activists including Geller were denounced as a “smoke screen for anti-Muslim bigotry”.

That same year, Geller led a march to the site of a proposed Islamic centre near the site of the destroyed World Trade Center.

Organisers of yesterday’s “Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest” said the event was to promote freedom of expression.

They offered a $10,000 prize for the best artwork or cartoon depicting the Prophet, as well as a $2,500 “People’s Choice Award.”

Leader of organisation hosting competition to draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammed attacked by gunmen is banned from Britain for setting up "anti-Muslim hate group"Political blogger Pamela Geller, American Freedom Defense Initiative’s Houston-based founder  Photo: Reuters

Geller said on Fox News that she chose the Garland venue for the art exhibit because it was where American Muslim leaders held a conference on combating Islamophobia a week after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

In response to the shooting in Garland, the AFDI issued a statement on Facebook saying, “This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters?”

Saudis Airdropping Weapons To Al-Qaeda In Taiz, Yemen?

[According to the following quote from Yemen Post, the fighting in Taiz is between Ansar al-Allah and al-Qaeda]–

“Attacked a number of elements of al-Qaeda, Friday, May 1, 2015, Ansar al-Allah Who in the Republican district in Taiz.  A security source for news: The fierce battle took place between the two parties, leaving dozens dead and wounded.”

[Yemen Observer, quoting al-Masirah tv channel, has a different take on exactly who is fighting whom in Taiz and in Aden]–

“Joint Military and Security forces backed by popular committees continue combat operations in order to cleanse the southern provinces from foreign intelligence elements under the name of ‘al-Qaeda’.” al-Masirah channel reported, Sunday.

Coalition airdrops weapons for Yemeni fighters


 Yemen Post Staff

The Saudi-led coalition airdropped on Wednesday weapons for the pro-government popular resistance fighters in Yemen’s city of Taiz which has been witnessing escalating violence for a few weeks.

Local sources said the weapons were dropped in several parts of the city but declined to give information about types of the weapons.

Meanwhile, confrontations between the popular resistance and the Houthi militants resumed today in the Wadi Al-Qadi and the Traffic areas but there were no reports about casualties.

In Aden, fighter jets from the coalition struck convoys of Houthi militants and forces backing them as well as positions controlled by the militants including areas near Aden Airport killing tens of them.

In recent days, popular resistance fighters in Aden, Taiz, Dhale and Marib advanced on key warfronts killing and arresting scores of Houthi militants and regaining areas.

On Tuesday, jets from the coalition struck Sanaa International Airport preventing an Iranian plane from landing.

The Iranian plane violated a blockade on Yemen’s sea and air ports and ignored calls to divert and the coalition respond with striking the airport.

The blockade was imposed by the coalition shortly after it launched a military operation against the militants and dissident forces on March 26th.

It aims  to prevent the militants from getting weapons and other support from outside.

Yemen Post Staff

US Cruise Missiles, Drones Bomb Targets Saudis Cannot Hit

US forces engaged in military operations in Yemen

Baraqish Net – Military sources in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, said US forces involved in the military operations launched by the Gulf Alliance in Yemen said. The sources explained that the bombing of the rocket camp in the capital Sanaa on Monday evening by a cruise missile fired by a US warship.

The sources said the US bombardment came after five days of military aircraft missiles failed to hit the camp, which is located in the mountains and has a natural fortifications.

Also it indicated that the drones participated in the bombing of the al-Dailami base of operations, as well as the city of Yarim.


Cluster Bombs Used By Saudis In Yemen?

US-Supplied Weapon Banned by 2008 Treaty
May 3, 2015

2015MENA_Yemen_SaudiClustersAn expended BLU-108 canister from a CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon found in the al-Amar area of al-Safraa, Saada governorate, in northern Yemen on April 17, 2015.

A BLU-108 canister with four submunitionsA BLU-108 canister with four submunitions still attached found in the al-Amar area of al-Safraa, Saada governorate, in northern Yemen on April 17, 2015

We are not using cluster bombs at all.”