
American Resistance To Empire

Russia Strands US Forces In Afghanistan

[SEE: First Reverse Run On NDN (Northern Distribution Network)]

America’s new Russian trap in Afghanistan

fort russ blog

May 18, 2015


Translated by Kristina Rus

Under the guise of the anti-terrorist hysteria after the attacks of 9/11, America lobbied the UN and as a head of NATO invaded Afghanistan. And there is no end in sight. Withdrawal dates are always put off… meanwhile, the military forces need to be supplied.

Now in Afghanistan there are 13,000 NATO troops, of which 9,800 are American soldiers. And this number will remain for a while, because “based on the request of President Ghani about flexible withdrawal, the US will maintain the current troop levels until the end of 2015”.

But how to supply all of them?

From 2001 until the beginning of 2009, the Southern route was the main transport artery of supply of the foreign military contingent in Afghanistan.

Military cargo came from North America and Europe by sea through the Pakistani port of Karachi, land route through Pakistan (Peshawar-Jalalabad), through the Khyber pass and the border posts of Chaman and Torkham in Afghanistan.

Up to 2009 the military contingent had received more than 80% of its food, weapons and ammunition through the Southern route.

The Southern route runs through the volatile regions of Pakistan through the territory of the Pashtun tribes, the Taliban sympathizers. Since the end of 2008 – beginning of 2009, this route has become extremely unsafe. On the Afghan-Pakistan border the convoys were periodically attacked by the militants, who captured some of the supplies. Therefore, deliveries were paralyzed and reduced to a minimum.

But the troops had to be provided for. Urgently NATO began developing alternative logistics routes.  The result was agreement with Russia and Central Asian countries on the Northern supply route, or the “Northern distribution network”.

The Northern supply route first provided 50% and then 70% of the cargo. But after 2011, it has become the primary route.

The fact is that after the raid on Pakistan (!) military checkpoints by NATO helicopters on November 26, 2011 (24 Pakistani military killed, 14 injured), relations between the U.S. and Pakistan were badly tainted. As a result, in 2011, the Southern route was closed.

It should be noted that the Northern route is not the best replacement. The fact is the US and NATO could easily transport any military cargoes in both directions through the Southern route.

The Northern route only allows non-lethal cargo and only in one direction: to Afghanistan.

However, a year later America was able to negotiate the re-opening of the Southern route (in exchange for just over 1.2 billion dollars of aid to Pakistan to fight terrorism), but it was used mainly for the withdrawal of 100 thousand NATO troops. For supplies the Northern route was still used.

Not everything was smooth for NATO with the Northern Route. There was  a big fee for transit through Uzbekistan, and problems with Manas airbase in Kyrgyzstan (from where the U.S. was, to put it mildly, asked to leave). But now it doesn’t matter anymore.

All because today, on May 18, 2015, the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a government decree, terminating the transit of foreign weapons to Afghanistan.

The US is left with an unenviable choice: to lose face, breaking an international treaty with Afghanistan because of impossibility of fulfillment (maintaining a military contingent until the end of 2015); or to supply the troops through the troubled Southern route, losing military supplies to Taliban attacks.

PS.: The termination of transit of foreign weapons to Afghanistan also makes it impossible to use the base in Ulyanovsk.

There is still a route to Afghanistan via Georgia. But this route is, in fact, not operating.

The Georgian port of Poti does not have sufficient logistics infrastructure for handling oversized equipment. In addition, from Georgia to the Turkish NATO base Incirlik the military transport C-130 aircraft will not make it wthout refueling and the ISAF has only three new S-5, with a range of up to 5 thousand kilometers.

(ISAF – International Security Assistance Force – the NATO-led international forces, operating in Afghanistan)

Russian resolution 15.05.2015 № 468Russian resolution 15.05.2015 № 468 pg 2Russian resolution 15.05.2015 № 468 pg 2a

Another Afro-American Man Who Died At the Hands of Law Enforcement

Video of Iraq war vet dying in Texas jail after being mauled by riot guards

Still from youtube video/Harry Maxwell

Still from youtube video/Harry Maxwell

In 2012, active-duty soldier James Brown reported to the El Paso County Jail to serve a two-day DWI sentence. New video of his time in custody has revealed aggressive force being used on him by officers, who ignored his repeated pleas for breath.

KFOX14 obtained video recorded during Sergeant James Brown’s custody, which finally sheds some light on a death the county sheriff’s department claims was caused by a “pre-existing medical condition.”

Brown, 26, was an active-duty soldier at Fort Bliss in Texas who has served two tours of combat duty in Iraq. He had no previous criminal record.

When he self-reported to the El Paso County Jail in July 2012 to serve a short sentence for driving while intoxicated, he said in writing that he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, according to jail records.

Shortly after checking in, he spoke by phone to his mother, Dinette Robinson-Scott.

“He said they’re trying to make me stay seven days instead of two days, so i just want to pay the court fine and get out of here,” she told KFOX14. Robinson-Scott said she sent the money the next morning.

Yet at some point overnight Brown had an apparent episode that caused him to start bleeding. When he stopped communicating with the jail guard outside his cell, a team of officers in riot gear were sent in. They confronted Brown and pinned him to the ground.

Brown can be heard in the video repeatedly stating that he could not breathe. He claimed he was choking on his own blood. His health appears to wane as the video goes on.

He pleaded with the guards to remove a spit guard that restricted his breathing. He begged for water and was given only a small amount.

He was at some point laid out on the floor of his cell with shallow breathing and no signs of responsiveness. His family’s attorney say the jail didn’t called for an ambulance during this period.

Brown was eventually taken to University Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. He had no illegal drugs in his body, according to a toxicology test.

The autopsy claimed he died of natural causes via a “sickle cell crisis,” which can arise through dehydration and stress.

El Paso County Sheriff Richard Wiles told KFOX14 that he supported the autopsy’s result.

“Mr. Brown’s death was an unfortunate tragedy,” he said. “The sheriff’s office has conducted a thorough review of the facts surrounding Mr. Brown’s death and, based upon all the evidence obtained, determined that his death was caused by a pre-existing medical condition. The specific evidence cannot be discussed because of pending litigation.”

The family’s attorneys, Jason Bowles and B.J. Crow, said the video poses some serious questions about the county jail’s treatment of Brown.

“When a 26-year-old man checks into jail for a court imposed sentence on a Friday, and he leaves Sunday in a casket, something went horribly wrong there,” said Crow.

Brown’s family said he had shown no history of sickle cell crisis and that they believe his treatment in jail caused the medical emergency.

Crow added the claimed stress that brought about Brown’s sickle cell crisis at the jail was apparently more stress than the soldier had undergone while twice coming under fire during combat.

“He was bleeding out the ears, the nose, the mouth, his kidney’s shut down, his blood pressure dropped to a very dangerous level, and his liver shut down,” said Crow.

Brown’s family, meanwhile, wanted the public to know what happened to him at the El Paso County jail.

“I pray that new laws protecting soldiers in custody will be implemented, that the military adopt new policy procedures in regards to their soldiers being held in custody by an outside agency,” Brown’s mother said. “If these changes can be made and our soldiers are protected, and another family never has to experience what my family has, then my son’s death would not been in vain.”

Brown’s family is suing for damages. A federal civil trial is scheduled to open in court in October.

Bikers “Green Light” Hits On Officers Involved In Firefight In Waco War Zone

waco goreBikers put out ‘green light’ against officers following Waco shooting


waco gore2

By Dane Schiller

WACO – One day after a wild biker brawl and clash with police that left nine men dead, 18 wounded and about 170 under arrest for engaging in organized crime, this Central Texas town was still on guard.

State troopers and police carrying military-style rifles were guarding a sprawling outdoor mall that includes Twin Peaks, a risque chain tavern where chaos broke out Sunday afternoon when five gangs suddenly squared off.

A fight that broke out in the men’s room and then quickly spilled into the bar area and parking lot turned deadly with rival bikers attacking each other and then squaring off against Waco Police who rushed inside the restaurant on the southern edge of the city.

As police rounded up the bikers and night soon fell, intelligence reports indicated that more bikers were on the way here and that officers had been “green lighted” – essentially a gang sanctioned call for killing – as retaliation.

RELATED: The Bandidos motorcycle gang roots run deep in Houston

“We are on high alert,” Waco Police Sgt. Patrick Swanton said. “We encourage those individuals not to bring criminal activity to Waco. But let it be known, if they do, we are ready.”

In the wake of the shooting, about 100 high end motorcycles remained parked outside Twin Peaks and inside the crime scene. Several vehicles, including police cars, had bullet holes punched into them.

Authorities said the investigation continues and it is not yet known whether police killed any of the bikers or if they were killed by other bikers. It is also unclear if police have obtained surveillance camera footage from inside the restaurant that would show what happened.

Waco Police, Texas Rangers and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, as well as FBI agents and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, remained on the scene heavily armed with military-style rifles and other weaponry. There also appeared to be officers clad in ghillie suits on the roof of the Twin Peaks restaurants.

RELATED: Faces of bikers arrested following Waco Twin Peaks shooting begin to surface

Buildings in Waco such as the courthouse, hospital, jail, convention center and the shopping mall were all under guard by police.

The exit off of Interstate 35 to the vicinity of the restaurant was closed, causing backups for traffic. Red and blue police lights could be seen in the distance as officers blocked all entrances and exits to the area.

Police said that Twin Peaks repeatedly had declined advice to clean up their clientele and stop letting biker gang members “fly their colors” as the environment was a tinderbox for worse things to come.

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission ordered the restaurant closed for seven days. The Twin Peaks corporate office then revoked the franchise rights for the Waco restaurant, located in the Central Texas Marketplace outdoor mall.

“There was enough of a reason to believe violence could occur there,” Swanton said in the parking lot outside the restaurant.

RELATED: Heightened security in Waco after deadly biker gang shootout

The restaurant opened last August and Waco police say it has since been the scene of several biker gang gatherings.

Longtime Waco resident Marvis Hanchey sipped coffee and watched from a nearby Starbucks inside the stereotypically suburban shopping center where Sunday’s violence played out.

Hanchey said she was perplexed why incidents like the biker shooting and the Branch Davidian siege a generation ago occurred in otherwise sleepy Waco.

“It happened on the highway which goes through Waco, which is what most people do on their way from Austin to Dallas,” Hanchey said. “I don’t think this is anything to do with Waco. I don’t know why it happens here.”

Outside the restaurant there were dozens of motorcycles still left parked side-by-side from Sunday.

Swanton said those arrested are being booked into the McLennan County jail and other charges, such as capital murder, could be in the works as authorities sort out the case.

RELATED: The Latest on Waco shootings: Franchise rights revoked

At least five different motorcycle gangs were involved, he said. Among those named so far are the Bandidos and the Cossacks gangs, which both had members killed, according to the sheriff, although other law enforcement declined to comment on the gang affiliations of the dead in order to not lend the gangs any notoriety.

Larry Karson, who teaches criminal justice at the University of Houston-Downtown, said that the violence is very much part of the business of criminal motorcycle groups..

“As with any business, territory is critical to both membership and marketing,” Karson said. “If a second competing motorcycle club were allowed access to Texas for example, that would impact a Texas-based club’s efforts at recruiting new members as well as challenging their customer base for providing any product or service they might be providing, be it drugs or prostitution for example,” he said. “Not to mention any personal insult perceived.”

Aerial Tour of the Zionist Entity’s Latest War Crimes In Gaza

Gaza seen from the sky after the Zionist entity’s inhuman treatment

the syrian free press net


Unique TV footage from a drone shows the extent of the devastation wrought by Israel’s bombardment of Gaza in the summer 2014.


DR Nyheder
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