After Practically Killing the US Shale Oil Industry, Saudis To Acquire Tech For Desert Fracking

Technology for a Saudi fracking boom moves closer to reality


Andrew Zaleski, special to

The key to an energy boom is simple: Build a technology to get at the oil and gas that geologists already know is trapped in various subterranean, or subsea, formations.

The fracking boom in the U.S. is the obvious example. Extracting seabed methane hydrate is another huge bet—energy-starved Japan has made that.

Saudi Arabia could be next to use new technology to get at currently trapped gigantic reserves of oil and gas. A small pilot project about to get under way is the energy market equivalent of a moonshot, but it could allow a Saudi fracking boom to move one step closer to reality.

Workers at an oil facility near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Hasan Jamali | AP  Workers at an oil facility near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

All over the world, there are naturally fractured oil and gas reservoirs called carbonite formations, and no region has as much oil and gas trapped in carbonate formations as the Middle East. Carbonates are areas of sedimentary rock—limestone, for instance—that contain many natural cracks inside them.

Carbonite formations are estimated to hold 60 percent of the world’s oil and 40 percent of the world’s gas reserves. In the Middle East, roughly 70 percent of oil and 90 percent of gas reserves are trapped in the carbonite, according to oil services giant Schlumberger.

In hydraulic fracturing, water and other chemicals are injected underground through a well bore to extract oil and gas. The norm today is to use hydraulic pressure on a huge volume of undirected fluid, mostly water, to actually crack open the earth.

Extracting oil and gas trapped in carbonate formations has been done through a process known as acidization. Water mixed with hydrochloric acid (it’s about an 85 percent water solution) is pumped into a well bore and then branches out into the carbonate formation and etches patterns in the rock formation—think of an image of roots underneath a tree.

But the conventional approach has some big problems. The acid may not make contact with areas of the rock formation that need to be dissolved in order to access trapped oil and gas. In other cases, the acid might just wash along the inside of the well bore and not make it out into the rock formation itself.

Higher recovery rate, lower cost

Enter Fishbones, a Norway-based oil services start-up founded by Rune Freyer, a former Schlumberger executive who is considered a technical wizard in the oil business.

“Rune is a genius,” said Richard Spears,v.p. at oil and gas services consultant Spears and Associates. “He has an incredible history of developing really cool technology for oil fields,” he said.

Over the next six months, Fishbones plans to complete installations of its technology in Saudi Arabia for a client it can’t disclose.

Oil services company Baker Hughes estimates Saudia Arabia is fifth in the world when it comes to recoverable gas reserves. Much of that is in carbonate formation. What Saudia Arabia doesn’t have is a lot of water, which you need in fracking. Fishbones technology uses 95 percent less fluids and is designed for recovering oil and gas from carbonate formations.

Emma Richards, an oil and gas analyst with London-based BMI Research, said, “Saudi Arabia has an absolute dire need for gas. They want to shift their power more toward gas-based sources so they can free up oil for exports. One of the big areas they’re targeting is gas reserves in carbonate formations, and they’ve been investing quite heavily over the last few years in R&D in different kinds of fracturing technologies.”

The problem with gas recovery in Saudi Arabia mirrors some of the shale-fracking problems of the U.S.: Production costs are high, while sales costs are low. So gaining access to a technology like Fishbones potentially means higher recovery rates and boosted production at a lower cost, which improves sales.

“This is an industry that, even though it’s made up of gamblers, we aren’t gamblers. We do something once and wait a year to see how it worked out. There will be some market for it. I just can’t tell how big that might be.” -Richard Spears, vice president, Spears and Associates

The Saudi project is the most intriguing, but Fishbones is at work on additional projects in Norway and Texas.

“These are reservoirs that are found all over the world,” said Kevin Rice, the Houston-based North America region manager for Fishbones.

In Norway, it is working directly for Norway oil and gas giant Statoil, which is an investor in Fishbones.

“When it comes to the advancement of technology, Norway and the Middle East are right there,” Spears said.

A 2014 pilot project in Texas—an installation in the Austin Chalk Formation—was backed by a group called the Joint Chalk Research group based in Denmark. The members of this group are BP, ConocoPhillips, the Danish North Sea Fund, Danish state-owned oil company Dong, Hess, Maersk, Royal Dutch Shell, Statoil and Total.

In a Fishbones system, pipes containing needles are connected together as they’re installed in horizontal or vertical well bores. When the solution of water and acid is pumped through this piping system, the pressure of the solution pushes the needles out into the rock formation underground. Those needles, which extend 40 feet in four directions from the main well bore, create tiny tunnels in the rock known as laterals.

After about five hours, the acid is done being pumped, and what’s left underground is a large system of lateral tunnels—not to mention the main well bore—from which oil and gas can be pumped. It’s for this reason the company is named Fishbones, since the end result of what it creates resembles the skeletal structure of a skinned fish, with the main well bore representing the spine and the lateral tunnels representing the fish’s ribs. By pushing acid deep into carbonate formations while creating lateral tunnels, Fishbones ensures that acid comes into contact with more of the natural cracks within carbonate formations.

“Creating the laterals is something very new that we’ve introduced,” Rice said. “It’s a simpler process to get access into the formation. It’s more accurate because you’re controlling where it goes.”

Fundamentally different yet promising

It’s still too soon to say whether Fishbones succeeds in the market. Although it was founded eight years ago, the company is only now beginning to commercialize its technology, having installed two pilot systems in 2013 (in Indonesia) and 2014 (the Austin Chalk project). But some who study the fracking industry think Fishbones’ approach shows promise.

“You can be hitting natural fracture systems that don’t interact with the well bore. It’s exactly the thing that we need in the extraction industry these days to strategically access resources,” said John McLennan, an associate professor in the department of chemical engineering at the University of Utah. “You’re focusing your efforts; you’re not overusing your treatment fluids. Ultimately, something like this could be successful.”

Spears said that in the U.S. and Canadian shale plays, the companies are using what amounts to “a very large sledgehammer” on a big frack job.

“You need to move a lot of rock and crack a lot of rocks open a thousand feet away from the well bore,” he said. “The approach to these big frack jobs is not appropriate for big lush reservoirs that something a little more precise might address,” Spears added.

Fishbones’ approach to the natural fractures and permeability in rock is attempting to do something fundamentally different than what the industry does, Spears said, and even though the oil and gas business is a high-risk one, these kinds of innovations can take a lot of time to be embraced, if ever.

“We’re not saying forget hydraulic fracturing,” Rice said. “But we have a specific niche in the market where we fit well. … And we have a unique way to tap into that market.”

“This is an industry that, even though it’s made up of gamblers, we aren’t gamblers. We do something once and wait a year to see how it worked out,” Spears said, adding, “There will be some market for it. I just can’t tell how big that might be.”

By Andrew Zaleski, special to

5 Afghan Shia-Murdering GITMO Releasees To Be Set Free By Qatar

Travel ban ends for five senior Taliban Guantanamo inmates swapped for Bergdahl

Taliban 5

[THE FOLLOWING TAKEN FROM “Obama Returns 5 Top Taliban To Afghanistan, for One Potential Deserter.”]

Mohammad Fazl, the former Taliban defense minister “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites,” surrendered to the Northern Alliance commander Gen. Dostum in November 2001.

Mullah Norullah Noori, a former Taliban military commander and Taliban governor of two Afghan provinces, who led Taliban forces against U.S. and coalition troops and was also “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims.”  Noori commanded the Taliban in the northern city of Mazar e-Sharif. Like Fazl, he surrendered to Gen. Dostum in 2001.  Noori is or was associated with members of al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin.

Mohammed Nabi, another senior Taliban official with ties to al Qaeda

Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s former deputy minister of intelligence, had direct connections to Taliban leadership and was “central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups”

Khairullah Khairkhwa



These 5 Taliban will be sent back to northern Afghanistan, where they can be expected to destabilize Afghan’s northern neighbors and make northern Afghan so bad that it will justify the reintroduction of large numbers of US troops.  Once there, they can be expected to pacify the smaller region with heavy aerial bombing, in order to pave the way for the TAPI pipeline/pipedream to proceed (SEE: China abandons IP project, eyes TAPI pipeline).]


The Original Islamic Caliphate In Afghanistan Will Survive Its “Jihad” With Islamic State

[]After the highly publicized attempt by the spy agency/terrorist group ISIS to import their inhuman terror into Afghanistan, Mullah Omar released a condemnation of the group, and al-Baghdadi in particular (SEE: Taliban leader: allegiance to ISIS ‘haram’ ).

Taliban and Islamic State Declare Jihad on Each Other

Taliban Publish Mullah Omar’s Biography, Claim ‘Charismatic’ Leader Is Alive And Involved In ‘Jihadi Activities’

Pakistani Taliban rejects Islamic State’s ‘self-professed caliphate’

[As for all things pertaining to Islamist militants, the truth is rarely reported.  The so-called “ISIS terrorists” fighting against the Taliban (as reported by the Western-dominated media) are actually just local pissed-off Taliban who claim allegiance to ISIS because of their loss of faith, or simlply those who have been bought-off. 

The “jihad” against the Taliban has been a Jihad within the Taliban itself.  This always happens with Sunni militant groups, where the most radical splinter-off from the main body, and then the parent groups fights to end the schism, beginning with the original “Mujahedeen,” who trained in Pakistan, to go to fight Russians in Afghanistan.   The Sipah e-Sahab predated the “Taliban.”  They provided the foundation for all radical Pakistani Islamists who would later follow.  The leaders from the second-generation terrorists became emisaries to the world, from the terrorists’ parents, Pakistan’s ISI intelligence directorate.  Pakistan sent these terrorist “seeds” wherever the CIA wanted them to be planted, in order to grow future conflicts from them.

Mullah Omar’s Taliban will survive the encounter with ISIS (Saudi/US) proxies.]

Khorassan Shura islamic state

OSINT Summary: Inter-group clashes leave 27 Taliban and Islamic State-affiliated militants dead in Afghanistan’s Farah


Nolwenn Bourillon-Bervas – IHS Jane’s Terrorism & Insurgency Monitor

The governor of Afghanistan’s Farah province, Asif Nang, reported on 24 May that armed clashes had been ongoing in the Sarkhash Mazar area of Khak-e-Safid district in the province for three days between Taliban militants and defected members of the group who had allegedly pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. The fighting left at least 15 Islamic State-affiliated militants and 12 Taliban militants dead in addition to a further 20 wounded combatants. Nang added that the Taliban had reportedly captured 12 Islamic State-affiliated militants, including four women of unknown foreign nationality, during the fight. This is the second engagement reported between the two groups this month, following the killing of three local Taliban commanders by Islamic State-affiliated militants in the Nazyan and Dur Baba districts of Nangarhar province on 16 May.

Such incidents represent the first major confrontations between the two groups in Afghanistan as the Islamic State increasingly develops and expands its presence in the country. The process began in Pakistan, where disaffected local pro-Taliban militants, many from the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), began pledging allegiance to the Islamic State and its emir, Ibrahim al-Badri (alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), during late 2014. Then in January, local Afghan officials began to report the presence of allegedly Islamic State-affiliated militants in diverse areas across the country, including the provinces of Helmand, Farah, Sar-e-Pol, Jawzjan, Kunduz, Ghazni, Paktika, Logar, Nangarhar, and Zabul, with reports of growing low-level defections from the Taliban. This presence was then officially codified by the Islamic State, with main spokesperson Abu Muhammad al-Adnani announcing the formation of the group’s Wilayat Khorasan (Khorasan Province) on 27 January, covering Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran.spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ISIL Abu Mohammad al-Adnani al-Shami Abu Mohammad al-Adnani al-Shami, spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),

Since then Wilayat Khorasan has claimed responsibility for attacks in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, although the veracity of such claims remains unverified. Nonetheless, the group has a substantive presence on the ground in Afghanistan and is likely to be seeking to attract disaffected local Taliban fighters and local commanders, particularly hardliners within the group who may disagree with the group’s seeming movement towards a peace process with the Afghan government. The Taliban is likely to seek to stamp out any such efforts across the country, raising the risk of future such clashes between the two groups.