SRES 580 is the same B.S. written down in House Res. 362.

Whereas for nearly 20 years Iran had a covert nuclear program, until the program was revealed by an opposition group in Iran in 2002;

All available evidence on Iranian nuclear intentions is unreliable, as it comes directly from the Israeli Mossad, who pass it on to the Iranian terrorist organization MEK (Mujahedeen-e-Khalq), who then pass it on to Israel’s neocon friends in America. This terrorist organization (which the Iraqi government is expelling from its sanctuary) uses “intelligence” produced by an American-compromised puppet secret service to prove what Israel thinks that Iran thinks.

The next “evidence” cited by the Senate neocons to prove that the Iranians are working on a nuclear bomb is a list of components in any elemental atomic industry or research:

importation of uranium hexafluoride, the construction of a uranium enrichment facility, experimentation with plutonium, the importation of centrifuge technology and the construction of centrifuges

At the end of that list is a reference to a CIA-doctored bomb design which they introduced into the Middle East to discredit Islamic nations:

the importation of the design to convert highly enriched uranium gas into a metal and to shape it into the core of a nuclear weapon

SRES 580 claims that Iran cannot produce enough bomb-grade uranium before the end of 2009, yet this resolution seeks to authorize a military blockade, banning the importation of refined petroleum products to Iran, among other measures. (Probably including the proposed no-fly zone over Iran called for in H. RES. 362), even though they added the disclaimer that nothing in this resolution shall be construed to authorize the use of force against Iran (even though military force is the only possible way to embargo gasoline).

Whereas allowing the Government of Iran to obtain a nuclear weapons capability would pose a grave threat to international peace and security. The fear is that a nuclear-armed Iran would use its nuclear threat to intimidate its neighbors, much the same as nuclear-armed Israel does today.

Whereas allowing the Government of Iran to obtain a nuclear weapons capability would fundamentally alter and destabilize the strategic balance of power in the Middle East. The Middle East is already destabilized by American and Israeli aggression in the region. The fear is that neither Israel nor the US would be able to continue their rape of weaker Middle Eastern nations.

Whereas allowing the Government of Iran to obtain a nuclear weapons capability would severely undermine the global nuclear nonproliferation regime that, for more than 4 decades, has contained the spread of nuclear weapons. The United States and its allies are most responsible for the spread of nuclear technology throughout the world. The US gave Iran its first reactor. Nuclear weapons spread from the US to its most important allies. All nukes are based on American “know-how.”

Whereas the Government of Iran has repeatedly called for the elimination of our ally, Israel. Iran has never called for the elimination of Israel, even though many Israeli officials have openly called for the “Shoah” (destruction) of Iran.

Whereas the Government of Iran has advocated that the United States withdraw its presence from the Middle East. I also whole-heartedly endorse the idea of the United States withdrawing all of its forces from the Middle East.


SRES 580


Sen. Jefferson Sessions [R-AL]

Sen. Ken Salazar [D-CO]

Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I-CT]

Sen. Thomas Carper [D-DE]

Sen. Mel Martinez [R-FL]

Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL]

Sen. Saxby Chambliss [R-GA]

Sen. John Isakson [R-GA]

Sen. Michael Crapo [R-ID]

Sen. Evan Bayh [D-IN]

Sen. Samuel Brownback [R-KS]

Sen. Pat Roberts [R-KS]

Sen. Mitch McConnell [R-KY]

Sen. Mary Landrieu [D-LA]

Sen. David Vitter [R-LA]

Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D-MD]

Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]

Sen. Olympia Snowe [R-ME]

Sen. Susan Collins [R-ME]

Sen. Debbie Ann Stabenow [D-MI]

Sen. Carl Levin [D-MI]

Sen. Norm Coleman [R-MN]

Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]

Sen. Christopher Bond [R-MO]

Sen. Thad Cochran [R-MS]

Sen. Roger Wicker [R-MS]

Sen. Elizabeth Dole [R-NC]

Sen. Byron Dorgan [D-ND]

Sen. Kent Conrad [D-ND]

Sen. Judd Gregg [R-NH]

Sen. John Sununu [R-NH]

Sen. Robert Menéndez [D-NJ]

Sen. George Voinovich [R-OH]

Sen. Thomas Coburn [R-OK]

Sen. James Inhofe [R-OK]

Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]

Sen. Gordon Smith [R-OR]

Sen. Robert Casey [D-PA]

Sen. Jim DeMint [R-SC]

Sen. Lindsey Graham [R-SC]

Sen. John Thune [R-SD]

Sen. Tim Johnson [D-SD]

Sen. Bob Corker [R-TN]

Sen. Lamar Alexander [R-TN]

Sen. John Cornyn [R-TX]

Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX]

Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-UT]

Sen. Robert Bennett [R-UT]

Sen. Maria Cantwell [D-WA]

Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]