“At All Cost”

“At All Cost”

Moon of Alabama

September 11, 2008

The U.S. is officially attacking Pakistani citizen within Pakistan’s borders by military means:

President Bush secretly approved orders in July that for the first time allow American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the prior approval of the Pakistani government, according to senior American officials.

This is an open declaration of war against Pakistan.

The commander of Pakistan’s armed forces understood that and promises to fight back:

“The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country will be defended at all cost and no external force is allowed to conduct operations inside Pakistan,” [Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani] said.

That grave sentence is the last one in the AP report.

Have the people of the United States understood what Bush is doing here?

He just started a war with a nuclear armed nation of some 170 million people.

Have the NATO/ISAF troops in Afghanistan and their civilian overlords understood what Bush is doing here?

U.S. troops outside of NATO/ISAF command attacked the country through which some 80% of all logistic that sustain those troops are shipped. There is no real alternative transport for these materials and last week the route was already shut down for day. That was clearly a warning.

The international media seem to be quiet about the issue.

There should be outrage. Attacks like the ground operation last week have zero military relevance for the outcome in Afghanistan. Kill one ‘senior militant’ and ten others will step up to take his job. But such operations endanger all ‘western’ troops and civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There are clear alternatives to this. The U.S. commander in Afghanistan requested 10,000 more troops to fight the Taliban within Afghanistan. Those could seal the border to Pakistan. But Bush does not want to pull troops out of Iraq and will send only some 3,500 to Afghanistan and that only next spring. Instead he widens the war to include another country.

Some 90% of the  Pakistani public are already against any cooperation with the United States. Mr. Ten Percent Zardari lied and bribed himself into the Pakistani presidency with the help of the U.S. ambassador to the UN Zalmay Khalizad. The U.S. seems to think Zardari is an asset. In reality his approval rating in Pakistan is 14%. He is irrelevant. The Pakistani army will do what it thinks is best for the country, no matter what Zardari says.

General Kayani just announced layed down a marker: “The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country will be defended at all cost.”

It is time for people to understand what “all cost” includes. People may be more familiar with the term “all options are on the table.” That is, what I think, Kayani meant.

The Falling Land

The Falling Land

Chris Floyd


September 11, 2008

There is, apparently, to be no end to our falling. No bottom to the pit of moral nullity through which we keep plunging, no act of evil which we will not accept, and countenance, and even cheer.

At one time, it required great lies  — elaborate, monstrous deceits, wrapped in myths of goodness and light — to disguise the brutal machinations of raw power. Otherwise, it was thought, the people might rise up in anger at the crimes being committed in their name, thus threatening the primacy and privilege of the elite.

But this proved to be unnecessary in the end. The foulest deeds could be done in broad daylight, in full view of the world, before the eyes of our children, without the slightest consequence for the perpetrators. The crowd would applaud, or, at worst, simply shrug and move on.

Actions and policies drawn from the horror stories of history — things which the people had been taught to abominate from the day they were born — were freely and openly embraced.

The Nazis launched unprovoked wars of aggression and despoiled whole nations. So do we now; who cares? The Gestapo and the KGB snatched people from the street and held them without charges in secret prisons, tortured them with brute force and with exquisitely calibrated techniques approved by the highest authorities. So do we now; who cares? The Soviets spied without qualm or restraint on their own people, no warrants needed, no evidence required, just a nod from some faceless official in the security organs. So do we now; who cares? The Nazis believed that the national leader is beyond the law, that any order he gives is rightful and just and cannot be punished, simply because he has given it. So do we now; who cares? The Soviets and the Nazis treated protests against the established order as security threats and acts of terror, and repressed them with mass arrests and police violence. So do we now; who cares?

All of these things, and many more besides, have been done and are being done by the government of the United States today, with either the full-throated approval or the meek acquiescence of the political opposition and the nation’s institutions. The people too seem largely in agreement, or completely indifferent. We have just finished a primary campaign in which tens of millions of people voted for candidates who support the system described above in almost every particular — quibbling about some of the details and tactics perhaps, but expressing absolutely no dissent from its basic premises.

The two major candidates left standing after this appalling process are as similar in policy and philosophy as it is possible to be and still maintain a semblance of “choice” in the election. Both support the continuance and expansion of the “War on Terror.” Both pledge to use massive, lethal, violent force, at any time, anywhere in the world — with no options, not even the nuclear one, taken “off the table” — in the service of ever-nebulous and self-defined “national security” interests. Both support the warrantless surveillance of American citizens, and immunity for vast conglomerates that collaborate with the state in blatantly illegal activity. Both believe that even those who have not committed murder can be executed by the state. (And neither has said a single word about the shame of America’s prison system: more than 2 million people behind bars, more than any other nation on earth, in both sheer numbers and proportionately, and rivalled historically in those numbers only by Stalin’s gulag at the height of the purges.)

Both support a continuing American military presence in Iraq, under one euphemism or another. Both mouth pieties about opposing torture and upholding the rule of law, but neither of them applied their considerable powers as senators — or their great personal popularity — to make the slightest move to bring the perpetrators of the White House-approved torture regime to justice. (McCain has even voted explicitly to allow the CIA to torture captives.) Both have just finished conventions at which American citizens seeking to exercise their constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly were herded by armed police into wire pens (dubbed, with sinister irony, “free speech zones”), harassed, arrested, in cases beaten, invaded, and charged with thought crime and terrorism. Both support, and are supported by, the same corporate interests whose predations and corruptions have shredded the social and civic fabric of the nation and are now leading millions into penury.

Where are the hands, as in Rilke’s poem, that can hold up all this falling? There are none. And so we keep falling, down and down and still farther down.


I just read the “red, white, and blue roots of terrorism” article. I’m a conservative guy but believe in reading as many articles across the ideological spectrum as possible. However, you’re just an apologist for radical islamic beliefs who blames America first for everything. You imply that without “American-funded terrorism,” global terrorism would be either greatly diminished, or nonexistent. You don’t even delve into how terrorists despise us for our freedoms, democracy, and wealth.
When I come to an alternative news site and read an article like yours it reinforces why I am so thankful for Fox News, not because I agree with everything they say, but because we need them to offset all the liberal anti-America psychobabble.
Reading your article has given me a new appreciation for Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, so thank you for reminding me why I’m a conservative, and why I’ll go running in the other direction the next time I come across an article written by you.
Christian in California

Masters of Defeat: Retreating Empire and Bellicose Bluster

Masters of Defeat: Retreating Empire and Bellicose Bluster

James Petras

Everywhere one looks, US imperial policy has suffered major military and diplomatic defeats. With the backing of the Democratic Congress, the Republican White House’s aggressive pursuit of a military approach to empire-building has led to a world-wide decline of US influence, the realignment of former client rulers toward imperial adversaries, the emergence of competing hegemons and loss of crucial sources of strategic raw materials.

The defeats and losses have not dampened militaristic policies nor extinguished the drive for empire building. On the contrary, both the White House and the Congressional incumbents have embraced a hardening of military positions, reiterated a confrontational style of politics and an increased reliance on overseas, bellicose posturing to distract the domestic populace from its deteriorating economic conditions. As the economic and political cost of sustaining the empire increases, as the Federal government allocates hundreds of billions to the crises-ridden financial sector and cuts tens of billions in corporate taxes, avoiding collapse and recession, the entire economic burden is borne by the wage and salaried class in the form of declining living standards, while 12 million immigrant workers are subject to savage police state repression.

The overseas failures and domestic crises however have not led to progressive alternatives; the beneficiaries are overseas competitors and the domestic elite. In large part where public opinion majorities have expressed a desire or clamored for progressive alternatives, they have been thwarted by political representatives linked to militarist ideologues and the corporate elites.

Paradoxically the defeats and decline of US military directed empire building has been accompanied by the retreat of the anti-war movements in North America and Western Europe and the sharp decline of political parties and regimes opposing US imperialism in all the advanced capitalist countries. In other words, the defeats suffered by the US Empire have not been products of the Western Left, nor have they led to a ‘peace dividend’ or improved living standards for the working classes or peasants. To the extent that there are beneficiaries, they are found largely among the newly aspiring economic imperial countries, like China, Russia and India, among the oil rich countries of the Middle East, and especially among a broad swath of large agro-mineral export countries like Brazil, South Africa and Iran, which have carved out important niches in their region’s.

The growth and overseas expansion of the new economic empire building countries and their agro-mineral-financial ruling classes (with the possible exception of Venezuela) have greatly benefited a tiny elite, comprising not more than twenty percent of the population. The relative decline of US military imperialism and the rise of new economic imperialist powers have redistributed wealth and market share between countries but not among classes within the ascendant powers. While the militarists-Zionists-financial speculators rule the US Empire, the new billionaire manufacturers, real estate speculators and agro-mineral exporters rule the emerging economic empires.

The second paradox is found in the fact that the political forces militarily defeating the US military-centered empire are not the forces benefiting from the struggle.

While the Iraqi and Afghan resistance has imposed almost a trillion dollar cost on the US Treasury and tied down over 2 million rotating US troops over the past six years, it is the Chinese, Indian, Russian, European, Gulf Oil and financial ruling classes which have reaped the benefits from massive US non-productive expenditures. While the new economic beneficiaries are, in large part, secular, imperial and elitist, the politico-military forces undermining and defeating the US military empire are religious (Islamic), nationalist and mass-based.

The contemporary defeats of US military empire building are not a product of Western, secular, mass leftist movements. Nor do they result in a progressive, egalitarian society. Instead we have fast-growing highly unequal economies, led by ruling classes promoting their own ‘national’ versions of free market/neo-liberal strategies, which maximize profits through economic exploitation of labor, resource extraction and pillage of the environment. Until the mass movements, intellectuals and activists of the West break from their passivity and blind allegiance to the existing major parties, the defeat of US militarism will be a costly burden assumed by the masses of the Third World while the benefits will accrue to the rising new billionaire economic imperialists. The Geography of Imperial Failures and Retreat

Middle East: Iraq and Iran

The ascendancy of military-directed empire building in the US has once again put into evidence its utter incapability to impose a new imperial order. After six and a half years of war and occupation in Iraq, the US has suffered enormous military casualties and over half a trillion in economic losses, without securing any political or military or natural resource gains. The losses from the war have generated domestic opposition to US military intervention, undermining current and future imperial military capacity. Even the US designated puppet ruler in Iraq, Al Maliki, has demanded a set date for US withdrawal. US client Afghan President Karzai has called for greater oversight over US military operations which have killed thousands of non-combatants and civilians, thus deepening and extending support for the national resistance which now operates throughout the country.

For those in the US, particularly on the ‘Left’ who mistakenly argued that the invasion of Iraq was a ‘War for Oil’ (rather than a war in support of Israeli hegemonic ambitions), Iraq’s signing of a $3 billion dollar oil contract with the China National Petroleum Corporation in late August 2008 (Financial Times August 28, 2008) demonstrates the contrary, unless one wishes to revise the slogan to ‘US War for Chinese Oil’. In the 6 years since the US invaded Iraq, US oil companies have still failed to secure major oil deals.

On October 4-5, 2008, Shell, one of the world’s biggest petroleum multinationals and OMV, an Austrian energy corporation will sponsor a conference in Teheran under the auspices of the National Iranian Gas Export Company to promote ‘gas export opportunities and potentials of the Islamic Republic of Iran’. This conference is simply one more example of the role of major petroleum companies attempting, through peaceful means, to build their overseas holdings (‘economic empire’). The major opposition to this ‘oil for peace’ move on the part of Shell Oil came from the leading Jewish-Zionist promoter of US engaging in Middle East wars for Israel – the Anti-Defamation League, which criticized Big Oil. According to its two principle leaders, Glen Lewy and Abe Foxman, “…these two companies are co-sponsoring a conference with the state-owned energy company of the leading state-sponsor of terrorism and human rights violator. Bu promoting one of Iran’s strategic industries, natural gas, OMV and Shell are hindering the effort of responsible states (sic) and corporations to isolate Iran.”

The conflict between Shell/OMV and a leading American Zionist-Jewish organization highlights the fundamental conflict between economic-centered empire building and military-centered empire building. The fact that Shell and OMV went ahead with the Iranian conference shows that at least some sectors of the oil industry are finally beginning to challenge the stranglehold that Zionist-militarists have over US Middle East policy. After having lost tens of billions of dollars in lucrative oil contracts thanks to Zionist-dictated policies , the oil companies are finally taking the first tentative steps toward formulating a new policy.

By pursuing the Israeli-US Zionist agenda of sequential wars and sanctions against oil-rich Muslim countries, Washington has lost access, control and profits to global economic competitors in a strategic region.


In the African nation of Somalia Washington opted for military intervention via the proxy Ethiopian dictatorial regime of Meles Zenawi to bolster the discredited and defeated pro-US puppet regime of Abdullah Yusuf. After almost 2 years the Ethiopian and the puppet regime only control a few blocks of the capital, Mogadishu, while the rest of the country is in the hands of the Somali resistance. According to the Financial Times (August 28, 2008), the Ethiopian regime “expressed a desire to curtail its military engagement in Somalia”. The US surrogate has been militarily and politically defeated; the US failed to secure support for its proxy occupation from the African Union. Throughout Africa, China, the EU, Japan, Russia and to a lesser degree India and Brazil all have made inroads in securing joint ventures in oil, raw materials export markets and large-scale, long-term infrastructure investments, while the US backs armed separatists in the Sudan and subsidizes the corrupt Mubarak regime in Egypt for over a billion dollars a year. Not only has the US empire lost out economically to its global competitors, it has suffered a major military-diplomatic defeat in Somalia and severely politically and financially weakened its Ethiopian client.

South Asia

In South Asia, the US strategic puppet ruler, Pakistani dictator Mushareff has been forced to resign – and the weak and divided electoral coalition which has replaced him has not been able to match the military, diplomatic and intelligence support for the US war in Afghanistan which Mushareff provided. The Pakistan-Afghan border is virtually open territory for cross border attacks, recruitment and military supplies by Afghan resistance organizations. The empire’s loss of Mushareff further undermines US efforts to impose an outpost in Afghanistan.

Through frequent ground and air attacks on Pakistan regions bordering Afghanistan, the US-NATO ‘coalition’ has multiplied, deepened and made massive civilian political and armed opposition throughout the country. The ‘election’ of the US client and convicted warlord and thug, Asif Ali Zadari, as President of Pakistan, will not in anyway contribute to the recovery of US influence outside of very limited elite political and military circles. Washington’s pursuit and extension of military imperialism from Afghanistan to Pakistan has led to even more severe political defeat among a much wider population in South Asia.

Top NATO generals and officials have recognized that the ‘Taliban’ has reorganized and extended its influence throughout the country, controlling most

throughways to the major cities and even operating in and around the capital Kabul. Repeated US bombing and missile strikes of civilian housing, cultural events and markets have alienated vast numbers of Afghans and led to widespread opposition to US client ruler Karzai. The promises of both US presidential candidates to vastly expand the US occupation forces in Afghanistan upon taking office, will only prolong the war and deepen the weakening of the economic empires and its domestic foundations.


Washington’s attempt to extend its sphere of influence in the Caucasus through a territorial grab by its authoritarian Georgian client, President Mikheil Saakashvili, led instead to a profound defeat of the local satrap’s regional ambitions. The political break and integration with Russia of South Ossetia and Abkhazia represents the end of unrestricted expansion of the US and EU in the region – and a rollback in contested terrain. The rash adventurism and subsequent destruction of the Georgian economy by Saakashvili has provoked widespread internal unrest. Worse still, Georgia, the US and its Eastern European clients call for ‘sanctions’ against Russia, threatens to undermine Western European strategic energy supply lines, as well as end Moscow’s collaboration with US military policies in Afghanistan, Iran and the Middle East. If Washington escalates its military and economic threats to Russia, the latter can provide Iran, Syria and other US adversaries with powerful middle range ultra-modern anti-aircraft missiles. Equally important Russia can dump over $200 billion in US Treasury notes, further weaken the US dollar and set in motion a global run in the currency.

In Georgia as elsewhere, US military-centered empire building gives priority to a failed marginal land grab by a third rate client over lucrative strategic economic and military relations with one of the world’s global oil and gas powers and a crucial collaborator in its ongoing military operation in the Middle East. While US economic relations with Russia crumble in the wake of its aggressive military encirclement of Moscow—military bases in the Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, Bulgaria, Rumania – Western European empire builders resist making military threats in favor of harsh rhetoric and ‘dialog’ in order to sustain strategic energy ties.

Middle East: Israel and the Arabs

In the Middle East, the US unconditional backing of Israeli military aggression in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, and US backing of weak and ineffective Arab clients has led to a sharp decline in US influence. In Lebanon, since the defeat of the Israeli invasion in 2006, Hezbollah literally rules the southern half of the country – and holds veto power within the national government, reversing US client rule.

In Gaza, US and Israeli military attempts to seize power and oust Hamas via its client Abbas and Dahlen were rounded defeated and the independent nationalist movement led by Hamas consolidated power.

Washington’s effort to regain its influence and improve its image among conservative and moderate Arab rulers by ‘mediating’ a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine in Annapolis in November 2007 was utterly destroyed by Tel Aviv’s open and total repudiation of all the basic conditions set forth by the Bush Administration. Washington has no influence on Israel’s colonial expansion. On the contrary, the US Middle East policy is totally subject to the Israeli state through the Zionist Power Configuration and its control over Congress, Presidential selection, the mass media and major propaganda ‘think tanks’. The Zionists demonstrated their power by even dictating who could or could not even speak at the Democratic National Convention with the unprecedented censoring of former President James Carter because of his humanitarian criticism of Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians. Zionist-Israeli usurpation of US Middle East policy has led to strategic losses of investments, markets, profits and partnerships for the entire multi-national oil and gas industry.

The political fusion of imperialist militarists confronting Russia at the cost of strategic economic relations and Zionist-militarists pursuing Israeli regional power has led to multiple failed military adventures and tremendous global economic losses.

The Western Hemisphere

The application of the militarist strategy as well as the relative decline of economic hegemony has led to strategic defeats and failures in the Western Hemisphere. In late 2001, Washington challenged and threatened to take reprisals against President Chavez for refusing to submit to Bush’s ‘war on terror.’ Chavez at the time informed a bellicose representative of the State Department (Grossman) that, “We don’t fight terror with terror.” Less than 6 months later in April 2003, Washington backed a failed military coup and between December 2002 to February 2003, a failed bosses lockout. The failure of the US militarist strategy devastated Washington’s military and ruling class clients, and radicalized the Chavez Government. As a consequence, the Venezuelan leader proceeded to nationalize oil and petrol sectors and develop strategic ties with countries that compete with or oppose the US Empire, such as, Cuba, Iran, China and Russia. Venezuela signed strategic economic agreements in Latin America with Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba and Nicaragua. While Washington poured over $6 billion dollars in military aid to Colombia, Venezuela signed petrol and gas investment and trade agreements with most of the Central American and Caribbean countries, severely challenging Washington’s influence in the region.

High commodity prices, booming Asian markets, unacceptable US tariffs and subsidies led to the relative independence of Latin America’s ‘national capitalist’ regimes, who embraced ‘neo-liberalism’ without the constraints of the IMF or the dictates of Washington. In these circumstances the US lost most of its leverage – except Colombia’s military threats – to pressure Latin America to isolate Chavez – or even Cuba. Washington’s military strategy led to its self-isolation.

Overseas Consequences of Failed Military Strategies

Isolation in Latin American can not be overcome because Washington’s pursuit of empire via prolonged military aggression – in the rest of the world and in Latin America –can not compete with the profits, wealth, investment and trade opportunities offered to the ruling classes of Latin America by the new markets in Russia, the Middle East, Asia and by oil rich Venezuela.

Washington’s militarist imperial strategy is evident in its dual policies: Prioritizing the spending of $6 billion in military aid to repressive Colombia while sacrificing $10 billion in trade, investments and profits with oil rich Venezuela. Washington has spent over $500 billion in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; billions are spent in war preparations against Iran; over $3 billion annually for Israel’s military; all the time losing hundreds of billions of dollars in trade and investment with Latin America.

The most striking aspect of this historical contrast is that the military spending embedded in military-centered empire building has failed even its minimum goal of gaining political control, military outposts and strategic resources for war. In contrast, global market competitors have secured access and control over strategic economic resources, and signed lucrative political co-operation agreements without costly military commitments.

Domestic Consequences of Failed Military-Driven Empire Building

The cost of military-Zionist driven empire building to the domestic economy has been devastating: Competitiveness has declined, inflation is eroding living standards, employment with stable living wages is disappearing, unemployment and loss of jobs is skyrocketing, the financial system is disconnected from the real economy and on the verge of collapse, home foreclosures are reaching catastrophic levels and taxpayers are being bled to death to bail out the trillion dollar home mortgage debt speculators. Political malaise is widespread. In the midst of system-wide crisis, an emerging police state has taken hold: thousands of legal and undocumented immigrant workers have been seized at their factories and detained in military camps away from their children. Muslim and Arab associations are raided and prosecuted on the bases of paid informers, including hooded Israeli ‘witnesses’. The federal and local police practice ‘preventative detention’ of activists and journalists prior to the Presidential conventions, seizing protestors before they can exercise their constitutional rights and systematically destroying the cameras and tapes of citizens attempting to document abuses. Failed military imperialism brings in its wake a burgeoning police state – backed by both political parties – in the face of economic crises which threatens the political and social foundations of the empire.


The economic crisis in the run up to the Presidential elections has not led to the emergence of a mass based progressive alternative candidate. Both the Democratic and Republican contenders promise to prolong and extend the imperial wars and submit to unprecedented Israeli-Zionist military dictates with regard to Iran.

Crises and military defeats have not led to a re-thinking of global economic and military commitments. Instead we witness a right-wing radicalization, which seeks to escalate confrontations with China, Russia and Iran. The US draws in its wake the client regimes of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus and Baltic regions to counter Western Europe’s emphasis on ‘economic-centered’ empire building.

The reality of a multi-polarized economic world however undermines US efforts to impose a bipolar military confrontation. China holds $1.2 trillion dollars in US debt. Western Europe, in general, depends on over one-third of its energy for its homes, offices and factories from Russia. Germany relies on Russia for almost 60% of its gas. The economies of Asia: Japan, India, China, Vietnam and South Korea all depend on oil from the Middle East and not on the Middle East war plans of the Israeli-American militarists.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Venezuela and Iran are essential to the functioning of the world economy. In the same way that the US-Israel-United Kingdom cannot support their empire on the bases of failed military strategies abroad and economic disaster and police state policies at home

George Bush isn’t in charge, says Vladimir Putin

George Bush isn’t in charge, says Vladimir Putin


In a thinly veiled dig at George Bush, Vladimir Putin today suggested that the US President was not in charge of American affairs, saying that it was “the court that makes the king”.

Amid heightened tensions with the US in the wake of the war in Georgia, the Russian Prime Minister insisted that the US leader was a man of honour and integrity, but blamed members of the administration for the sharp deterioration of relations with Russia.

”I still hope we will maintain good relations, but it is the court that makes the king,” he told a group of foreign journalists in an interview at his residence in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

He nonetheless spoke fondly of his relationship with Mr Bush, saying, only half-jokingly: ”I treat President Bush better than some Americans would”.

At times Mr Putin displayed genuine anger, particularly when discussing the deployment of US navy warships just off the Russian Black Sea coast. Much of his criticism was aimed directly at the Bush administration which he accused of training and army the Georgian military and encouraging its leadership to launch last month’s assault on the breakaway province of South Ossetia.

“Should we have wiped the bloody snot off our face and bowed our head? Should we have waved our penknives?” he said in response to the mobilisation of Georgian tanks and troops.

Zero 9/11 Movie – A Feature Length Documentary about September 11th

Landmark Russian TV Debate on 9/11

by Webster G. Tarpley

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Washington DC , Sept. 9, 2008 – Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001 , will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome . Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth.

The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001 , and has been a leading critic of the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country, Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation (fondsk.ru) in Moscow . Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European Parliament in Brussels , representing the region around Asti in northwest Italy . Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris , was one of the first critics of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.

Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic , he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow . “We have been studying these images very, very, carefully,” commented the cosmonaut pointedly, “and we have seen some highly interesting things.”

The host for the debate stressed that this landmark telecast did not imply that the Kremlin administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin was officially espousing any particular point of view concerning 9/11, but rather reflected a commitment to free and open debate. Nevertheless, observers in the Russian capital sense a far-reaching change of mood by the Russian government in the wake of the August 7-8 genocidal attack on South Ossetia by the Georgian dictator and US satellite Saakashvili. The Russians, according to this view, are through with doing favors for the US , especially in regard to Washington ’s official myths about 9/11 and the war on terror, and this telecast will deliver that message in a clear and unmistakable way.

Webster G. Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA . His current book is Obama – The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate. These are available on amazon.com. His next book, entitled Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, will be available on lulu.com starting September 10.

By Webster G. Tarpley

Washington DC , Sept. 9, 2008 – Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001 , will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome . Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth.

The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001 , and has been a leading critic of the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country, Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation (fondsk.ru) in Moscow . Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European Parliament in Brussels , representing the region around Asti in northwest Italy . Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris , was one of the first critics of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.

Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic , he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow . “We have been studying these images very, very, carefully,” commented the cosmonaut pointedly, “and we have seen some highly interesting things.”

The host for the debate stressed that this landmark telecast did not imply that the Kremlin administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin was officially espousing any particular point of view concerning 9/11, but rather reflected a commitment to free and open debate. Nevertheless, observers in the Russian capital sense a far-reaching change of mood by the Russian government in the wake of the August 7-8 genocidal attack on South Ossetia by the Georgian dictator and US satellite Saakashvili. The Russians, according to this view, are through with doing favors for the US , especially in regard to Washington ’s official myths about 9/11 and the war on terror, and this telecast will deliver that message in a clear and unmistakable way.

Webster G. Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA . His current book is Obama – The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate. These are available on amazon.com. His next book, entitled Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, will be available on lulu.com starting September 10.

The little known “false flag” attack to make a killing on the speculation market

The little known “false flag” attack to make a killing on the speculation market

Wayne Madsen

WMR / Online Journal

Prior to the 9/11 attacks, insider trading “put options” were placed on United and American Airlines stocks. The speculative options on United were placed between September 6 and 7, 2001 and on American on September 10 at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange.

Put options are bets that a stock will fall in value and the owner has the option of buing the stock at a lower rate and sell them at the highest rate, thus earning a quick windfall profit. The put options on the two airlines’ stock was reportedly six times higher than normal. Other unusual “put option” activity was registered with three European reinsurance firms, Germany Re, Swiss Re, AXA of France, in addition to World Trade Center occupant Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.

There was a previous attempt to use a “false flag” terrorist attack to manipulate international markets to earn a quick profit. According to The Washington Post, two individuals, Jay Aubrey Elliott and Rolf Dunbier, were once arrested in New York for planning to blow up the Kafue River bridge in Zambia, the only bridge servicing Zambia’s Copperbelt Province. At the same time, Violet Elliott, Elliott’s wife; Efraim Ronen, Benjamin Edoui, Yitzhak Markovitch, and Raphael Tseriano were arrested in Tel Aviv by Israeli police after the Shin Bet, Israel’s security service, and the FBI discovered the plan to blow up the Zambian bridge in order to drive up the world’s copper prices. Jay Elliott had earlier visited Tel Aviv to sign up explosive experts to blow up the Zambian bridge. Law enforcement authorities in Zambia and the United States were tipped off about the plan.

Jay Elliott and Dunbier were charged with violating the federal Neutrality Act, which forbids American citizens and foreigners in the United States from waging war against nations with which the United States is at peace. The act has been used only rarely by the federal government, having in the past charged U.S. citizens and nationals with conspiring to commit acts of war against Haiti and Laos. No action was taken against right-wing conspirators who used U.S. soil to plan and carry out military action against Cuba and Nicaragua.

Although the conspiracy by Israeli and American nationals against Zambia’s railway bridge appear to have come from recent headlines, the story was published in The Washington Post on November 9, 1966.

The Mossad was never officially implicated in the planned attack on Zambia but the Israeli intelligence agency conducted a number of “false flag” attacks before and after 1966.

In 1954, Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon secretly organized a terrorist attack on the U.S. Information Service library in Cairo, Egypt, that would be conducted so the Americans would blame the Egyptian government of Gamal Abdel Nasser. In November 1968, King Hussein of Jordan discovered that Israel was behind the Kateb al Nasr commando group that attacked the U.S. embassy in Amman with the deaths of 29 civilians and security personnel. Israel was hoping to cause the United States to blame Jordan for the attack.

Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, also known as “Carlos the Jackal,” maintained that it was the Mossad that killed two French police agents and a Lebanese informant in 1975. The two policemen, Raymond Dous and Jean Donatini, and the Lebanese informant, Michel Moukharbal, were investigating a terrorist attack on El Al Airlines at Orly Airport. “Carlos” said Mossad was trying to frame him for the murders.

In 1986, Libyan Information Minister Mohamed Sharafeddin said that Mossad agents were conducting terrorist attacks in western Europe against U.S. targets so that Libya would be blamed. He said that Israel was hoping that the U.S. Sixth Fleet would strike Libya in retaliation.

Israeli intelligence agents, some masquerading as “furniture movers,” were seen celebrating the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey and New York, some dressed in Arab garb. Pointing to the fact that Shin Bet no longer cooperates with Western law enforcement, as it did in the 1966 caper in Zambia, Bell said that Shin Bet agents, using Canadian passports, conducted false flag operations in Gaza in 2002 and Jordan in 1997. The Jordanian operation resulted in Canada withdrawing its ambassador from Tel Aviv. The 1997 affair saw Mossad agents masquerading as Canadians poison Hamas leader Khaled Meshal in Amman. When King Hussein threatened retaliation for the incident, Israel was forced to provide the antidote to save Meshal’s life.

In 1991, Mossad covered its tracks in arming and training a group of Libyan guerrillas in Chad who were trying to topple Muammar Qaddafi. Mossad arranged for Saudi Arabia to finance the operation. It was not the first nor the last time that Mossad and the Saudis cooperated on a false flag venture as witnessed by the events of 9/11.

In 1997, a senior Mossad agent responsible for monitoring Syria, Yehuda Gil, was found to be sending false reports hyping the Syrian “threat.” These were passed by then-Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Washington and Israel’s Lobby operating in the U.S. capital. It was also discovered that Gil was keeping money allocated by a Syrian agent for Mossad in Damascus long after the Syrian agent had died.

A classified CIA document on the Mossad captured by Iranian militants who took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and later published in full, outlined Mossad’s activities around the world, including “false flag” tactics and the blackmailing of U.S. officials. Former Mossad chief Isser Harel denounced the CIA’s report and said it was similar to the 19th-century anti-Semitic work, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

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© 2008 Wayne Madsen

Rand Corp — War On Terrorism Is A Failure

Rand Corp — War On Terrorism Is A Failure

Dan Kovalik

The Rand Corporation, a conservative think-tank originally started by the U.S. Air Force, has produced a new report entitled, “How Terrorist Groups End – Lessons for Countering al Qaida.” This study is important, for it reaches conclusions which may be surprising to the Bush Administration and to both presidential candidates. To wit, the study concludes that the “war on terrorism” has been a failure, and that the efforts against terrorism should not be characterized as a “war” at all. Rather, Rand suggests that the U.S. efforts at battling terrorism be considered, “counterterrorism” ins


And, why is this so? Because, Rand concludes, after studying 648 terrorist groups between 1968 and 2006, that military operations against such groups are among the least effective means of success, achieving the desired effect in only 7% of the cases. As Rand explains, “[a]gainst most terrorist groups . . . military force is usually too blunt an instrument.” Moreover, “[t]he use of substantial U.S. military power against terror groups also runs a significant risk of turning the local population against the government by killing civilians.”

In terms of this latter observation, there is no better case-in-point right now than Afghanistan – the war that both candidates for President seem to embrace as a “the right war” contrary to all evidence. In Afghanistan, the U.S. military forces should properly be known as, “The Wedding Crashers,” with the U.S. successfully bombing its fourth (4th) wedding party just this month, killing 47 civilians. According to the UN, 700 civilians have died in the Afghan conflict just this year. Human Rights Watch reports that 1,633 Afghan civilians were killed in 2007 and 929 in 2006. And, those killed in U.S. bomb attacks are accounting for a greater and greater proportion of the civilian deaths as that war goes on. As the Rand Corporation predicts in such circumstances, this has only led to an increase in popular support for those resisting the U.S. military onslaught. In short, the war is counterproductive.

Consequently, as the Rand study reports, the U.S. “war on terrorism” has been a failure in combating al Qaida, and indeed, that “[a]l Qaida’s resurgence should trigger a fundamental rethinking of U.S. counterterrorism strategy.” In the end, Rand concludes that the U.S. should rely much more on local military forces to police their own countries, and that this “means a light U.S. military footprint or none at all.” If the politicians take this study seriously, and they should, they should abandon current plans for an increase in U.S. troop involvement in Afghanistan. Indeed, the U.S. military should be pulled out of Afghanistan altogether, just as it should be pulled out of Iraq.

Interestingly, the current study from Rand, a group not considered to be very dovish, mirrors its much earlier study which also declared that the U.S.’s “war on drugs” – that is, the effort to eradicate drugs at the source (e.g., cocaine in Colombia and heroin in Afghanistan) thorugh military operations — is a failure. Instead, Rand opined, the U.S. would do better to concentrate its resources at home on drug addiction treatment – a measure the Rand Corporation concluded is 20 times more effective than the “war on drugs.” Sadly, the U.S. did not pay attention to that study then, and it remains to be seen whether it will pay attention to Rand’s current study.

Again, (and if you read my posts you will see me quote this passage often) Senator Obama was correct, both as a matter of morality as well as practicality, in calling for an “end [to] the mindset which leads us to war.” This is so because war has profoundly failed us. Unfortunately however, the United States, and those running for its highest office, appear unable to escape from this mindset.

Instead, they continue to search for military options for problems which have no military solutions. In the process, U.S. soldiers die and thousands upon thousands of civilians are killed abroad. Meanwhile, the stated objective of the U.S., whether it be fighting drugs or fighting terror, is only further undermined. One look no further than Al Qaida itself — which evolved from the U.S.’s military support for the Afghan mujahideen in pursuit of its “war on communism” — as proof of this fact.

In short, we continue to create and re-create our own enemies through our addiction to war and force. It is indeed high time to “end the mindset which leads us to war.” However, we as citizens in this ostensible democracy will have to work hard to push our leaders toward this end, for they appear unwilling and/or unable to even begin the process of moving toward such an objective.

Deception and delusion: Dummies for democracy

Deception and delusion: Dummies for democracy

By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Sep 12, 2008, 00:17

I confess. I believe there is a ruling class that sustains the two-party plutocracy running the nation for the benefit of the rich and corporate class. Their broad strategy is deception and delusion. Tactically, they use government, the mainstream media, the financial services sector, funding of politicians and the two major parties, and many other parts of the culture and economy to maintain their power and control.

Elections do not threaten elites. To the contrary, political debate and elections are important to maintain the illusion and delusion of a real democracy. They are key to preventing outright revolution, marginalizing dissidents and political reform efforts, and suppressing third parties. Would power plutocrats allow election of a president that threatened their control? Of course not. And no Democratic or Republican presidential candidate ever poses a real threat, despite cloaking themselves with labels like maverick, reformer or change agent.

If you accept my worldview, then you know that the ruling class would prefer John McCain over Barack Obama, though they can live with Obama, which is why many, many wealthy people and corporations have poured money into the Obama’s campaign and the recent Democratic convention. The chief disadvantage of Obama and Sarah Palin, from the rulers’ perspective, is their relative brief stints as politicians. It takes time to corrupt politicians and cement their dependency on and membership in the ruling class. In contrast, McCain and Joe Biden clearly have shown themselves reliable in protecting the status quo two-party plutocracy.

The best way to view most current events is through the prism of the ruling class. Take lower gas prices and the federal takeover of the two mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both occurred relatively soon before the general election, as has far better information about the Iraq war. Manipulation and engineering of national and even world events are designed to serve the interests of the ruling class.

Why does deception and delusion work so effectively? When it comes to politics, current events and history, the vast majority of citizens are uninformed, stupid and dumb, regardless of their educational level. As distracted and compulsive consumers, they fall head over hills for political lies and slick campaign rhetoric.

First, consider younger voters. So much talk is about the increased interest in this presidential campaign by younger people, especially evident in the Ron Paul and Obama campaigns. But consider these facts: For those age 18 to 29, just 20 percent read newspapers and just 11 percent regularly surf the Internet for news. Most of what people know about candidates’ positions on the issues comes from what they learn from unreliable and all too often misleading 30-second commercials. Despite far more widespread and extensive schooling, people today possess no more political knowledge than their parents and grandparents. And don’t think that those addicted to The Daily Show and its irreverent view of politics are a lot smarter than those favoring The conservative O’Reilly Factor show. In both groups, only about 54 percent of the shows’ politicized viewers scored in the high knowledge category.

Propaganda and misinformation really work. Just prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, some 60 percent of Americans believed that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attack. But here is the kicker: A year later there was a wealth of information, including the 9/11 Commission report, saying that Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack. Yet an amazing 50 percent of Americans still believed that Iraq was to blame, and may still think so. As Rick Shenkman, author of Just How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth About the American Voter, concluded: “By every measure social scientists have devised, voters are spectacularly uninformed.” Guess who takes advantage of the stupidity of voters, especially younger ones.

If people can believe Obama when he says that the election is not about him but about them, then they also can believe McCain when he says he is a proven change agent and reformer.

The only real difference between Obama and McCain is exactly how they will screw the public and benefit the rich and powerful if elected, not whether they will. If the electorate was really intelligent, they would understand and focus on the similarity between the two, rather than their professed differences. It is what they share — obedience and loyalty to the two-party plutocracy — that matters the most. As long as voters do not understand this, the oppression and destruction of the middle class will continue, despite people thinking they are free and live in a democracy.

Mostly, Americans are free to remain vulnerable to deception and delusion.

Democracy for dummies is what we have and what the majority deserve. For the rest of us the difficult challenge is to find ways to fight the political system that are not marginalized and only satisfy our egos. As long as you are an enthusiastic supporter of any Democrat or Republican you are a willing participant in our fake democracy. Most voters persist in believing in the myth that some Democrat or Republican can and will reform the political system, fix the economy, and restore American democracy. They refuse to face the painful truth that this is simply not true. They rather keep embracing the delusional myth.

Consider these wise words of John F. Kennedy: “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, — but the myth — persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

And so millions of Americans suffering from habitual stupidity will cast their votes confident that they have discovered the truth. Like the march of the penguins diving into icy water without thinking they have any other choice, they succumb to the big myth that this year cost about $1 billion to keep alive. These voters are dummies for democracy. The rest of us will vote for a third party candidate, or refuse to vote at all, and seek ways to ignite the Second American Revolution.

Politicians and media people often praise the smart public and smart voters as if they inevitably make the best, most intelligent and informed electoral decisions. This is sheer hype designed to maintain the political status quo. There is only one smart fact: Every single Democrat and Republican candidate lies. Why do they keep lying? It works.

Contact Joel S. Hirschhorn through www.delusionaldemocracy.com; he is a co-founder of Friends of the Article V Convention.

Freedom’s Struggle is Constant and Ongoing

Freedom’s Struggle is Constant and Ongoing

Larry PinkneyA real people’s movement not beholden to the Democratic or Republican Parties is what is absolutely necessary in this nation if we are to have systemic change. Equating a color or gender switch in the changing of the Republicrat political guards to systemic change is an enormous and dangerous mistake. As the late Amilcar Cabral of Guinea-Bissau so aptly put it, “No matter how hot the water from the well, it will not cook your rice.” …It is the 21st Century and the future is beckoning. It is time to pull ourselves and each other from the stagnating “well” of the Democratic and Republican Parties [i.e. the Republicrats]. Real and effective community organizing and political struggle is not governed or determined by corporate Democratic and Republican Party campaign cycles. Freedom’s struggle is constant, ongoing, and dialectical; and it is shaped and determined by we the people. Onward then brothers and sisters…Onward! – Larry Pinkney

Larry Pinkney
Black Commentator
World Prout Assembly
Sept 12, 2008

09/12/08 – “WPA” – If there is one constant in the political universe it must surely be the ongoing necessity for consciousness-raising and political struggle.

Social, economic, and political justice are inextricably linked to attaining real freedom. Without justice there is no freedom regardless as to what personalities might emerge on the political stage saying otherwise. Freedom has not been attained and can never be taken for granted. This demands vigilance and ongoing political struggle.

Those engaged in serious political struggle understand that social, economic, and political justice in this nation and throughout the world are not commodities to be bought, sold, or traded. The attainment of functioning freedom, in addition to being inextricably linked to social, economic, and political justice, is illusive at best. Thus, the necessity for constant and ongoing political struggle.

As the current icons of the U.S. Democratic and Republican Parties [i.e. the Republicrats] present transparent solutions to their self-made superficial issues, the attainment of economic, social, and political justice for the masses of people becomes increasingly ignored. With few exceptions, we are living in a period in the U.S. wherein rhetoric and superficiality are strongly promoted above substance and serious political struggle.

This is an indicator of the internal decay of the U.S. Empire even as it seeks to extend and tighten its global hegemony.

As the vast majority of Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, and White peoples in this nation slip deeper into an economic and social abyss, the Republicrats [i.e. the Democratic and Republican Parties] offer no substantive relief because they are unwilling and unable to bring about systemic change. Therefore, the increased need for ongoing, daily, and serious grass roots political organizing for uncompromising systemic change.

A real people’s movement not beholden to the Democratic or Republican Parties is what is absolutely necessary in this nation if we are to have systemic change. Equating a color or gender switch in the changing of the Republicrat political guards to systemic change is an enormous and dangerous mistake. As the late Amilcar Cabral of Guinea-Bissau so aptly put it, “No matter how hot the water from the well, it will not cook your rice.” [Reference the book entitled, Unity and Struggle: Speeches and Writings of Amilcar Cabral].

It is the 21st Century and the future is beckoning. It is time to pull ourselves and each other from the stagnating “well” of the Democratic and Republican Parties [i.e. the Republicrats].

Real and effective community organizing and political struggle is not governed or determined by corporate Democratic and Republican Party campaign cycles. Freedom’s struggle is constant, ongoing, and dialectical; and it is shaped and determined by we the people.

Onward then brothers and sisters…Onward!

The Federal Reserve’s War Against the Human Race

The Federal Reserve’s War Against the Human Race

by Joe SchembrieThe neocons would also love to attack Russia, the world’s second largest oil producer, for it too refuses to bow before the Almighty Petrodollar. However, Russia really has weapons of mass destruction, and so the neocons pursued indirect confrontation by encouraging their puppet regime in Georgia to attack South Ossetia, a Russian ally. The Russians predictably retaliated, and frightened Europeans are pulling investments from Russia and questioning their reliance on Russian oil. End result: the dollar rules on.
The neocons knew Georgia couldn’t beat Russia. Localized military defeat for global financial victory was the game plan. As neoconservative Jeane Kirkpatrick revealed during the Cold War: “Russia is playing chess, while we are playing Monopoly.” And so Russia loudly stakes out a square while the Fed quietly buys up the board. – Joe Schembrie

American foreign policy is corrupted by a powerful influence so arrogantly reckless it endangers the human race. This influence isn’t Big Oil or Zionism, which are merely tools of the real power. The real power that controls US foreign policy is Big Money – the central banking institution known as the Federal Reserve System.

The ultimate in corporate welfare, the Fed is a government-supported banking cartel which creates trillions of dollars from mere bookkeeping entries. The $123 billion in Big Oil profits last year is trivial in comparison. In political clout, Big Money is the driver and Big Oil is only along for the ride.

Likewise, Israel is also but a passenger. True, US foreign policy is dominated by neoconservative ideologues, but the neocons are politically powerful because of their lobbies, and their lobbies get their money from financiers who get their money from investment bankers who get their money from the central bankers of the Federal Reserve. The neocons may sincerely believe in their own agenda but they have power only because the central bankers need them to feign a patriotic/nationalistic smokescreen so that citizens will sacrifice and soldiers will die for a foreign policy whose real purpose is to enrich the central bankers.

No wonder the neocon narrative has plot holes. For example, if the neocons favor democracy, why support Saudi Arabia, the most repressive regime in the Middle East? Why attack Iraq, which had no connection with terrorists and no weapons of mass destruction, and why support Pakistan, which has both? Why so eager to immediately attack Iran, which is years from developing nuclear weapons? And most bizarrely of all, why did the neocons push Georgia into a hopeless war against Russia?

None of this protects the US or Israel from “Islamo-Fascism.” Instead, the neocons defer to the key foreign policy objective of the central bankers, which is: Keep the Dollar Strong. A strong dollar will dominate as the world’s reserve currency and serve as the international medium of exchange, and as the global economy grows, demand for reserve currency increases and the central bankers reap enormous wealth by trading their otherwise worthless little green pieces of paper for the world’s resources.

Unfortunately, the central bankers are too greedy. Over-inflating the money supply, they undermine the dollar’s value. In desperation, to keep the dollar as world reserve currency, the Fed pressures its oil-producing vassal states – especially the US puppet regime in Saudi Arabia – to accept only dollars in exchange for oil. As oil is the world’s most essential commodity, the world must trade in dollars to survive.

Thus the neocons show fealty to the Fed. They ignore Saudi repression, because Saudi oil keeps the dollar strong. The neocons attacked Iraq because it was a major oil producer that dared sell in currencies other than the dollar. The neocons want to attack Iran now for the same reason.

The neocons would also love to attack Russia, the world’s second largest oil producer, for it too refuses to bow before the Almighty Petrodollar. However, Russia really has weapons of mass destruction, and so the neocons pursued indirect confrontation by encouraging their puppet regime in Georgia to attack South Ossetia, a Russian ally. The Russians predictably retaliated, and frightened Europeans are pulling investments from Russia and questioning their reliance on Russian oil. End result: the dollar rules on.
The neocons knew Georgia couldn’t beat Russia. Localized military defeat for global financial victory was the game plan. As neoconservative Jeane Kirkpatrick revealed during the Cold War: “Russia is playing chess, while we are playing Monopoly.” And so Russia loudly stakes out a square while the Fed quietly buys up the board.

Very clever – but in provoking a deadly confrontation with a nuclear power, did the central bankers let greed go too far? To dilute our currency at a cost of thousands of dollars a year per citizen is criminal, but to risk the annihilation of civilization is depraved.
Dismissing feeble altruistic rationalizations, we see the Federal Reserve’s power to create unlimited amounts of money at whim has caused our monetary overlords to lose touch with humanity and wage war against the human race. Such unbounded egomania is a natural consequence of being insulated from economic, political, and moral accountability during the Fed’s century-long reign of corruption.

For our freedom, prosperity, and survival, the Federal Reserve scam of the central bankers must be abolished – before more wealth is dissipated by their parasitical monetary system, or another life is lost to their vampirical foreign policy.

The Unspeakable Truth of 9/11

The Unspeakable Truth of 9/11

by P.A. Buchanan

FYI…NOT Patrick J. Buchanan

The following is a compilation from mainstream media reports and other investigative research available on the web. (see also Paul Thompson, The Terror Timeline, 2004) Most of it never again repeated, clues, ‘dots’ never connected:

– The World Trade Center needed repair since the late 1980s, some $200 million in renovations and improvements, mostly related to removal and/or replacement of building materials declared health hazards since the Towers were built. The WTC was labeled an “asbestos bombshell”. In fact, the Port Authority thought of the WTC as a dinosaur, trying several times to get permits to demolish the buildings for liability reasons. The PA was turned down. The asbestos problem was no secret. The sole reason the complex was still up on 9/11/2001 was the cost of taking the Twin Towers down floor by floor. (www.thenation.com/blogs/edcut?pid=173207)

– Larry Silverstein, a New York property tycoon purchased a 99-year lease for the entire WTC complex just 6 months prior to the 9/11 attacks. That was the first time in its 33-year history the complex had ever changed ownership. Mr. Silverstein, who must have known about the asbestos problem, made a down-payment of $124 million on this $3.2 billion complex, and promptly insured it for $3.6 billion. He also covered the complex against “terrorist attacks”. In the contract Mr. Silverstein was also specifically given the right to rebuild the structures if they were destroyed. Mr. Silverstein’s first order of business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex. The new security company he hired was Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and Marvin’s cousin, Wirt Walker III, was its CEO. According to public records, not only did Securacom provide electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines – two key players in the 9/11 attacks. Following the attacks, Mr. Silverstein filed two insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy ($7.2B), based on the two — in Mr. Silverstein’s view — separate attacks. The insurance company, Swiss Re, paid Mr. Silverstein $4.6 Billion, still a princely return on a relatively paltry investment of $124 million. Incidentally, it’s worth noting that one of Mr. Silverstein’s closest friends, a person with whom it’s said he speaks almost daily by phone, is none other than former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It was also Mr. Netanyahu, who back in 1986 coined the phrase The War on Terror… (www.informationliberation.com/index.php?id=15459)

– Back in October 2000, about 11 months prior to September 11, 2001, a former Israeli Defense Force member and veteran of the 1973 Yom Kippur War overheard a conversation in Hebrew in New Jersey, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September… The Arabs are so stupid. They don’t even imagine that we are using them.” (www.muckrakerreport.com/id387.html)

– On 9/11 at least two Israel-based employees of the instant messaging service Odigo received warnings of an imminent attack in New York City more than two hours before the first plane hit the buildings. Odigo had its U.S. headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The Odigo employees, however, did not pass the warning on to the authorities in New York City. (Washington Post, 9/27/01) Odigo, like many Israeli software companies, is based and has its Research and Development center in Herzliya, the small town north of Tel Aviv, which happens to be where the headquarters of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service are located.

– Also on 9/11/2001 five “Middle Eastern men” were arrested in New Jersey by the FBI after having been seen on a roof top videotaping and celebrating the explosive collapses of the WTC. “It looked like they knew what was going to happen.” (Bergen Record, 9/12/01) It was later confirmed that the five detained men were in fact agents of the Israeli military intelligence, Mossad. Their “moving van” from a Weehawken, N.J. company called Urban Moving Systems tested positive for explosives. Another employee of Urban Moving Systems, reported that the majority of his co-workers were Israelis and were joking on the day of the attacks. The employee said, ‘I was in tears, and these guys were joking, and that bothered me.’ These guys (Israelis) were like, “Now America knows what we go through.” (www.whatreallyhappened.com/sears.html)

Dominic Suter, the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems, fled in haste after 9/11/2001, or was allowed to escape, to Israel before FBI agents could interrogate him. (Forward, 3/15/02)

The arrested five Israelis were released after spending just 71 days in U.S. custody. The Assistant Attorney General in charge of criminal investigations at the time was Michael Chertoff, the current head of the Dept. of Homeland Security. Chertoff, the son of Israel’s first Mossad agents, facilitated the 9-11 cover-up, is thought to be a dual national. (www.whatreallyhappened.com/sears.html)

One of the released Israeli agents later told Israeli radio that they had been sent to “document the event”…
(ABC News, 6/1/02)

– Carl Cameron of Fox News wrote an extensive 4-part report about Urban Moving Systems and the five Israelis. While it is no longer available at the Fox site, it has been saved in various archives on the web. (www.antiwar.com/justin/pf/p-j062402.html)

He was also told by an unnamed US official “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.”

– Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) was quoted saying: “I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing – although that was part of it – by a sovereign government… It will become public at some point when it’s turned over to the archives, but that’s 20 or 30 years from now.”
( www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?entity=bob_graham)

– Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to ‘pursue or even suggest Israeli spying… is considered career suicide’… (Fox News, 12/12/01)

– Another FBI official said to Cameron: “While I agree with you, if I say anything about US geopolitical interests with Israel, I might as well clean off my desk.” Indeed, Carl Cameron of Fox News, himself is no longer willing to address the issue, comment or even acknowledge anything about his own research into the subject…

As to Osama bin Laden’s so-called ‘confession video’, Hani Sebai, a British electronics specialist talking to the BBC, called it ‘a clear fabrication, a classic cut-and-paste job ‘ using an Osama wedding video. In an in-person interview given to the Pakistani paper Umat that was also broadcast on BBC, bin Laden denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks. There would indeed be little incentive for someone to disavow a deed of this magnitude, for which he would be praised, to which he is supposedly dedicated to carrying through. (Ralph Schoenmann,Taking Aim, 7/12/2005)

The official investigation under the control of the neocon Philip Zelikow thwarted any attempt at discovering the truth behind the attacks. Any questioning of the official narrative, be it by victim relatives, architects, engineers, physicists or other patriotic Americans can simply be silenced as crazy ‘conspiracy theory’.
(www.911truth.org, patriotsquestion911.com, www.ae911truth.org)

The implication of the Arabs in the 9/11 attacks with the full support of the Zionist-controlled mass media gave the Israelis the perfect opportunity to sear the image of the ‘Arab terrorist’ onto the American psyche.

Former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was asked a day later what the attacks in New York and Washington would mean for US-Israeli relations. He said, “It’s very good”. Then he corrected himself, adding: “Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel from Americans”… (New York Times, 9/12/01)

“From national networks to small-town newspapers, the view that America’s terrible taste of terrorism will finally do away with even modest calls for the restraint of Israeli military attacks on Palestinian towns has become an instant, unshakable axiom… Now, support for Israel in America is officially absolute…” (Village Voice, 9/19/01)

Whether Israel and its allies here just allowed it to happen or were involved in the planning and execution, their motive was correctly identified by Neil Mackay in the Nov. 2, 2003 issue of the Scottish ‘Sunday Herald’:

“to bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause “.

That’s exactly why you won’t see these connections in the mainstream media, this is the truth that is really unspeakable…

US, NATO at odd over Pak incursion

US, NATO at odd over Pak incursion
Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:03:19 GMT

NATO Spokesman James Appathurai

NATO says it will not take part in US’s unilateral strategy of conducting cross-border raids into Pakistani tribal belt near Afghan border.

“The NATO policy, that is our mandate, ends at the border,” NATO Spokesman James Appathurai told a regular news briefing in Brussels, the News reported Friday.

“There are no ground or air incursions by NATO forces into Pakistani territory.” Appathurai added.

“Let me stress, it is not NATO that will be sending its forces across the border,” he emphasized

He was also sure the issue would be discussed when 26 NATO defense ministers debate on Afghan strategy at a Sept 18-19 meeting in London.

US media says Bush okayed Pak cross-border raids

However, the spokesman said a solution needed to be found to growing extremism in tribal areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.

“Pakistan needs to take effective action in cooperation with the rest of the international community and the Afghans to address the problem that is increasingly threatening Pakistan’s stability as well as Afghanistan’s,” he noticed.

Meanwhile, a report in the New York Times said President George W. Bush allowed US forces to conduct ground operations in Pakistan without that government’s prior approval.

Gen. Kayani vows to hit back US aggression

Earlier, reacting to President Bush rhetoric, the chief of the Pakistani Army Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said Wednesday that his forces would not tolerate the US incursions and defend the country’s sovereignty at all costs.

The developments followed a bloody incursion last week by the US ground troops into a remote village on the Afghan border as well as a string of missile strikes by CIA-operated drone aircraft.

The attacks claimed the lives of a number of civilians including women and children, raising more anti-American sentiment in the country.

Some Pakistani political analysts say the United States and Pakistan are on the brink of an all-out war, following Bush’s authorizing ground assaults inside the country.

Pak army ordered to hit back US forces

Pak army ordered to hit back US forces
Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:35:21 GMT

Pak army put on high alert to confront any US agression

The Pakistani Army has been given orders to retaliate against any unilateral strike by the Afghanistan-based US troops inside the country.

Army Spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas confirmed the orders in a brief interview with Geo News on late Thursday night.

The decision was made on the first day of the two-day meeting of Pakistan’s top military commanders to discuss the US coalition’s ground and air assault in Waziristan region which killed dozens of civilians.

Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani chaired the meeting which began in Rawalpindi on Thursday at the Army General Headquarters.

Pakistan’s military commanders expressed their determination to defend the country’s borders without allowing any external forces to conduct operations inside the tribal belt bordering Afghanistan, sources said.

A senior official said the military commanders also discussed the implications of the American attacks inside Pakistan and took stock of the public feeling.

“In his statement, Genral Kayani has represented the feeling of the entire nation, as random attacks inside Pakistan have angered each and every Pakistani,” he said.

Earlier on Wednesday, Kayani rebuffed the American policy of including Pakistani territory in their operations against the al-Qaeda and Taliban linked militants hiding in the areas near Afghan border.

Also, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani noted that Kayani’s remarks on country’s defense were true reflection of the government policy.

The army decision followed bloody incursions by the US ground troops into tribal belt as well as a string of missile strikes by CIA-operated drone aircraft.

The reaction also comes after US President George W. Bush approved US military raids on militants inside Pakistan without Islamabad’s agreement.

The development also brought into the open the increasing mistrust between the Americans and the Pakistanis over how to handle the Taliban and al-Qaeda linked militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

Some political expert predict the break out of an all-out war between the United States troops and Pakistani army following the Bush administration’s approval of ground and air assaults inside the country.

Nine-Eleven, Manna from Heaven

Nine-Eleven, Manna from Heaven

by Anwaar Hussain

This 9/11, as the swirling ashes of the twin towers continue to fall far and wide, it will be full five years since the start of American Inquisition. 9/11, that heinous crime that should have been registered that same evening in the nearest NYPD precinct for a relentless hunt for the criminals by that precinct’s homicide detectives to begin, has rather turned out to be Manna from Heaven for the flag bearers of American Inquisition.

Over a period of time, the word ‘inquisition’ has been taken as restricted to Spain in the Middle Ages only. But if one wants to explain the dangerous mix of religious prejudice, Christian holy war, Islamic jihad, ethnic profiling, racism, mock trials and eavesdropping by secret police, no other term comes to mind. Not only that, like Spanish Inquisition’s export abroad, the American one too now abounds in far flung corners of the earth. Torturing of the victims in secret dungeons remains the same as well. Missing are the burnings at the stakes, but given the hideous wonders that white phosphorous can do to human flesh in far lesser time, who requires that inefficient procedure any more.

Though common knowledge, one cannot tire of quoting the following prophetic words of the President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower that he spoke in his farewell address to his Nation on January 17, 1961;

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

One notes with great irony that, riding on the back of the 9/11 crime, a powerful cabal of Americans has dealt a death blow to these momentous words of their deceased president, almost word by word. Not only has the ‘misplaced power’ indeed arisen ‘disastrously’, it is continuing to use the awesome American military might with ‘violent method’ toward sinister ‘goals’ while taking away the Americans ‘liberty’ and, in the process, making them ever more ‘insecure’.

This cabal is not a group of ragtag carpetbaggers. They are the inheritors of a tradition from their ilk of bygone years. In the hunt for new lands for their Imperial masters, their ideological forefathers practiced their art and craft for centuries. Waiting just beyond the circle of light, they appear at the scent of new opportunities like hyenas do at the stench of rotting carcasses at the dead of the night.

As far back as 1492, Christopher Columbus the points man for the Spanish Inquisition export into foreign lands, that most barbarous periods in all of human history, was funded by private investors because the royal monarchs were broke from their Granada campaign against the Muslims of Spain. The investors promised, but never fulfilled, 10 percent of all the revenues from the new lands in perpetuity to Columbus.

Likewise, the Jewel of the British Empire, India, was conquered for the queen by the British East India Company. Based in London, this company was nothing more than a commercial trading venture having a trade monopoly over all East Indies for 21 years. Instead of trading for Her Imperial Majesty, it presided over the creation of a far more profitable entity–the British Raj. Starting from the decisive victory by Sir Robert Clive at the Battle of Plassey in 1757 that established the British East India Company as a military as well as a commercial power, until its dissolution in 1858, the company virtually ruled India.

Five years back to date, airline jets appeared in the cobalt blue New York Skies as if sent by the gods above. Within minutes they had bumped through tall wonders of human achievements reducing them and their occupants to a tangled mass of steel, concrete and human flesh. While the world stood aghast and numb from the pain of the victims and the sheer scale of the crime, somewhere in some dark unlit corners of America, a small cabal of malicious, hateful and warmongering few soaked themselves in this Manna from Heaven.

Not very much later these humanoids had firmly catapulted America on a ceaseless warpath not of self defense, but of fear, insecurity, suspicion, hatred, anger, reprisal and a blind, jingoistic patriotism that continues to take its toll on humanity. No one has put it better than Manuel Valenzuela who, in his profound essay ‘Gods of War, Gods of Greed and Profiteers of Misery’, says;

“It was on that day that the misery of millions became the fortune of a few thousand. It was on that day that the MIC and the Corporate Leviathan wrestled ultimate control from the people of the world, usurping global power and forever altering the future of humanity. Our 9/11 became their Pearl Harbor, a moment in time needed to unleash already predetermined plans to expand power and control on a now easily manipulated and mobilized citizenry. The greatest profiteers in the history of the United States were now free to release their hounds of war, conquest, greed and violence upon the rest of civilization.”

So this 5th anniversary of that dreadful crime, as President George W. Bush sits in his predecessor’s chair gorging himself on the Nine-Eleven Manna from Heaven, with the flag bearers of American Inquisition lurking just in the background, let me remind the readers that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had ended his predictive farewell speech with the following words;

“To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to America’s prayerful and continuing aspiration:

We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.”

President Eisenhower must be turning in his grave.

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain

“If the people are not convinced (that the Free World is in mortal danger) it would be impossible for Congress to vote the vast sums now being spent to avert danger. With the support of public opinion, as marshalled by the press, we are off to a good start. It is our Job – yours and mine — to keep our people convinced that the only way to keep disaster away from our shores is to build up America’s might.”
Charles WilsonChairman of the Board of General Electric and Truman appointee to head the Office of Defence Mobilization, in a speech to the Newspaper Publishers Association, 1950

The greatest threat now is a 9/11 occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities.”
Dick Cheney, Face the Nation, CBS, April 15, 2007

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”
J. Edgar Hoover

Forget September 11

Forget September 11

by Anthony Alessandrini

September 11, 2006 marks the fifth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

If you are living in the United States, there is no way that you could have escaped from reading or hearing the sentence above, or something like it, over the past few weeks. One might think that it would be unnecessary to have to write or utter such a sentence, but nevertheless there isn�t a mass media organ anywhere in the country that does not seem to feel the need to remind us, lest we forget, that September 11 is the anniversary of September 11.

Every day, residents of New York City still encounter bumper stickers and signs and other public markers exhorting us to �never forget� that date. But how could it be possible to do so? September 11, we have continually been told, was perhaps the most historic day in the history of the United States, the day when �our� lives — indeed, the entire world — changed forever. It would be hard to imagine the possibility of forgetting, even if you tried.

In his book Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson suggests that one of the most important developments in the history of nationalism was the daily newspaper. Every morning, people within a bounded geographical region read essentially the same news in the same language, with a few minor variations. The general point of similarity, from the perspective of those reading the newspaper, is that all the news contained in it is somehow relevant to �us.� This �us� is usually contained within national borders. If a plane crashes in Germany and five Americans are injured, this latter fact is taken to be news of a particular kind. Anderson is interested in the way this conveyance of news actually creates the �us� of national identification as an emotional connection: after all, the chances are that I, the average reader, have never met any of the five people on that plane; they might live thousands of miles away and have nothing in common with me. And yet, they are part of a larger �us� that we are constantly called upon to recognize; they make up that large group referred to by U.S. presidents as �my fellow Americans.�

It is in this specific context that I propose a certain kind of remembering, and a certain kind of forgetting. Certainly, do not forget those who died on September 11, 2001. But remember them in the larger context of the literally millions of people throughout the world who have faced the consequences wrought by the U.S. government and its allies in retaliation. Don�t forget the events that happened on September 11, 2001 and their aftermath; forget �September 11� as a glib phrase that has obfuscated this larger context and has been instead used by the U.S. government to wreak havoc throughout the world in the name of a principle that has not yet been actively rejected by people in the United States: the principle that American lives are somehow worth more than the lives of others.

In this context, it becomes necessary to try to imagine the five years since September 11, 2001 from the perspective of people in Afghanistan, who bore the first brunt of the U.S. government�s revenge. The initial U.S.-led attack alone, mostly in the form of a brutal air campaign, killed an estimated 3,400 people. Thousands more have died due to the subsequent violence that has marked the continuing U.S.-led occupation of the country. Lest we forget, the establishment of a pattern of collective punishment and slaughter perpetrated against a larger population that had nothing to do with a given an act of aggression — which we have seen repeated in recent months by the Israeli government against populations in Gaza and Lebanon — was firmly set in place by the U.S. attack on and occupation of Afghanistan in retaliation for the attacks of September 11.

While the brutal attack on Afghanistan was being carried out, people in the United States were introduced to two innovations in governance: the Patriot Act, part of an unprecedented attack on civil liberties whose effects are only now beginning to make themselves known through revelations such as those involving the National Security Agency; and the unveiling of the term �enemy combatants,� as part of the U.S government�s equally unprecedented attack on the guiding principles of international law and, in practice, as part of the larger process that has led to the detention, imprisonment, and torture of thousands of people throughout the world in a global prison system the full extent and horrors of which still remain unknown to us.

The anniversary of September 11, 2001 has to be viewed from the perspective of people in Iraq, who — as we now know — were always seen by the Bush Administration as the primary target of its manipulation of �September 11.� Two years ago, estimates of the number of Iraqis killed as a result of the U.S.-led invasion and occupation stood at 100,000; according to recent reports, more than 10,000 have been killed in the last four months alone. But one does not have to engage in this calculus of horror to understand the scale of the destruction unleashed by the U.S. government wielding a sword labeled �September 11.�

If we can allow ourselves to forget this �September 11,� we might be able to remember that five years ago marked the beginning of a specific pattern of targeting communities in the United States that continues today. In the first year following September 11, 2001, three thousand Arabs, Muslims, and South Asians were detained in the United States without criminal charges. Thousands more have faced detention and deportation since then. Today U.S. politicians from both parties actively embrace racial profiling measures at airports and other public places — for �our� safety, of course. If it were not for the cloud of fear that has been caused by the constant invocation of �September 11,� these proposals — essentially a set of differential and discriminatory laws, policies, and procedures directed at a particular group of citizens and residents based on their race, ethnicity, and/or religion — would be instantly identifiable for what they are: a recipe for apartheid.

In short, if people in the United States can forget the official version of �September 11,� we stand a chance of remembering what these five years have meant to all the people of the world: in Palestine, as Ariel Sharon and the Israeli government instantly picked up the rhetoric of the U.S. government and began to intensify the brutality of its acts of repression and ethnic cleansing in the name of the global �war on terror�; in Haiti, as Haitians had to withstand yet another all-too-familiar intervention and occupation by U.S. and French troops; in Iran and Syria, which have lived under the threat of a U.S. attack since the inception of the war in Iraq; in Colombia, the first target of the Bush Administration�s re-positioning of the �war on drugs� within the terms of the �war on terror,� as Alvaro Uribe used his financial and military backing from the U.S. to consolidate power and repress dissent; in the Philippines, another �front� of the U.S.-backed �war on terror,� where Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo�s government has similarly used the rhetoric that has arisen since �September 11� in order to repress democratic dissent.

In fact, if people in the United States can manage to momentarily forget �our� September 11, we might even be able to remember, against the forgetting pushed upon us, that the world did not begin on September 11, 2001. As a particular pneumonic device, there is the memory of what Ariel Dorfman and others have called �the other September 11�: September 11, 2006 marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of the U.S.-sponsored coup in Chile that overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. This can help us remember the struggle of people throughout the Americas against U.S. imperialism that has been going on for decades and that continues today.

This particular form of historical remembering also means remembering — or, for many people, learning for the first time — that none of what has been listed above as the aftermath of �September 11� in fact began on that day. Afghanistan had been a site of U.S.-sponsored violence since the Cold War days of the 1980s; Iraq has been under attack at the hands of the U.S. and its allies in the form of sanctions and air strikes since 1991; in the other instances, the �war on terror� has led to the intensification of already-existing forms of repression and violence, generally with U.S. funding and military support, over the past five years. In the U.S. itself, all of the necessary laws and mechanisms necessary for the Patriot Act and the state of siege imposed against particular immigrant communities since September 11, 2001 had already been put in place under the Clinton Administration throughout the 1990s. This is not to mention the many communities in the United States, foremost among them the African American community, who have not had a moment of respite from �racial profiling� and a state of lived apartheid since the establishment of the nation.

All this remembering needs to begin immediately. For among the many ways that the left in the United States failed after September 11, 2001, this is one of the most important: the failure to fight to make people in the United States see their own place in the world. In the days immediately following the attacks, Slavoj Zizek wrote of the experience of walking the streets of lower Manhattan, still filled with rubble and clouded with smoke, and of another scene that came to mind: �If one adds to the situation in New York rapist gangs and a dozen or so snipers blindly targeting people who walk along the streets, one gets an idea about what Sarajevo was a decade ago.� For this, he was roundly criticized, including by those on the left, for �insensitivity.� Apparently, �our� pain was incomparable to the pain of the rest of the world.

But this point is more crucial today than ever before. People in New York are far from the only ones who have had to watch the bodies of loved ones brought out from the rubble of a destroyed building. (If you can forget �September 11,� you might remember Lebanon.) This was true before September 11, 2001; and, thanks largely to the military efforts of the U.S. government, it has certainly been true over the past five years. The unspoken consensus among people in the United States that American lives are worth more than others must be addressed and dispelled once and for all, and this effort must become a major part of the fight against the Bush administration�s �war on terror.�

This inability to overcome American parochialism and to allow people here to imagine a larger-than-national mindset — call it a critical internationalism, call it a radical cosmopolitanism, call it what you like — continues to haunt the present. It is this sense of isolation from the rest of the world that allows people in this country to be again and again convinced by various administrations that the role of the United States is to somehow oversee and police the world, rather than to become part of building international solutions. Of course, like the police themselves in all too many places, the government of the United States remains entirely unaccountable, either to the people of the world or even to its own citizens.

But another thing has happened during those five years whose anniversary we are being told to commemorate. Around the world, people�s movements have constantly resisted the U.S. government�s attempts to impose its own vision of the world through the use of �September 11.� In place of this �September 11,� I offer another date to remember: February 15, 2003, when more than eleven million people across the world stood together, not just against the imminent U.S. attack on Iraq, but against the larger imposition of U.S. hegemony across the globe.

The spirit of resistance that came together on February 15 still exists; it manifests itself, for example, in the massive protests that erupt every time a U.S. official sets foot anywhere in the world today. But the millions who stood, and who continue to stand, against the actions of the U.S. government are also watching us today, and wondering — as they should — about the relative lack of resistance on the part of people here in the United States against their own government�s acts of terror since September 11, 2001. It is past time for people in the United States to forget the official version of �September 11� and to join this new world that was glimpsed on February 15.

For the corollary of Zizek�s point, in comparing New York and Sarajevo, was that only by accepting such a connection can Americans begin to make what he called �the long-overdue move from �A thing like this should not happen HERE!� to �A thing like this should not happen ANYWHERE!�� Forgetting �September 11� is an important step towards a very different kind of remembering of the events of that day within a larger history and a larger context, one that extends beyond national borders and imagines a different kind of world. It would mean, for people in the United States, at long last trying to find a way, with due humility, to join the rest of the world.

Anthony Alessandrini is an Assistant Professor of English at Kingsborough Community College/CUNY in Brooklyn, and an organizer with the Action Wednesdays Against War collective. He can be reached at: tonyalessandrini@yahoo.com.

9/11/08 A Global Empire by Destruction, Terror & Death: 911 and the Great American Decline

9/11/08 A Global Empire

by Destruction,Terror & Death:

911 and the Great American Decline

Digest Commentary: 9-11-2001, its genesis, circumstances and consequences,  a searing but miniscule representation of the deadly impact of everything amerikan on the rest of the world for over 500 years.
Assessing whether 911 was an inside job is primarily a political, not technical, assessment: what is the geopolitical context,  “who benefits”?  It means taking into account the entire past as well as present violent history of american capitalism’s  white supremacist quest for ‘manifest destiny’.  Those who insist the U.S. govt. could never commit such a heinous crime reflect the inculcated popular ignorance of america’s racist history, born and fattened on genocide, slavery and unprecedented crimes against humanity — including manufactured pretexts for all its imperialists wars for global ‘supremacy’.   911, like all other events, can only be understood in this context of past history and the present deep structural crisis of U.S. capitalism driving the bipartisan agenda to secure full-spectrum dominance before other major, now capitalist, powers — China and/or Russia  — sink the U.S. hegemonic empire.

Neo-liberal imperialist democrat Zbigniew Brzezinski laid out the ‘imperatives’ for U.S. dominance in his 1997 THE GRAND CHESSBOARD: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, tactically advocated more gunboat diplomacy than his ‘neocon’ imperialist successors who believed all-or-nothing-now militarily, whose global rampage has intensified the U.S. crisis and global resistance to its ‘unipolar’ thuggery.

Neoliberal or neoconservative, imperialists agree that U.S. capitalism’s crisis and strategic weakness demands exceptionally drastic measures. Analyses of the individual ‘trees’ in the U.S. jungle must be framed in this context because what is at stake is the survival, or death, of U.S. capitalism…and thus the world and all of humanity.

911: The bogus “war on terrorism” was manufactured to carry out this U.S. geostrategic agenda by eliminating major capitalist rivals and anti-imperialist resistance aka “terrorism” .   911 was necessary, a “mini Pearl Harbor”,  to launch this state- terrorist global war. Most of the world is painfully familiar with the savage reality of what U.S. propaganda calls ‘democracy’ and ‘liberation’.  When your country, your culture, your family, friends and future have been systematically terrorized, plundered, dehumanized, raped and destroyed by the barbarism unleashed in the name of 911, the truth is clear.

We whose names these lies and crimes are executed in need to take a fresh look from another perspective: put 911 in historical, current political and personal context.  “If you aren’t with US, you’re with the terrorists” was not off-the-cuff Bushspeak but a carefully crafted political message embodying the entire purpose and direction of the imperialist war planned for world domination.  It expressed an ideologically vicious circle: by definition those who question or resist are ‘un-patriotic americans’ [in ‘war’ time, traitors] or  ‘terrorists’ endangering the ‘national security’ of the ‘homeland’ –whose state, ‘for our own good’, in the name of freedom– will destroy freedom to imprison the globe with  deadly imperialist democracy and ‘free markets’.

Since america was built on national oppression and its ideological lynchpin racism, an anti-Arab-Muslim witch-hunt, a ‘clash of civilizations’,  was an easy sell to whip up racist patriotic  support for the critical first step in the U.S.-Israeli strategy to destroy Iraq and Arab nationalism to get control of  ‘middle east’ oil/energy resources — the essential leverage to control friends and enemies for ‘full spectrum’ global dominance.

The bloodsuckers will be defeated.  Capitalism is constitutionally unable to resolve the problems it creates. Its attempts to buy or kill off the enemies its savagery produces are doomed to fail ultimately thanks to the unquenchable desire and determination of the vast majority of humanity to resist oppression and degradation, to achieve dignity and liberation–by any means necessary.  The Iraqi national resistance, the irrepressible just revolutionary struggles of Palestinians, Africans and peoples on every continent, prove, as Marx put it, that ultimately  capitalism must and does produce its own gravediggers.

US support for Israeli atrocities

Letter to the Editor

“Charlotte Sun”, Port Charlotte FL. 8-1-07

Thomas V. Muller

The US support for Israeli atrocities is the largest cause of terrorism in the world today. Both Hamas and Hizbollah exist only as a resistance to Israeli killing. Some of the atrocities include 70 massive acts of terrorism by Israel, (Palestine Chronicle, 2000), massacre of whole villages, massacre at Sabra and Shatila and Jenin, shooting down of a civilian airliner, (1972), bombing of Iraq, bombing of Egypt in the middle of the night, destruction of Lebanon twice, destruction of 19,000 Palestinian homes between1967-1974, with 5.4 million refugees, paid for by the US, with over $100 billion The US vetoed 39 UN resolutions to protect Israel, and permits about 400 nuclear weapons, (LA Times Oct. 2003, Janes Intelligence Review) in Israel .

The US has overthrown the Iranian government, (CIA 1953), and helped Iraq kill millions if Iranians in the 1980’s war, when the USS Vincennes shot down the Iranian Airliner killing 290, (7-3-88). US battleships shelled Lebanon in 1983 and 1984. The US provided chemical weapons, (VX, sarin, mustard gas), from 1983-1988, and sent 70 shipments of biological weapons, (anthrax, West Nile virus), to help kill Iranians, (Wikipedia). The US killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi in the first Iraq war, and killed over 655,000 in the second immoral Iraq war. We have built 737 military bases around the world, tortured prisoners, and now we are selling $20 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia , and giving $35.2 billion, more, in arms to Israel in our plans to start an unjustified war with Iran . The US creates terrorists. We could end the war on terror, today, by correcting this monstrous foreign policy.

Reasserting the Constitution

Reasserting the Constitution

Bruce Fein

In the 2008 congressional elections, American voters can reverse a reckless constitutional counterrevolution reminiscent of Napoleon Bonaparte‘s 18th Brumaire that has crowned the president with war powers in flagrant contravention of the Founding Fathers.

Since World War II, Congress has actively or passively endorsed twin counterconstitutional ideas: namely, that the president may initiate war; and, that Congress may delegate its power to authorize war to the president. The Korean War was undertaken by President Harry Truman without prior congressional authorization. Ditto for President Bill Clinton‘s war against Serbia over Kosovo in 1999. Congress delegated the decisions to commence war in Vietnam and Iraq to Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and George W. Bush, respectively.

Voters in the 2008 congressional campaigns should support only candidates who pledge to oppose any delegation of the power to declare war; and, to impeach, convict and remove from office any president who starts war without a congressional declaration or equivalent authorization.

A Congress that would aggressively defend its war powers would not only restore the original meaning of the Constitution. It would also rescue the nation from perpetual presidential warfare everywhere that is squandering trillions of dollars while making our people less safe and less free.

Think, for example, of the trillion-dollar ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that have occasioned the deaths of thousands of American soldiers. They have made Iran – a charter member of President Bush’s axis of evil – dominant in the Middle East. They have alienated Pakistan. They have strained the federal budget. They have created anti-American hatreds and resentments in theaters of war through inescapable killings of innocent civilians in pursuit of genuine enemies.

They have stained the Constitution by justifying a suspension of habeas corpus, military commissions denuded of due process, torture and illegal spying on American citizens. And they have distracted efforts to strengthen the nation’s defenses at home.

President Bush and his sycophantic choir maintain the wars are fought to achieve “victory” undaunted by their inability to define the term further than, “I’ll know it when I see it,” borrowed from the law of obscenity. They bring to mind philosopher George Santayana‘s observation: “Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.”

The Constitution was intended to shipwreck war frolics exemplified by Iraq and Afghanistan. Article I, section 8 entrusts exclusively to Congress the power to “declare war.” Every Founding Father agreed that the president must be prevented from deciding between war and peace because of the temptation to champion ill-advised hostilities to aggrandize executive power and to make a mark in the annals of history.

President Theodore Roosevelt is illustrative. He lamented: “If there is not the war, you don’t get the great general; if there is not the great occasion, you don’t get the great statesman; if Lincoln had lived in times of peace, no one would know his name now.”

Future Supreme Court Justice James Wilson, speaking at Pennsylvania‘s ratifying convention, explained: “This system will not hurry us into war; it is calculated to guard against it. It will not be in the power of a single man, or a single body of men, to involve us in such distress; for the important power of declaring war is vested in the legislature at large.”

Father of the Constitution and future secretary of state and President James Madison, echoed Wilson: “In no part of the Constitution is more wisdom to be found, than in the clause which confides the question of war and peace to the legislature, not to the executive department. … [T]he trust and temptation would be too great for any one man. …”

Alexander Hamilton, an ardent proponent of a strong executive, nevertheless elaborated in the Federalist Papers: “The president is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. [This] would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces … while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies – all which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature.”

The Founding Fathers disfavored war and distrusted the president for good reason. Madison amplified: “Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. … In war … the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the mind [by manipulating intelligence and public information], are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. … In war, physical force is to be created; and it is the executive which is to direct it. In war, the public treasuries are to be unlocked; and it is the executive hand which is to dispense them. … The strongest passions and the most dangerous weaknesses of the human breast, ambition, avarice, vanity, the honorable or venal love of fame, are all in conspiracy against the desire and duty of peace.”

The Founding Fathers understood that Congress might stumble in matters of war and peace. No institution is infallible. But unlike the president, congressional judgments would not be warped by a conflict of interest. Moreover, no great power had ever lost its sovereignty or liberties by initiating too few wars.

Were the Founding Fathers alive today, they would support only congressional candidates pledged to ending the virtual 18th Brumaire against the Constitution and accepting responsibility for initiating or desisting from war.

Bruce Fein is a constitutional lawyer at Bruce Fein & Associates, Inc. and author of “Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for the Constitution and Democracy” (Palgrave Macmillan).

Israeli navy to Gazan fishermen: “When the internationals leave Gaza, you will all be made to pay”

Israeli navy to Gazan fishermen: “When the internationals

leave Gaza, you will all be made to pay”

September 11th, 2008 | Posted in Press Releases, Reports, Gaza Region

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3431’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Gazan coastal waters, Gaza, 17:00 Wednesday 10th September 2008 – At high speed an Israeli gunboat rammed a Palestinian fishing vessel. The gunboat smashed through the upper hull, careened over the top of the fishing boat, and landed on the other side.

Extensive damage was caused to the fishing boat. The hull was badly damaged, virtually the entire deck area, all the equipment on it, and the canopy above the deck were severely damaged. Unusually all of the crew happened to be in the cabin and at the fore at the time. Had they been on deck they would have had little chance of survival.

Via a megaphone, the gunboat crew then made the threat that ‘When the internationals leave Gaza, you will all be made to pay.’

Human rights observers from the International Solidarity Movement and from the Free Gaza Movement, have recently been accompanying Gazan Fishermen during their work. The fishermen are constantly harassed, threatened and attacked by the Israelis who in flagrant violation of international law and maritime law, have been attempting to impose a no – go area 6 miles off Gaza’s coast through employment of lethal force. Incidentally and not unusually, this attack happened within the so-called ‘permitted’ area.

The ISM regards the project of accompanying the fishermen as a long term commitment. Some of the human rights observers currently undertaking this work are long term volunteers who will be in Gaza for some time. More long term volunteers are expected to bolster their number within the next few weeks.

Cheney in the Caucasus

Cheney in the Caucasus


For the past week, Dick Cheney has been traveling through the Caucasus trying to drum up support for punitive action against Russia for its role in the recent fighting in South Ossetia. The Vice President vowed that the Moscow’s action “will not go unanswered”.  Cheney is determined to establish the United States as the regional “cop on the beat”, taking charge of all security operations through its cat’s paw, Nato. Neither the Kremlin nor the EU are paying much attention to Cheney’s fulminations. The negotiations for the security arrangements and the withdrawal of Russian troops are being conducted without US involvement.

On September 9, under the revolving leadership of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the EU hammered out a deal with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to replace Russian soldiers in South Ossetia with 200 EU observers who are scheduled to arrive by October 1. In exchange, Georgia agreed to Russia’s demands not to use force against the two breakaway republics, Abkahzia and South Ossetia. Medvedev’s unilateral announcement that Russia would recognize both republics as “independent”, did not derail the EU peace process. Rather, both sides focused on the withdrawal of Russia troops and seem reasonably satisfied with the 6-point agreement.

Russia has not only scored an important diplomatic victory; it has driven a wedge between Europe and the United States. The reckless behavior of Georgia’s President Mikhail Saakashvili has given the Bush administration a black eye and put Nato membership out of reach for the foreseeable future. Saakashvili invaded South Ossetia last month; destroyed much of the capital, Tskhinvali, and killed an estimated 1,500 civilians before his troops were routed by the Russian army. Among the dead were Russian citizens and peacekeepers. Moscow has cut off all relations with Tblisi and President Medvedev has called Saakashvili a “political corpse”. The Kremlin now regards its neighbor to the south as an enemy.

Cheney’s week-long trip to the Caucasus was organized with two objectives in mind; to isolate Russia from its allies in Europe and speed up Nato membership for Georgia and Ukraine. He has failed on both counts.  The ashen-faced Veep flew from Baku to Kiev, from Kiev to Tiblisi, from Tiblisi to Cernobbio; rattling his saber and railing in typical Cold War style to anyone who would listen, but his efforts amounted to nothing. No one in Europe wants a confrontation with Russia or another decades-long year nuclear standoff. Besides, Putin has spent the last eight years building partnerships and creating an expansive energy network that provides vast amounts of oil and natural gas to European homes and industries. Europe depends on Russia now and wants to maintain friendly relations.

It’s different for Cheney who has been seething on the sidelines–bogged down in the Iraqi quagmire–while Moscow has gotten stronger and more independent from its massive energy windfall. Now Russia can fend for itself and has no interest in becoming just another cog in America’s imperial machine. When Putin articulated Russia’s determination to defend its national sovereignty in Munich nearly two years ago, saying that he rejected the idea of a “unipolar” world, the Council on Foreign Relations and other elite think tanks put Russia on the America’s “enemies list” more or less acknowledging that the Kremlin would resist further integration into the so called “international community”. (aka-American-led, dollar-based system)

Last week, newly-elected Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reiterated the Putin Doctrine word for word as it was originally stated in Munich:

“The world must be multi-polar. Single polarity is unacceptable. Russia cannot accept a world order, in which any decisions will be made by a sole nation, even such a serious one as the United States. Such a world order will be unstable and fraught with conflicts.”

Medvedev has drawn a line in the sand posing a direct challenge to the America’s continued dominance in global security. The advancing Russian army has delivered a stinging defeat to the neocons’ imperial ambitions in Eurasia. It is possible that the fighting in South Ossetia will eventually be seen as a tipping point for US adventurism in the region.

Russia’s ties with Europe threaten to shatter the increasingly fragile Atlantic Alliance which is lashed together by G-7 banking cartel. If Europe sees a continuation of the same belligerent Bush unilateralism under the next US president, the popular backlash in Europe is likely to sever the Alliance once and for all plunging the United States into forced isolation. Reasonable people should want to avoid that possibility.

Cheney’s Caucasus gambit is a desperate attempt to stir up trouble while making a last ditch effort for the oil and natural gas of the resource-rich Caspian Basin.  So far, he and his colleagues in Big Oil have nothing to show for their 20 years of labor except a few under-performing puppets in Ukraine and Georgia. The whole plan has flopped leaving Cheney with another failure on his resume. Just this week, there was more news of Russia’s progress in the Central Asia energy sweepstakes in an article by Paul Goble titled “Moscow Wins a Major Victory on Pipelines”:

“With Iran’s declaration that it opposes the construction of any undersea pipelines in the Caspian on “ecological grounds” and thus will block any delimitation of the seabed that allows for them and Baku’s decision not to back the West’s push NABUCCO project, Moscow can claim its first major political victory from its invasion of Georgia.

“These actions mean that the Russian government will now have full and uncontested control over pipelines between the Caspian basin and the West which pass through Russian territory and will be able either directly or through its clients like the PKK to disrupt the only routes such as Baku-Tbilisi-Ceylon that bypass the Russian Federation.”

If Cheney is serious about catching-up to Russia, he’ll have to act fast. Unfortunately, Cheney is more disliked in Central Asia than he is in the USA where his public approval ratings have been well below sea-level for the last 4 years. In fact, when Cheney arrived in Azerbaijan, neither President Ilkham Aliyev nor Prime Minister, Artur Rasizade, even bothered to meet him at the airport.  Politicians everywhere know that its is political suicide to even be seen with him.

Aleksandr Pikaev, an analyst from the Institute for World Economy and International Relations, noted that Cheney’s unpopularity makes diplomacy virtually impossible. Pikaev said, “ If the Bush Administration really wanted to consolidate the international community behind the U.S. in criticizing Russia, I think they should have found somebody else, not Mr Cheney.” But then, no one in the Bush administration cares what anyone else thinks anyway; so the point is moot.

Cheney’s trip had nothing to do with resolving differences between Tbilisi and Moscow. His real goal was to secure a larger share of the region’s dwindling oil supplies before he leaves office. As Linda Heard points out in her article “Driving Russia into Enemy’s Arms”, the petrocarbon war is being lost in stunning fashion:

“Moscow has clinched a new pipeline that will carry natural gas from Turkmenistan to Russia and signed a contract that will give it virtual control over Turkmenistan’s gas exports…Russia has also put out feelers for the establishment of a global gas cartel, an idea that it has discussed with Venezuela, and which is certain to put cartel members on a collision course with the White House. Venezuela has also invited three prominent Russian companies to take over from their American counterparts, ExxonMobil and Conoco Philips. Further, according to China Daily, it has agreed with Beijing on an energy initiative that would involve Russian oil and gas heading away from Europe toward Asia.”

Washington has been out maneuvered on every front by Russian businessmen who have learned to use the free market more effectively than their teachers in the US.

Bad Blood in Azerbaijan

According to Russia Today: “The Kommersant newspaper reports that Cheney was very annoyed by the results of the meeting with President Aliyev and even refused to attend a ceremonial supper in his own honor.”  President  Aliyev has suggested “that Baku is going to play a waiting game concerning the Nabucco gas pipeline,” which is designed to bypass Russia. Aliyev wisely wants to avoid any confrontation with the Kremlin.

Indeed, who can blame Aliyev? Anyone can see that Washington’s star is waning. Political leaders everywhere are simply nodding politely and and waiting to see whether November’s presidential election will restore a bit of sanity to the White House. Until then, everyone is laying low. It is unlikely that anyone will answer Cheney’s call to pick a fight with Moscow.

The Vice President has dropped all pretense that his trip has anything to do with the fictional “war on terror”.  He said that his aim is to “develop additional routes for energy exports to promote energy security, which is becoming an ‘increasingly urgent’ issue. We seek greater stability and security and cooperation in this vital region of the world,” Cheney told reporters in Baku. He also met with representatives from BP and Chevron, two oil giants involved involved in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline that pumps 1 million barrels of crude per day to world markets from the Caspian. It’s all about oil.

In the second leg of his trip, Cheney headed off for Georgia where the Regnum web site reports:

“Kommersant cites sources in the State Chancellery of Georgia who said that closed negotiations between Mikheil Saakashvili and Dick Cheney in Tbilisi also had not gone smoothly. The sides mainly discussed security of existing pipelines laid through the Georgian territory round Russia, and the Nabucco pipeline project. Dick Cheney made it clear that the USA were ready to maintain security of these pipelines, however, by merely political means, so Georgia would not receive US military aid at the moment.”

Trouble in Kiev

Cheney’s trip was plagued by gaffes and miscues; one-part political kabuki, one-part Vaudeville. He arrived in Kiev just hours after Ukraine’s pro-west coalition collapsed, plunging the country into political chaos that could foreshadow an end to US-Ukraine alliance. The political progress the Bush administration felt they had made by fomenting the so called  “Orange Revolution”, now hangs by a thread. Popular sentiment is increasingly supportive of Moscow over Washington.

According to the Financial Times:

“President Viktor Yushchenko threatened to dissolve parliament and call snap elections unless a new coalition can be formed, blaming the crisis on supporters of Yulia Tymoshenko, his firebrand prime minister….While Mr Yushchenko and Ms Tymoshenko… have engaged in a bitter personal power struggle that has persistently handicapped the government. …Mr Yushchenko accused Ms Tymoshenko’s followers of plotting an ‘anticonstitutional coup’ by voting in tandem with the opposition Communist and Moscow-leaning Regions parties in favor of legislation to cut the president’s authority.”

Russia’s friends in Ukraine have thrown a spanner in Cheney’s plans for Nato membership and further integration into the EU. This is a major setback for Cheney and his friends at the far-right Washington think tanks who believed they were well on their way to encircling Russia and achieving their territorial ambitions. Ukraine will not be joining Nato anytime soon.

The Bush administration’s aggressive lobbying hasn’t persuaded any of the main players in the EU to support punitive measures or sanctions against Russia. The EU prefers diplomacy over belligerence. As a result, Cheney has become increasingly irrelevant; a blustery sideshow that everyone ignores except the western media. As for the EU, there’s simply no interest in provoking Russia and risking the cutting off cutting off vital resources to energy-dependent European countries. Common sense has prevailed over Bush’s “freedom agenda”.

Cheney delivered his most pointed remarks about the recent conflict in South Ossetia at a global security conference in Cernobbio, Italy where he ended his trip. He said:

“Our principles are being tested anew. We must meet those tests with candor and resolve and, above all, with unity. Russia has a choice to make, and we in the trans-Atlantic alliance have responsibilities. They (Russia) cannot presume to gather up all the benefits of commerce, consultation and global prestige, while engaging in brute force, threats or other forms of intimidation against sovereign countries…No part of this continent should leave itself vulnerable to a single country’s efforts to corner supplies or control the distribution system.”

It is understandable that Cheney would be upset over Moscow’s success in securing crucial hydrocarbons and pipeline corridors via the free market while the US has languished in Iraq and Afghanistan with nothing to show for its efforts except one million dead Iraqis, 4 million refugees, and a legacy of disgrace. But, in truth, Cheney’s frustration can be summarized in two words: Sour grapes. He’s just a poor loser.

The Medvedev Doctrine

US foreign policy elites have long dreamed of integrating Central Asia into the western economic and security paradigm. Geopolitical strategist and former national security advisor,  Zbigniew Brzezinski, summarized it like this in an article in Foreign Affairs more than a decade ago:

“Eurasia is the world’s axial supercontinent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world’s three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa . . . What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America’s global primacy and historical legacy.”

A resurgent Russia–flush with the wealth derived from its vast oil and natural gas supplies–has become a stumbling block for US regional aspirations. Last month’s clash with Washington’s “proxy” army in Georgia dispelled any illusion among Kremlin powerbrokers that the Bush administration can be dealt with rationally or via normal diplomatic channels. Cheney’s incendiary rhetoric just further underscores this point. That’s why Russia is preparing for the worst. Medvedev is strengthening ties with the EU, the Central Asian countries (SCO), the BRIC countries (Brazil, India, China) and has also deployed the Russian fleet to the Mediterranean and off the coast of Venezuela for joint-maneuvers.

In a recent press conference, President Medvedev announced the five fundamental principles to which his government would strictly adhere. Third on the list was “the protection of life and dignity of Russian citizens no matter where they live”.

“There isn’t a single country in the world that would tolerate its citizens and peacekeepers being killed,” Medvedev said.

Russian citizens and peacekeepers were killed by a proxy army that was trained and advised by “US special forces commandos”. So far, no one has been held accountable, but Medvedev and Putin know who is to blame. Putin even suggested that the invasion was planned as a way to improve the chances of one of the presidential candidates to win the election.(McCain) Regardless of the reason, when one country demonstrates that it is willing to kill the citizens and soldiers of another country to achieve its geopolitical objectives; that’s when friendship ends and attitudes harden.

The events in South Ossetia will play a central role in shaping Russian foreign policy for years to come. The battle-lines have been drawn, the fleet has been deployed, and the armies are being moved into place. Russia does not want war, but it will be ready if one breaks out.

US to invade Iran any day now?

US to invade Iran any day now? September 11, 2008, 20:50

US to invade Iran any day now?

A few weeks ago the Russian newspaper Izvestia, a well-known and authoritive daily published nationwide and abroad, came forward with something that would have been looked upon as a conspiracy theory if published by a tabloid. The paper suggested that by attacking South Ossetia, the Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili had badly damaged a planned U.S. military operation against Iran. In the newspaper’s opinion Georgia was supposed to play the role of another “unsinkable aircraft carrier” for the U.S., i.e. an operational and tactical base for U.S.
aircraft that would be making bombing raids into Iran. Something akin to what Thailand was in the Vietnam war.

Thailand certainly benefited from the arrangement, and Georgia would have too, insists the paper, if its President hadn’t put his ambitions above the US national interest and ended up beaten, disarmed, chewing on his neckties and totally incapable of providing whatever the U.S. needs from him.

That’s why, according to Izvestia in yet another article on the matter, the U.S. response to the Russian retaliation was harsh in words but very mild in action. The latest on the issue suggests that Mikhail Saakashvili may be replaced any day now by direct order from Washington.

Having read the story in Izvestia I decided to try to figure out the extent of improbability and impossibility of the assumptions. As I was doing that, I remembered that early in August CNN had started showing U.S. generals who cried for more troops and hardware for Afghanistan which, in their opinion, was rapidly becoming a more intensive conflict than Iraq.

Shortly after that, a phone call came from a college friend who had just come back from Kandahar in Afghanistan, where he had seen American battle tanks being unloaded from a Ukrainian-registered Antonov-124 “Ruslan”, the heaviest and largest cargo airplane in the world. The friend asked if I had any idea what tanks would be good for in Afghanistan, and I said I didn’t. It’s an established fact from the Soviet war in Afghanistan that tanks are no good for most of the country’s mountainous territory. They are good for flatlands, and the main body of flat land in the region is right across the border in Iran.

Later in August there was another bit of unofficial information from a Russian military source: more than a thousand American tanks and armored vehicles had been shipped to Eastern Afghanistan by Ukrainian “Ruslans” flying in three to five shipments a day, and more flights were expected.

Somehow all this, together with the series of articles in Izvestia, the information that all U.S. troops in Afghanistan are going to be reassigned and regrouped under unified command, the arrival of NATO naval ships in the Black Sea, the appointment of a man used to command troops in a combat environment as the new commander of the US Central Command and other bits and pieces. To my total astonishment, when they all fell together the Izvestia story started looking slightly more credible than before.

Today the U.S. media reported that there had been a leak from the Pentagon about a secret Presidential order in which President Bush authorized his military (most of which is currently on Afghan soil) to conduct operations in Pakistan without the necessity for informing the Pakistani government. The U.S. military in Afghanistan – or shall we say in the whole region neighboring Iran – is getting a freer hand by the day. And it is getting more and more hardware to play with.

Of course it’s quite clear now that Georgia has lost its immediate potential as a nearby airfield, but after all, the aircraft carriers in the Gulf are not so far away.

Believe me I’m not saying that the U.S. is going to start an all-out war against Iran tomorrow. But aren’t there indications that it may happen the day after tomorrow, a month from now, or on any date before the official handover of Presidency in the U.S.? Or, as some suggest, before the election?

I’m just asking the questions. But there are some people, like those working for Izvestia, for instance, who answer them with a “yes”.

Israel ‘annexes’ West Bank areas

West Bank barrier in Abu Dis near Jerusalem

B’Tselem says the annexations more than doubled the size of settlements

Israel has annexed thousands of hectares of West Bank land beside the barrier it is building, according to an Israeli rights group.

B’Tselem says the land has been taken with the justification that it is needed to protect Israeli settlements.

The group says some settlements have seized up to two and a half times more land than they have been designated by fencing it off or through intimidation.

Under international law the settlements in the West Bank are illegal.

This is disputed by Israel, which has settled about 450,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Israel argues that its West Bank barrier is a security measure intended to stop suicide bombers, though Palestinians see the barrier as a means to grab land.

The International Court of Justice issued an advisory ruling in 2004 that the barrier breached international law where it is built on occupied territory and should be dismantled.

‘Access denied’

B’Tselem calculates that the annexation of the land has more than doubled the size of the settlements, with Palestinians, who still own the land, denied access.

The objective of these zones is to provide warning of an attack on a community, providing enough time to respond
Israel Defense Forces

It says that the unofficial closing off of land to Palestinians, around these settlements, has been going on for 30 years.

But what has been happening more recently is the Israeli military formalising the expansion of these settlements through what are called “special security areas”.

The group has calculated that this has more than doubled the overall area of the settlements.

Palestinians, despite privately owning half the land, now have no access to it.

The Israeli authorities argue that these measures are for security, to protect against Palestinian attacks, and that they need only be temporary.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement to the BBC that the security zones were needed to protect settlements. The IDF said the use of these zones had been approved a number of times by the Israeli Supreme Court and any building in them was illegal.

But B’Tselem insists that the security argument is specious: they say that settlers often move into the designated security buffer zones.

They also argue that it makes the agreed goal of a future Palestinian state all the more difficult to reach.

‘US to hit militant safe havens in Pakistan’



‘US to hit militant safe havens in Pakistan’

Updated at  
Thursday, September 11, 2008
WASHINGTON: Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Adm Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, conceded before the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that the US military was not winning the fight against an increasingly deadly insurgency in Afghanistan, saying it would revise its strategy to combat militant safe havens in Pakistan.

Mullen said he was “looking at a new, more comprehensive strategy for the region” that would cover both sides of the border, including Pakistan’s tribal areas. “These two nations are inextricably linked in a common insurgency that crosses the border between them,” Mullen said. “We can hunt down and kill extremists as they cross over the border from Pakistan but until we work more closely with the Pakistani government to eliminate the safe havens from which they operate, the enemy will only keep coming.”

Robert Gates said the United States’ relationship with Pakistan is not confined to anti-terrorism assistance alone but it is much broader in range and takes into account the interests of Pakistani people.

He cited Washington’s plans for massive economic assistance for Pakistan and said it would bolster the confidence of the new government in the United States having a long-term commitment to the South Asian country.

“We are in this to help Pakistan over the long-term and it is not just a relationship based on military relationship that is focused on the border with Afghanistan but it is much broader and has the interests of Pakistani people in mind,” Gates told the House Armed Service Committee.

The top Pentagon leader said the United States has a multi-year package for economic development of Pakistan. “A broader kind of assistance package that helps the Pakistani people, I think will not only give their new government the confidence that we have a long range plan in mind in terms of partnering with them but that it is multi-faceted and is not just focused on the military fight,” he stated.

Gates said the Pakistan military and the government were focused on the instability in the border region and it was critical to continue to work with the new Pakistan government. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman Joints Chiefs of Staff, said the United States will sustain relations with Pakistan over the long haul.

Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Adm Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee success in Afghanistan would require more civilian effort beyond the military fight. “Frankly, we’re running out of time,” Mullen said. “I’m not convinced we are winning it in Afghanistan. I am convinced we can,” he said, offering a sober assessment nearly seven years since the US-led forces toppled the Taliban after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks.

The officials said the West should do more to help Afghans with new investments in roads and other infrastructure, education and crop assistance. “These are the keys to success in Afghanistan,” said Mullen. “We cannot kill our way to victory.” He said Afghanistan badly needed a national security force supported by local leaders. Gates supports an Afghan government proposal to double the size of the country’s army by creating an active-duty force of 122,000 troops by 2014.

9/11 and the “American Inquisition”

9/11 and the “American Inquisition”

Today’s “Global War on Terrorism” is a modern form of inquisition. It has all the essential ingredients of the French and Spanish inquisitions.

Going after ” Islamic terrorists”, carrying out a Worldwide preemptive war to ” protect the Homeland” are used to justify a military agenda.

“The Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) is presented as a “Clash of Civilizations”, a war between competing values and religions, when in reality it is an outright war of conquest, guided by strategic and economic objectives.

The GWOT is the ideological backbone of the American Empire. It defines US military doctrine, including the preemptive use of nuclear weapons against the “state sponsors” of terrorism. 

The preemptive “defensive war” doctrine and the “war on terrorism” against Al Qaeda constitute essential building blocks of America’s National Security Strategy as formulated in early 2002. The objective is to present “preemptive military action” –meaning war as an act of “self-defense” against two categories of enemies, “rogue States” and “Islamic terrorists”, both of which are said to possess weapons of mass destruction.

The logic of the  “outside enemy” and the evildoer, responsible for civilian deaths, prevails over common sense. In the inner consciousness of Americans, the attacks of September 11, 2001 justify acts of war and conquest:

“As was demonstrated by the losses on September 11, 2001, mass civilian casualties is the specific objective of terrorists and these losses would be exponentially more severe if terrorists acquired and used weapons of mass destruction.” (National Security Strategy, White House, Washington, 2002)

America’s Inquisition

The legitimacy of the inquisition is not questioned. The “Global War on Terrorism” justifies a mammoth defense budget at the expense of health and education. It requires “going after” the terrorists, using advanced weapons systems. It upholds a preemptive religious-like crusade against evil, which serves to obscure the real objectives of military action.

The lies underlying 9/11 are known and documented. The American people’s acceptance of this crusade against evil is not based on any rational understanding or analysis of events.

America’s inquisition is used to extend America’s sphere of influence and justify military intervention, as part of an international campaign against “Islamic terrorists”. Its ultimate objective, which is never mentioned in press reports,  is territorial conquest and control over strategic resources.

The GWOT dogma is enunciated and formulated by Washington’s neoconservative think tanks. It is carried out by the military-intelligence establishment. It is embodied in presidential speeches and press conferences:

“We’ve been warned there are evil people in this world. We’ve been warned so vividly. … And we’ll be alert. Your government is alert. The governors and mayors are alert that evil folks still lurk out there. As I said yesterday, people have declared war on America and they have made a terrible mistake. … My administration has a job to do and we’re going to do it. We will rid the world of the evil-doers,” (George W. Bush, CNN, September 16, 2001)

The objective of the “Global War on Terrorism” launched in September 2001 is to galvanize public support for a Worldwide campaign against heresy. In the eyes of public opinion, possessing a “just cause” for waging war is central. A war is said to be Just if it is waged on moral, religious or ethical grounds.

The Demonization of Muslims and the Battle for Oil

The US led war in the broader Middle East Central Asian region consists in gaining control over extensive reserves of oil and natural gas. The Anglo-American oil giants also seek to gain control over oil and gas pipeline routes out of the region. (See table and maps below).

Muslim countries possess 66 percent of total oil reserves. (Michel Chossudovsky, The “Demonization” of Muslims and the Battle for Oil, Global Research, Jannuary 4, 2007). In contrast, the United States of America has barely 2 percent of total oil reserves. Iraq has five times more oil than the United States.

Demonization is applied to an enemy, which possesses more than 60 percent of the world’s oil reserves. “Axis of evil”, “rogue States”, “failed nations”, “Islamic terrorists”: demonization and vilification are the ideological pillars of America’s Inquisition. They serve as a casus belli for waging the battle for oil.

The Battle for Oil requires the demonization of those who possess the oil. The enemy is characterized as evil, with a view to justifying military action including the mass killing of civilians. (Ibid)

Historical Origins of the Inquisition

The objective is to sustain the illusion that “America is under attack” by Al Qaeda. Under the American inquisition, Washington has a self-proclaimed holy mandate to extirpate Islamic fundamentalism and “spread democracy” throughout the world.

“Going after Bin Laden” is part of a consensus. Fear and insecurity prevail over common sense. Despite the evidence, the White House, the State Department, the two Party system, cannot, in the minds of Americans, be held responsible for a criminal act resulting in the deaths of American civilians.

What we are dealing with is an outright and blind acceptance of the structures of power and political authority.

In this regard, the American Inquisition as an ideological construct, is, in many regards, similar to the inquisitorial social order prevailing in France and Spain during the Middle Ages. The inquisition, which started in France in the 12th century, was used as a justification for conquest and military intervention.

Initially it took the form of a campaign in southern France directed against the Cathars and Waldensians, which challenged the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Cathar movement was a religious sect which was protected by the regional feudal order in southern France, against the dominion of the Catholic Church and the French monarchy in Paris. “The Cathars believed they were the true Christians and the Catholic Church was a false church, founded by the devil.”

In the early 13th Century, “Pope Innocent III declared a crusade against the Cathars” at the behest of the French royal family. The crusade was in fact a war of conquest under the disguise of a campaign against heresy.

The Inquisition directed against heresy was intended to consolidate the Monarchy’s territorial control. It provided a pretext to intervene militarily in south and southwestern France, using the authority of the Catholic Church as a façade.

The inquisition became part of a political consensus, carried out by the Church’s inquisitors, imposed by the ruling feudal order and supported militarily. Its purpose was to maintain and sustain the social and political order, extend the powers of the central State, subjugate regional powers in France, using the campaign against heresy as “a justification to wage war”. Sounds familiar?

Today’s Inquisitorial Order

Anybody who doubts the legitimacy of the American inquisition (“Global War on Terrorism”) is a heretic conspiracy theorist or an accomplice of the terrorists.

The American Inquisition is part of a Bipartisan Consensus. Both the Democrats and the Republicans support the American Inquisition.

“Going after Osama bin Laden” is part of the election platform of both political parties. In fact it is the central component of the election campaign:

I [Barack Obama] argued for more resources and more troops to finish the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11, and made clear that we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights (Barack Obama, Acceptance Speech, National Democratic Convention, Denver, August 2008)

We have dealt a serious blow to al Qaeda in recent years. But they are not defeated, and they’ll strike us again if they can. (John McCain, Acceptance Speech, Republican National Convention, St Paul, September 2008)

There is an “outside enemy”. The Homeland is under attack. Islamic terrorists “threaten our way of life”. “We must defend ourselves” preemptively against Osama and his lieutenants.

US Northern Command (Northcom), with headquarters at the Petersen Air Force base in Colorado was established in early 2002 to protect America against a terrorist attack. It was presented to public opinion as a response to the 9/11 attacks. The real strategic objectives of Northern Command using sophisticated aero defense weapons including nuclear warheads, are not mentioned.

Political Consensus

The mouthpiece of America’s inquisitorial order is the Western corporate media.

People who question the validity of any of these statements or who have doubts about who is behind the 9/11 attacks, are considered to be accomplices of those who threaten the American Homeland.

In 1232, Pope Gregory IX set up a system of special religious courts called the inquisition. The Dominican friars were sent out to find and question heretics:

“Heresy cannot be destroyed unless heretics are destroyed and … their defenders and [supporters] are destroyed, and this is effected in two ways: … they are converted to the true catholic faith, or … burned. (Henry Charles Lea, A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, p. 535, 1887)

Those who refused to recant, which means give up their heresy, were burned alive.

Today’s Patriot Act, the military courts, the Guantanamo concentration camp, the CIA rendition camps, Abu Ghraib, etc., are part of an advanced inquisitorial system. Terrorist suspects are held incommunicado. They are tortured, tried by military courts and sentenced. They are not given the right to recant.

The objective is not to make the World safer by putting the terrorists behind bars.

The trials of the alleged terrorists plays an important social function. They sustain the illusion, in the inner consciousness of Americans, that the “Islamic terrorists” constitute a real threat.

The arrests, trials and sentences of “Islamic terrorists” sustain the legitimacy of the American State and its inquisitorial legal and law enforcement apparatus. The ultimate objective is to convince public opinion that the enemy is real and that the US Adminstration is protecting the lives of its citizens.

Manufacturing Dissent

Washington does not silence its antiwar critics. Quite the opposite. The inquisitorial social order allows certain forms of dissent. It is politically correct under a “democracy” to condemn US foreign policy in the strongest terms.

What is not allowed is to question the inquisition.

Those who oppose the US Administration are not branded as heretics. Many “Progressives”, Liberals and Antiwar activists, led by prominent intellectuals, firmly believe that Muslims were behind the 9/11 attacks. “We are against the war, but we support the war on terrorism.”

The New World Order builds a political and media consensus (i.e. the GWOT) but at the same time it creates and moulds its own opposition. It establishes the limits of dissent. It “manufactures dissent”.

The presidential candidates in the bipartisan race are supported by powerful corporate interests including the oil companies, Wall Street and the defense contractors.

At the same time, these same corporate interests, through their various foundations (including Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, et al), support and finance a number of Liberal/Progressive organizations and alternative media.

9/11 is the cornerstone of the American Inquisition.

The lies underlying 9/11 are accepted by the mainstream antiwar movement.

US foreign policy is condemned, but the “Global War on Terrorism” is upheld. Wittingly or unwittingly, this endorsement of the GWOT by those who claim to be opposed to US foreign policy, provides a legitimacy to the inquisitorial order, which underlies the actual practice of US foreign policy.

On the other hand, those who have serious doubts regarding the official 9/11 narrative, including the 9/11 Truth Movement, are branded as heretics and nonbelievers.

The “Just War” theory

The “Just War” theory (justum bellum) has a longstanding tradition. It has been used throughout history to uphold the dominant social order and provide a justification for waging war.

In the case of Afghanistan, 9/11 played a key role in justifying the invasion. The war on Afghanistan was considered a “Just War”, waged on humanitarina grounds.

On September 12, 2001, NATO invoked for the first time in its history “Article 5 of the Washington Treaty – its collective defense clause” declaring the 9/11 attacks on  the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon “to be an attack against all NATO members.”

Afghanistan was tagged, without  a shred of evidence and prior to the conduct of an investigation, as the “state sponsor” of the 9/11 attacks. The invasion was presented as part of a counter-terrorism operation directed against the perpetrators of 9/11 and their state sponsors.

Trade unions, NGOs and many “progressive” intellectuals endorsed the US-NATO led invasion. The events of 9/11 played a key role in gaining the support of various sectors of American society including the opponents and critics of the Bush adminstration’s foreign policy.

The war on Afghanistan was prepared prior to 9/11. War preparations were already in an advanced stage of readiness. The green light to wage war by the US and NATO on Afghanistan was provided within 24 hours of the 9/11 attacks.

The press reports failed to reveal a fact which was known and acknowledged by military analysts: a major theater war cannot, under any circumstances, be planned and carried out in a matter of 4-5 weeks.

9/11 was used as a justification to carry out a “humanitarian war”. Known to military analysts, the war on Afghanistan had been planned well in advance of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

The Spanish Inquisition

In the 14th and 15th centuries, the Inquisition spread to other parts of Europe. In Italy, the inquisition went after nationalist movements in regions like Lombardy in the north, Venice, or Sicily. It was used to suppress these political movements. In northern France and Germany, the inquisition used the pretext of small mystical sects, to intervene politically and militarily. Regional powers including local principalities refused to cooperate with the inquisition. In today’s world, this form of interventionism is carried out by sending in US special forces to “help governments” to combat terrorism.

Spain, conquered by Muslims and in part reconquered by Christians in the 13th Century, was “religiously heterogeneous, and a tolerance had developed so Muslims, Christians, and Jews could live together in relative peace.” Toward the end of the 15th Century, coinciding with a period of political and territorial consolidation, “Spanish tolerance changed abruptly. Spain saw the rise of a form of inquisition more ruthless and disruptive than anywhere else in Europe.” (Bill of Rights in Action)

The Spanish inquisition was also characterized by a process of building a consensus, of going after the heretics and nonbelievers. The inquisition was used to support the process of territorial consolidation in the Iberian peninsula. The objective was to reinforce the absolute monarchy and the powers of the landed aristocracy against the Muslim and Jewish merchant classes.

The Spanish Inquisition was executed at the behest of Queen Isabel, Reina Catolica. In 1483, The Reyes Catolicos, Isabel de Castilla and Ferdinando de Aragon, established a Council to direct the Inquisition. Tomas de Torquemada, an advisor to Isabel become the first General Inquisitor. Torquemado had previously preached against the Jewish and Muslim Converts (Conversos). The objective was to repress the upcoming merchant classes. “One country, one ruler, one faith” became the mandate of the General Inquisitor.

Goya’s Inquisition

The pope upheld the inquisition, the hidden agenda was the feudal order and the Spanish led colonial wars. The Spanish inquisition lasted for 300 years.

Today in America, the General inquisitor is the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

The Legal Apparatus

The inquisition in the Middle Ages would collect accusations:

“If two witnesses under oath accused someone of heresy, the accused person would be summoned to appear. opinions, prejudices, rumors, and gossip were all accepted as evidence. the accused was never told the names of the accusers, nor even the exact charges.

Inquisitors examined the accused in secret. Anyone who refused to confess immediately was assumed to be guilty. Inquisitors were trained only in religion, and they would try to trap the accused with religious questions. For example, an inquisitor might ask, “Do you believe what the holy church believes?”

“I am a faithful Christian,” the fearful suspect might reply.

“So!” the inquisitor might shout. “We already know you believe in heresies! You’re saying your beliefs are the true Christianity and the church is false!” (Bill of Rights in Action)

No lawyers were allowed, because it was considered heresy to defend a heretic:

“They would torture those who refused to recant. During torture, the religious inquisitors would stand by as witnesses to record confessions or take down the names of other heretics. The government also carried out the final sentence of imprisonment or death.

Those who recanted immediately might receive a fairly light sentence — saying prayers, fasting, being whipped in public, or making a pilgrimage. Some who recanted were forced to wear a yellow cross of felt sewn on all their clothing. The cross marked them as a former heretic, and many people would stay away from them in fear.

Many who refused to recant right away were sentenced to prison for life. If they refused to recant at all, the Inquisition turned them over to government authorities to be burned alive. Some inquisitors were so thorough that they went after the dead. If a dead person was accused of heresy, his or her bones could be dug up and burned.

For most accused heretics, there was no appeal. A few rich or powerful people might beg the pope to change a sentence, but for most of the condemned, the sentence was final. The families of those sent to prison or to the stake lost their property.

(Bill of Rights in Action, see also History of the inquisition)

Today’s legal system in America has all the essential features of an inquisitorial order. Torture is permitted “under certain circumstances”, according to an August 2002 Justice Department “legal opinion”:

“if a government employee were to torture a suspect in captivity, ‘he would be doing so in order to prevent further attacks on the United States by the Al Qaeda terrorist network,’ said the memo, from the Justice Department’s office of legal counsel, written in response to a CIA request for legal guidance. It added that arguments centering on “necessity and self-defense could provide justifications that would eliminate any criminal liability” later. (See Washington Post, June 7, 2004)

“Even if an interrogation method might arguably cross the line drawn in Section and application of the stature was not held to be an unconstitutional infringement of the President’s Commander in Chief authority, we believe that under current circumstances [the war on terrorism] certain justification defenses might be available that would potentially eliminate criminal liability.” (Complete August 2, 2002 Justice Department Memorandum in pdf)


“The Spanish Inquisition was particularly terrifying because of its inherent characteristics. The accused never knew who their accusers were. Once arrested, the accused heretic’s properties were seized.”

“These properties were then administered at first by the Crown, and later by the General Inquisitor….

Even if the accused was now a devout Christian, he was tried as severely as possible because of his roots. The accused was also not allowed to have a lawyer or counsel for his defense, and the names of all witnesses were kept secret from him (Jason L. Slade, The Spanish Inquisition August 6, 1996)

Torture was the order of the day. The accused were not allowed to have a lawyer.

The torture methods applied by today’s CIA inquisitors bear a canny resemblance to the torture techniques used by the Inquisitors in the Middle Ages, including the water torment or aselli, commonly referred to in CIA jargon as “water booarding”:

“Because the trials were for spiritual matters, the Church handled them. However, the punishments were usually very much physical, so they were handled by the state. There were many means of this physical torture for confession. The two most famous or infamous were the strappado or pulley, and the aselli or water torment.(Jason L. Slade, The Spanish Inquisition August 6, 1996)

Water-boarding then and now

Alfred McCoy reports in the regard that the CIA:

“had often added to their no-touch repertoire physical methods reminiscent of the Inquisition’s trademark tortures — strappado, question de l’eau, “crippling stork,” and “masks of mockery.” At the CIA’s center near Kabul in 2002, for instance, American interrogators forced prisoners “to stand with their hands chained to the ceiling and their feet shackled,” an effect similar to the strappado. Instead of the Inquisition’s iron-framed “crippling stork” to contort the victim’s body, CIA interrogators made their victims assume similar “stress positions” without any external mechanism, aiming again for the psychological effect of self-induced pain… (Alfred McCoy, The Hidden History of CIA Torture: America’s Road to Abu Ghraib, Global Research, December 2004)

In Spain in the 16th Century, the inquisition was accepted. It was a consensus. The population was led to believe that it was a good thing and that torture “served to purify society”.

“A bishop came out and shouted out the names of the condemned. then the heretics were led out, wearing black robes decorated with red demons and flames. officials of the government tied them to the stake.

“do you give up your heresy against the holy church?” a priest would challenge.

anyone who repented would be strangled to death before the fires were lit. most, however, stood silent or defiant. the fires were lit, and the square echoed with the screams of the heretics and cheers from the crowd.” (quoted in Bill of Rights in Action, op cit)

Anybody who dared to question the validity of this “war on terrorism” was himself branded a terrorist and subjected to the anti-terrorist laws, which at the time, in Spain, was death.

In today’s inquisitorial environment, most people are skeptical regarding 9/11 but nobody dares question the validity of the “war on terrorism”.

“These are bad people, and we must go after them, take them out.” The discourse is almost the same.

The ultimate objective is to subdue the citizens, totally depoliticize social life in America, prevent people from thinking and conceptualizing, from analyzing facts and challenging the legitimacy of the inquisitorial social order which rules America.

The Big Lie becomes the Truth. Realities are turned upside down.

War becomes peace, a worthwhile humanitarian undertaking,

Peaceful dissent becomes heresy.

The objective is to create an atmosphere of fear and insecurity, with a view to upholding the New World Order.

In the words of Monthy Python:

“NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Our chief weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise….

Our two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency….

Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope….

Our *four*…no… *Amongst* our weapons…. Amongst our weaponry… are such elements as fear, surprise….

I’ll come in again.” (Monthy Python, The Spanish Inquisition)

How to reverse the tide?

Undermine the Inquisition;

Reveal the lies behind 9/11;

Break the consensus;

Reveal the Crimes committed by those in High Office;

Unseat the inquisitors:

“Millions of people have been misled regarding the causes and consequences of September 11.

Across the land, the image of an “outside enemy” is instilled in the consciousness of Americans. Al Qaeda is threatening America and the world. The repeal of democracy under the Patriot legislation is portrayed as a means to providing “domestic security” and upholding civil liberties.

When people across the US and around the World find out that Al Qaeda is not an outside enemy but a creation of US foreign policy and the CIA, the legitimacy of the bipartisan war agenda will tumble like a deck of cards… (Michel Chossudovsky, America’s “War on Terrorism”, Global Research 2005)