Franklin Lamb—Disinformation Agent?

Franklin Lamb—Disinformation Agent?

I have had my doubts about Franklin for some time now, but I have had trouble putting my finger on the suspicion behind the bad vibe, until this submission arrived in today’s mail (SEE: Mossad Targets Nuclear Engineers in Damascus).  This explains why I have stopped featuring his monthly reports…I have suspected that he might be furthering the Syrian rebel/CIA position, which also implies resistance to anything related to Hezbollah.  But, I could be wrong about this, as I may have been wrong about him from the beginning.  That is the way of a good disinformation agent, first appearing as a “sheep,” when they may have been a “goat” all along, an “angel of light,” instead of an agent of darkness.
The problem about Franklin Lamb, for me, has always been his history with London School of Economics (SEE:  London School of Useful Idiots), a tool of The Crown and the Empire.  (It was, after all, the LSE which produced the infamous “Sheik Omar,” who was the primary motivator in most of Pakistan’s most memorable “Al-Qaeda”/Pakistani Taliban terrorist conspiracies (alleged paymaster of 911 plot), remember mostly for the Daniel Pearl beheading and, according to Benazir Bhutto, “Omar Sheikh, he murdered Osama bin Laden“.)
It seems that the truth about Franklin Lamb’s agenda is finally coming to light through this post and previous monthly reports from the Syrian war zone.  After reading Mossad Targets Nuclear Engineers in Damascus, I am left with a feeling of Mullah hatred, which was not there before.  Even though it claimed to be a report on the assassination of Nuclear scientists in Damascus, this post proved to be a thorough argument that the anti-Iranian sanctions were having a powerful, “positive” effect.  He is justifying anti-Iran coalition war efforts, by helping to introduce a “new narrative” on Syria into the Internet blogosphere, one which brands Iran as an “occupying power” and the war in Syria as an Iranian war of aggression, NOT OBAMA’S WAR OF AGGRESSION.  He is pushing a report that has been produced by an Iranian dissident group, called Naame Shaam, without ever clarifying who authored the report titled “IRAN IN SYRIA – From an Ally of the Regime to an Occupying Force,”  The following quote from the Naame report encapsulates the report’s anti-Iranian, pro-Free Syrian Army agenda.]
“The authors therefore propose a new narrative about the Syrian revolution and the current situation in Syria, as well as a new set of demands in light of this new reality. The war in Syria, they say, should be regarded as an international conflict that warrants the application of the four Geneva Conventions and the regime-held areas of Syria should be considered occupied territory – not metaphorically but in the strict legal sense of the word.
Recognising the war in Syria as an international conflict that involves a foreign occupation and a people struggling for liberation may also provide a powerful ‘legal weapon’ against the Iranian regime, namely that it is committing ‘grave breaches’ of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which
are considered even more serious war crimes than the ones outlined in chapter I. This is because, as an occupying force, Iran has certain ‘duties’ towards the Syrian population under its occupation.  Syrian revolution and the current situation in Syria, as well as a new set of demands in light of this new reality. The war in Syria, they say, should be regarded as an international conflict that warrants the application of the four Geneva Conventions and the regime-held areas of Syria should be considered occupied territory – not metaphorically but in the strict legal sense of the word.
Recognising the war in Syria as an international conflict that involves a foreign occupation and a people struggling for liberation may also provide a powerful ‘legal weapon’ against the Iranian regime, namely that it is committing ‘grave breaches’ of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which

are considered even more serious war crimes than the ones outlined in chapter I. This is because, as an occupying force, Iran has certain ‘duties’ towards the Syrian population under its occupation.”

Before this, Mr. Lamb was doing his best to promote the Western-oriented DAASH narrative, as devised by the Pentagon, that is, that ISIS was a threat to everyone and that it was beyond the capabilities of regional forces to deal with it, instead of pointing-out the truth.  Defeating ISIS would be a simple matter, if Sunni regimes had the will, or the Western green-light.  We need to hand the job of their own self-defense back to them and allow the Jordanian, Saudi, Egyptian air forces to do the work, while we just step back.  If American airpower is needed for the job, then we should provide concentrated heavy-bombing, sufficient to eliminate each target as it is identified by Sunni govt. forces on the ground (SEE: NUKE ISIS!!—Terrorist Email To Mr. Foley’s Parents and Link To Execution Video ).

Peter Chamberlin
