The Capitalist Conspiracy

The Capitalist Conspiracy

by G. Edward Griffin

Transcription by Zahir Ebrahim


September 23, 2008.

The purpose of this presentation is to show that the conspiratorial view of history, particularly of recent history is the correct view. That there is a secret and powerful combine at work today; that it constitutes the unseen government of the United States; and that it properly can be identified, as, The Capitalist Conspiracy!

During the past 200 years, while the peoples of the world, gradually, were winning their political freedom from monarchies, the major banking families of the world, were nullifying the trend toward representative government, by setting up new dynasties of political control. But behind the scenes, in the form of international financial Combines.

These banking dynasties had learned that all governments, whether they be monarchies or democracies, must borrow money in times of emergency. And that by providing such funds from their own private resources, with strings attached of course, gradually, they could bring both kings and democratic leaders, under their control. (01:14)

Dr. Quigley believes that people should be more familiar with the identities of these clever banking dynasties. They include such names as Barring, Hambros, Lazzard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Selingman, The Speyers, Mirabauld, Mallet, Fould, Rothschild, & Morgan.

It should be noted that while the Rothschilds and other Jewish families cooperated together in these ventures, this was by no means a Jewish monopoly as some have alleged. Men of finance of many nationalities and many religious and non-religious backgrounds, collaborated together to create this super-structure of hidden power.

Its essence was not race nor religion nor nationality. It was simply a passion for control over other human beings. (2:05)

The net effect is to create money out of nothing. Lend it to the government, and then collect interest on it. A rather profitable transaction, to say the least.

For example, in 1694, International Banker, William Patterson, obtained the charter of the Bank of England, and the power over England’s money system fell into private hands.

In a boastful mood, Patterson said: “The bank hath benefit of interest of all monies which it creates out of nothing.”

230 years later, Reginald McKenna, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, said: “The banks can, and do, create money; and they who control the credit of the nation, direct the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands, the destiny of the people.”

In the United States, it was inevitable that the international banking interests, would attempt to establish the same kind of private monopoly over the money system, that they had achieved in England, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. (03:10)

The same formula would be used: make it look like a government operation, but keep the control in private hands.

John D Rockefeller had purchased the Chase Bank, and his brother William, bought the National City Bank of New York. The Rockefeller Chase Bank was later merged with Warburg’s Manhattan Bank, to form the Chase Manhattan, one of the most powerful financial combines in the world today!

Acting in concert with the Morgan Banking dynasty, they spent untold millions of dollars to promote legislation that would grant to them, a private franchise over this nation’s money system.

To sell this scheme to the voters, the monopolists created the propaganda line, that the proposed banking law some how would work against the monopolies. Politicians took up the cry “banking reform”, and “down with Wall Street”.

And then, to make it look convincing, the financial tycoons publicly pretended to oppose the measure, all the while financing it behind the scenes. (04:12)

On December 22, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act, finally was passed into law. Something known as the Federal Reserve System came into being, and with it, total control over the nation’s money, fell into private hands!

The CFR from behind the scenes has dominated this nation for decades.

CFR members include top executives and journalists for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Daily News, Harpers, Look, Time, Life, Newsweek, US News and World Report, CBS, NBC, MGM.

They include directors of the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment Fund.

They include Presidents Hoover, Eisenhower, Johnson and Nixon; Secretaries of States Titinius, Acheson, Dulles, Hurder, and Rusk; a fantastic percentage of the President’s Cabinet, Under Secretaries, the Federal Reserve Board, Ambassadors to other countries, Supreme Court Justices, and presidential advisors.

The average American has never heard of the CFR. Yet it is, the unseen Government of the United States. (05:25)

After a man has far more money than he possibly can spend for pleasures, what is left to excite him?

For those with the ruling class mentality, the answer is power – raw power over other human beings. Money can buy such power only to a point, beyond that, politics is the sport, and world politics is the ultimate game.

These men are striving to create a world super-state, with the expectation that from behind the scenes, they will be the ones who will rule. Not free enterprise capitalism, but big government is the conspiracies’ life force.

World government is its ultimate goal.

But what is the best way to sell big government, and then world government, to a people like ours, historically devoted to an independent republic of limited powers?

The answer is simple. Deliberately create problems. And then offer only those solutions that result in the expansion of government. Create conditions so frightful at home and abroad, that the abandonment of personal liberties and national sovereignty, will appear as a reasonable price for a return to domestic tranquility and world peace. (06:40)

If those who seek world dominion can stimulate leftist mobs into violent confrontation with local law enforcement, and also provide exhaustive news coverage, so that the entire nation can see and tremble, then the peaceful and freedom loving majority can be programmed to accept a vast expansion of government powers, and even a national police force, offered supposedly to end the violence.

If those who seek world dominion can raise the spectre of an enemy, armed to the teeth with superior atomic weapons on the verge of launching a nuclear holocaust, and also offer world-government as the prevention, then millions of Americans can be programmed to accept the loss of national sovereignty, as our last best hope for peace.

This is the meaning of pressure from above and below. To put over police state measures at home, they need chaos, crime, and anarchy in the streets. To sell the idea of world-government, they need the constant threat of nuclear war! (7:44)

In Bavaria, the year 1786, acting on a tip from an informer, police raided the home of a prominent attorney named Vanswack. They seized documents and letters revealing that he was a high ranking member of an extensive conspiracy called “The Order of The Illuminati”.

Over the centuries, forms of the word “Illuminati”, meaning the enlightened ones, have been used by many secret sects and occult organizations. Most prominent among these, were the Illumbrados of Spain, Guerinets of France, and the Roshaniya of Afghanistan. But these were concerned primarily with psychological and spiritual objectives, a proclaimed inner wisdom, and mind-mastery of the secrets of the universe.

The conspiracy exposed in Bavaria was of an entirely different order. (08:36)

The Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Wiesop, a Professor at Inglestaff University. Wiesop obviously had been a serious student of the occult, for many of its bizarre features and symbols were incorporated into his organization.

The destruction of all religion, replaced by the worship of reason or humanism, and the destruction of all independent governments, replaced by a new world order, a world government, ruled from behind the scenes by the illuminated ones!

No conspiracy can stand the light of exposure. No conspiracy can rule the masses without the tool of an extensive government bureaucracy. And certainly no capitalist conspiracy can long survive without control over the nation’s money.

Expose the conspiracy, reduce the size of government, return our money to a standard that cannot be manipulated. This must be our response. (09:37)

Yes the hour is late. But it is not too late if we are realistic in our efforts.

As Americans we can still speak-out with fear of imprisonment.

We can still join together into patriotic groups to multiply our effectiveness.

We can still challenge the establishment’s candidates.

We still retain that remnant of power to regain control of own government. (10:11)