Pawning-Off Old Photos of 2008 Putin/Bandar Meeting As New—Is Bandar Disfigured?

[The past few days the Western media has been falling all over itself, trying to pass-off old 2008 photos of Putin and Bandar as genuine, trying to validate the claim that the Saudi spy lord really did visit Putin recently.  Despite Riyadh’s claims that he has been jetting all over the world trying to make the Obama/Bush vision of a “greater Middle East” a reality, Prince Bandar has not been seen or photographed since his attempted assassination on 31 July, 2012.  If there were not some physical or psychological reason for hiding the face of this famous Kremlin visitor, then normal diplomatic protocol and the need to confirm to the world that the evil prince is still alive would create photo opportunities, just as in his earlier visits.  Does Bandar bin Sultan have all of his arms and legs?  Does he have both eyes?  Is his face disfigured?  Is he even alive? 

Even though this most recently purported visit to Moscow was reported by the Kremlin press, without any physical confirmation that he was there, there is no real reason to believe the Russian report either, without the documentation.  This would not be the first time that Putin has played along with Washington’s schemes.  There was no apparent, logical reason for the Saudi troublemaker to go to Putin (SEE:  Is Bandar Bush In Moscow Trying To Sell Putin His Plan To Cannabalize the Syrian Resistance?), Bandar’s plot revolves around bringing into Syria thousands of outsiders, and arming them to fight Al-Asad under the “al-Qaeda” banner, precisely the things that Putin is most set against.  If this event had not been staged for the benefit of the public, then it would have all taken place covertly, under the radar of Western popular opinion.  Both sides in this geopolitical tussle seem to want us to believe the report, along with its back story, that something big is in the works for both Syria and the region.  As usual, whatever it is, it will be something very bad.]

Bandar_Putin ya libnan

File photo of  Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (R) and Secretary General of Saudi Arabia’s National Security Council Prince Bandar Bin Sultan during their meeting  in Moscow, in August 2007.     AFP PHOTO

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Vladimir Putin meets with Bandar Al-Saud, secretary-general of Saudi Arabia's National Security Council, in Astrakhan

 #338027 Vladimir Putin (right) meets with Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, secretary-general of Saudi Arabia’s National Security Council, in Astrakhan, September 4, 2008.

Vladimir Putin meets with Bandar Al-Saud, secretary-general of Saudi Arabia's National Security Council, in Astrakhan

#338025 Vladimir Putin meets with Bandar Al-Saud, secretary-general of Saudi Arabia’s National Security Council, in Astrakhan 09/04/2008