Pakistan Forced To Trade American Agent Hakeemullah For Even Worse US/Saudi Agent Fazlullah

[Sad to admit the hard facts about Pakistan, but militant/terrorist leaders tend to tell the truth there, more often than the actual government leaders do.  I can find no fault with the following TTP claims.  The first quotes are from the Dawn article on Fazlullah, blaming the Pak govt. for killing Hakeemullah.]

“Pakistani rulers are slaves of the Americans and Pakistan is a US colony. The rulers are keeping the people in the dark and deceiving the nation by speaking about talks while conspiring with the US to harm the Taliban.”

The TTP holds “Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif responsible for the death of Hakeemullah. `He bargained and sold out Hakeemullah to the Americans and we hold Nawaz Sharif and his Pakistan Muslim League responsible for his death.”

“We are one hundred percent sure that Pakistan fully supports the United States in its drone strikes.”

[No matter what the lying Pakistani or Western press says to the contrary—There is NO DAYLIGHT between the Pakistani and American militaries on the drone assassination program, a hard fact that the militants have always understood.  All of this nonsense about “good” or “bad Taliban” is tabloid journalism, intended to mislead the viewing or reading public.  Consider the words of the most disputed “good/bad Taliban,” before he too was murdered by one of Obama/Kayani’s drones, Mullah Nazir had the following to say:

[SEE: Paramilitary Pretense, Who Controls the Predators?]

“Pakistan has misled the common population that America carries out these attacks and we cannot do anything to stop them. All the spies that we have caught turned out to be employees of Pakistan. The location-tracking SIMs that they use had been provided by Pakistan. We have also released their video clips. The spyware and intelligence is fully associated with the Army. A couple of days ago, an American CIA officer confessed that Pakistan’s airbases are being used for these attacks and that Pakistan itself is involved in them. They have even threatened us themselves that it is we who are striking you and that either you should renounce Jihad or we would attack. The assertion that America is behind this and we are helpless is only meant to deceive the public. All these attacks that have happened and are still happening are the work of Pakistan.”

“Pakistan serves America. 70% of the assistance America receives is provided by Pakistan. They have martyred our Mujahid brothers; those of them who were leading us and were our elders. Whenever we raise our head, Pakistan pursues us. Thus we are compelled to war Pakistan. It is not because India or Russia has bribed us…not at all…rather, we have been compelled to do so. Pakistan does not leave us alone.”

“Actually, it is the ISI that executes operations at mosques, not the Mujahideen. They are enemies to us and so they scare people about us being thugs and things like that. We are Mujahideen and we never carry out martyrdom operations in the vicinity of Muslims. It is the Army upon which we execute such operations. The Army is our target because it has aided the Americans. We do carry out martyrdom operations throughout Pakistan but we renounce and condemn those of them in mosques and marketplaces. It is our enemy that does it.”

[Before the drone campaign blossomed under Obama, we have the following testimony on Pakistani Army culpability from an anonymous Mehsud militant.]

[Fazlullah has promised to wage an intensive bombing campaign across Punjab in revenge for Hakeemullah’s murder, which is anticipated to force the Army’s hand,  achieving the long-sought North Waziristan offensive that the Pentagon has been screaming for (SEE:  ‘Red rag to a bull’: New TTP chief could push army to military action).  Fazlullah is the CIA/Saudi agent who started a war against the Pak Army in Swat and Bajaur, before the Army drove him into Afghanistan’s Nuristan/Logar region.  He has maintained his attacks upon the Army from the sanctuary there.  Having him in charge of the TTP is the CIA’s “wet dream” come true.  There will be no drone attacks upon Fazlullah.  While Fazlullah was in control in Swat, there were zero drone assassinations there, after the single disastrous attempt to kill Ayman Zawahiri there in 2006, blowing-up a religious seminary in Chenagai village, claiming the lives of 82 boys and their teachers.

Whoever was the traitor that planted the CIA tracking chip on Hakeemullah, effectively silencing the new govt attempts to negotiate peace, did a very great disservice to his country.  The Pakistani people just jumped from the frying pan right into the middle of the fire.]


Ruthless Fazlullah is new Taliban chief

By Sailab Mehsud and Pazir Gul

MIRAMSHAH, Nov 7: The outlawed Tehreek-iTaliban Pakistan chose on Thursday Mullah Fazlullah, a fugitive militant ensconced in Afghanistan, as its new leader.

The umbrella organisation representing dozens of militant groups vowed to take revenge from Pakistani rulers and security forces f or the killing of its leader Hakeemullah Mehsud in a drone attack last week.

Miramshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan, reverberated with gunfire in celebration after the announcement of the selection of the 39-year-old militant leader from Swat, who ruled the northern district for two years before he was driven out in a military operation in 2009.

He had entered into a peace deal with the then ruling Awami National Party in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through his father-in-law Maulana Sufi Muhammad, leading to enforcement of the Nizam-i-Adl Regulation in 2009. But the deal collapsed when militants refused to lay down arms and a full-fledged military operation was launched in Swat.

According to intelligence officials, Fazlullah, who was known as Radio Mullah for his use of FM frequencies to broadcast sermons to the people of Swat, was in Afghanistan`s eastern Nuristan province from where his fighters carried out raids on Pakistani border posts.

The Fazlullah group had accepted responsibility for a roadside bombing in Upper Dir that killed Maj Gen Sanaullah Niazi and another officer in mid-September this year and subsequently released a video of the attack.

The TTP announced that its shura had also chosen Sheikh Khalid Haqqani, a little known militant leaderfrom Swabi, as its deputy leader, effectively shifting the militant leadership from the tribal region to the settled districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

In a recent video message, Khalid Haqqani outlined TTP`s global jihad mission and said: `Our ongoing struggle is not restricted to the boundaries of Pakistan but connected to all [jihadi] movements in different regions of the world.

`Now we have people at the helm in the TTP who are opposed to talks with the government. This indicates the mood within the TTP,` a senior security official said.

`Not that there has ever been any optimism before, but this development changes the entire equation,` he said.

`The leadership has passed on from one set of radicals to another. They are all hardliners.

But some former security officials said the appointment of leaders from outside the tribal region indicated a rift between rival groups within the TTP vying for the top slot.

`The Mehsuds wouldn`t let the leadership go away from TTP`s birthplace,` former intelligence officer retired Brig Asad Munir said.

`Fazlullah and Khalid Haqqani have been brought in to avert a rift between rival Mehsud groups,` he said.

But the leader of TTP executive shura, Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani, said at a news conference in Miramshah that the unanimous election of the new leaders disproved the `propaganda` about a rift within the TTP.

He also threatened that the `federal government and Punjab and other provinces and security forces will be our target`.

He held Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif responsible for the death of Hakeemullah. `He bargained and sold out Hakeemullah to the Americans and we hold Nawaz Sharif and his Pakistan Muslim League responsible for his death, he said.

Bhittani said the militants would expand their activities to Punjab which so far has largely remained peaceful. `We are not politicians who issue hollow threats.

Our revenge from Punjab, the federal government and the security forces will be exemplary,` he said whiletalking to Dawn.

`But we assure the people that they would not be harmed.

However, the assurance is likely to be believed only by a few people as the government says about 50,000 people have lost their lives in terrorist attacks in more than a decade of militant activities in the country.

Bhittani accused the government of pursuing a dual policy. `Pakistani rulers are slaves of the Americans and Pakistan is a US colony. The rulers are keeping the people in the dark and deceiving the nation by speaking about talks while conspiring with the US to harm the Taliban,` he alleged.

(According to news agencies, Asmatullah Shaheen said at the press conference that the TTP would not negotiate with the government `until it announces the complete enforcement of sharia`.

`There will be no more talks as Mullah Fazlullah is already against negotiations with the Pakistan government,` Taliban spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said.

`We are one hundred percent sure that Pakistan fully supports the United States in its drone strikes,` he said.

Fazlullah opposes polio vaccinations and ordered closure of girls` schools.)

Pretending That Reviving the CIA/ISI Muj Training Program Is Riyadh’s Doing

[They used the same process in Bosnia and in Iraq.  The Pak Army is very efficient.  The Saudis called upon them during the siege of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.  Their disciplined trainers are very efficient at transmitting that training to rebel groups. 

It is laughable that the media is trying to make us believe that the Saudis would attempt to revive the trans-national network of Islamist recruitment and supply necessary for such a “shadow war,” without help from both the Pentagon and the CIA.  The name of the game is deniability.  The CIA has been very methodical in using first Qatari, then Saudi funds to reestablish the Islamist recruitment network in Syria.  First, the Qatari project brought in the most violent, radical Islamist militants….let’s call them “al-Qaeda,”  When the uproar began over the barbarity of these thugs, then the Saudis created the Nusra nexis, to impersonate “good Islamists,” even though they too have been called “al-Qaeda.”  The Saudis demand international support, on the grounds that failure to assist their good Islamists, would be tantamount to surrendering Syria to the “bad al-Qaeda,” even though the Gulf monarchs are financing both sides.  It is all a grand show for our benefit.

It is long past time that we helped Bashar al-Asad to eliminate ALL of these vermin “Islamist” scum from his country.  The question then becomes, do we then clean-out the huge nest of “Islamist” vipers in Riyadh?  That will all depend upon the Saudis themselves.  Will they also admit the error of their ways and seek to help the international effort to repair the unimaginable desolation that they have wrought in Syria?  Would such a change of heart make amends for the war crimes committed by both the US and the Saudis in creating this war?]

Saudi Arabia’s Shadow War


The Kingdom is turning to Pakistan to train Syria’s rebels. It’s a partnership that once went very wrong in Afghanistan. Will history repeat itself?


BEIRUT — Saudi Arabia, having largely abandoned hope that the United States will spearhead international efforts to topple the Assad regime, is embarking on a major new effort to train Syrian rebel forces. And according to three sources with knowledge of the program, Riyadh has enlisted the help of Pakistani instructors to do it.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, along with the CIA, also supported the Afghan rebels against the Soviet-backed government during the 1980s. That collaboration contains a cautionary note for the current day: The fractured Afghan rebels were unable to govern after the old regime fell, paving the way for chaos and the rise of the Taliban. Some of the insurgents, meanwhile, transformed into al Qaeda and eventually turned their weapons against their former patrons.

While the risk of blowback has been discussed in Riyadh, Saudis with knowledge of the training program describe it as an antidote to extremism, not a potential cause of it. They have described the kingdom’s effort as having two goals — toppling the Assad regime, and weakening al Qaeda-linked groups in the country. Prince Turki, the former Saudi intelligence chief and envoy to Washington, said in a recent interview that the mainstream opposition must be strengthened so that it could protect itself “these extremists who are coming from all over the place” to impose their own ideologies on Syria.

The ramped up Saudi effort has been spurred by the kingdom’s disillusionment with the United States. A Saudi insider with knowledge of the program described how Riyadh had determined to move ahead with its plans after coming to the conclusion that President Barack Obama was simply not prepared to move aggressively to oust Assad. “We didn’t know if the Americans would give [support] or not, but nothing ever came through,” the source said. “Now we know the president just didn’t want it.”

Pakistan’s role is so far relatively small, though another source with knowledge of Saudi thinking said that a plan was currently being debated to give Pakistan responsibility for training two rebel brigades, or around 5,000 to 10,000 fighters. Carnegie Middle East Center fellow Yezid Sayigh first noted the use of Pakistani instructors, writing that the Saudis were planning to build a Syrian rebel army of roughly 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers.

“The only way Assad will think about giving up power is if he’s faced with the threat of a credible, armed force,” said the Saudi insider.

A State Department official declined to comment on the Saudi training program.

Saudi Arabia’s decision to move forward with training the Syrian rebels independent of the United States is the latest sign of a split between the two longtime allies. In Syria, Saudi officials were aggrieved by Washington’s decision to cancel a strike on the Assad regime in reprisal for its chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburbs this summer. A top Saudi official told the Washington Post that Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan was unaware of the cancelation of the strike. “We found about it from CNN,” he said.

As a result, Saudi Arabia has given up on hopes that the United States would spearhead efforts to topple Assad and decided to press forward with its own plans to bolster rebel forces. That effort relies on a network of Saudi allies in addition to Pakistan, such as Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and France.

As Sayigh laid out in his Carnegie paper, Saudi Arabia is attempting to build “a new national army” for the rebels — a force with an “avowedly Sunni ideology” that could seize influence from mainstream Syrian opposition groups. In addition to its training program in Jordan, Saudi Arabia also helped organize the unification of roughly 50 rebel brigades into “the Army of Islam” under the leadership of Zahran Alloush, a Salafist commander whose father is a cleric based in the kingdom.