(Turkish Intelligence) MIK + PKK = PYD (Kurdish Democratic Union Party in Syria)

[SEE:  Kurdish-Kurdish conflict is a red line, PYD leader says ;  Statement by the Kurdish Youth Movement (TCK) about the latest events in the city of Amouda, and videos and pictures from the protests and sit ins ]

Abdullah Ocalan: Is The Famed Kurdish Leader A Double Agent Working For Turkish Intelligence Against His Own Party, The PKK?

Turkish National Intelligence Service (MİT) – Google Search


Turkish court summons spy chief over PKK talks | Atlantic Council

Paris suspect Ömer Güney is member of Turkish National Intelligence MIT: Former agent Murat Şahin

LOCAL – 2,000 ‘smugglers’ repelled at Syrian border: Turkish Army

The Global Intelligence Files – SYR/SYRIA/MIDDLE EAST

“We have planted the idea of a provisional administration to ensure delivery of the public services that have been hampered because of the war.”

We are against al-Assad and want him to be overthrown.

“‘Claims that we are with the regime are baseless. We have been a part of the opposition since the beginning,’ Muslim said.”

[SEE:  PYD Leader Saleh Muslim. “We are against Assad, We are under the command of Turkey, We want the overthrown of Assad…”  ;  Abdullah Ocalan: Is The Famed Kurdish Leader A Double Agent Working For Turkish Intelligence Against His Own Party, The PKK?  ;  Paris suspect Ömer Güney is member of Turkish National Intelligence MIT: Former agent Murat Şahin ]

Video- Kurdish civilians massacred by terrorists in Syria before the secret meeting between PYD Leader and Turkish Intelligence

islamic invitation turkey

The bloody massacre before secret meeting between PYD leader Saleh Muslim and Turkish Intelligence Chief Hakan Fidan?






Democratic Union Party (PYD) leader Saleh Muslim has arrived at Istanbul's Atatürk airport July 25 on a flight from Arbil, Hürriyet has reported. AA photo