
American Resistance To Empire

CIA Prolong Afghan War By Preventing Peace Talks To Proceed w/Out American Interference

[The US (CIA) and PakistanI (ISI) have consistently used the Taliban and especially the Taliban “talks” to maintain (prolong) the Afghan War (SEE: Timeline of Afghanistan’s Peace Parade Extravaganza).  In a complex, collateral conceit, the US and Pakistani intelligence services have collaborated to prolong the Afghan war by making it unwinnable.  It gets much worse, these same intel agencies have also manipulated Afghan intelligence–National Directorate of Security–(NDS) to serve their interests, as well.  In addition, the CIA has also manipulated the spy agencies of Afghanistan’s neighbors, i.e., Indian intelligence (RAW), Tajik intel (SCNS), Turkmen intel (MNB), possibly even including Iranian intel.  Outside of S.E.Asia, the CIA is a virtual partner of every Gulf and Israeli intelligence service.

When the CIA either subsidizes or partners with these agencies, the agency then develops assets within those agencies who answer to the CIA first, before their home governments (SEE: Human Nature Is the Enemy of the State ).  It uses these assets to stage terror attacks in their home or other targeted countries.  All of these terrorists were originally trained in Pakistan’s madrassas and in the training camps in Afghanistan by CIA/ISI trainers.

After the Russo-Afghan war ended, the agency-trained “mujahideen” were available for deployment on foreign assignments in places like Bosnia, under CIA direction.  In Pakistan’s case, the ISI followed CIA lead (Serbia, Egypt) and it developed and deployed these “ultras” terrorists from Afghanistan to Kashmir, to destabilize Indian efforts there and in Afghanistan.  As a spin-off to that effort, agents from India’s RAW persuaded the Afghan NDS to work covertly w/RAW and CIA to develop their own “anti-Pakistan” Taliban (SEE: The Indian Art of Turning Jihadis Into Anti-Jihadis and the War On Pakistan), in order to return the proxy war to its home base, on Pakistani soil.  Former Afghan NDS chief Amrullah Saleh never admitted that such a counter-terror operation even existed, but he did indeed describe this process:

“Insurgency is like grass. Two ways to destroy it: You cut the upper part, and after four months, you have it back. You poison the soil where that grass is, then you eliminate it forever.”

The following post from Khaama News, given below, is an interview with Saleh, where he highlights the nature of the AfPak hybrid war engineered by the CIA proxy services.]

17 Aug 2019

The former Afghan intelligence chief and running mate of Ashraf Ghani in presidential elections reacted to the killing of the brother of Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada in an explosion in Pakistan.

Saleh said in a Twitter post “The name of the Talbn politburo is Quetta Shura. It is located in Quetta of Pakistan.”

Furthermore, Saleh said “One of their senior members was killed today in a blast as the rift is growing over the deal with the US & prospects of peace. Seemingly ultra ISI are killing the less ISI Talibn. Cheap proxies.”

An explosion in a Madrassa killed Hafiz Ahmadullah, the younger brother of Mullah Haibatullah in Quetta city of Pakistan on Friday afternoon.

The explosion took place this afternoon inside a Madrassa in Kuchlak area located in the outskirts of Quetta city.

The Pakistani police officials confirmed that the explosion killed 3 other people and wounded more than 20 others.

[Mr. Saleh describes the bloody murder of Afghan Taliban chief’s brother near Quetta as:

“ultra ISI are killing the less ISI Talibn. Cheap proxies,”

meaning that ISI is harvesting low-hanging fruit of its own Taliban resources, accrediting the bombing to other Taliban and not ISI personnel.

This is version 1 of reports on the event in Baluchistan, from Afghan intelligence.  Version 2 comes from the Pakistani controlled press source, “The News”.  Version 2 on the bombing tries to blame it upon the Taliban faction loyal to Guantanamo releasee, Mullah Rasool, who has been linked to Afghan intelligence (SEE: Afghanistan Sponsoring Guantanamo Taliban Mullah Rasoul?).  The Pak version fails to convince when it is claimed that the perpetrator was a suicide-bomber.]

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